打印 6页 英语七 下词汇词组总复习三栏

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《打印 6页 英语七 下词汇词组总复习三栏》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《打印 6页 英语七 下词汇词组总复习三栏(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、I leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishestomorrow which person of the body implored。我荒废的今日,正是昨日殒身之人祈求的明日初一英语下册复习 白河农中 初一 2、5 班内部资料 第 1 页/ 共 6 页新目标英语七年级下期词汇词组总复习Unit 1 Wheres your pen pal from?1.pen pal = penfriend (笔友)2.be from = come from (来自于.)3.the United States = the USA = Ame

2、rica (美国)4.the United Kingdom = England = Britain (英国)5.city (单) cities (复)6.speak + 语言 (说某种语言 )7.same (相同的) 8.different (不同的) 9.too (也) = also ( 也) 10.too (太) 11.Where is/are sb. from? Sb. am/is/are from.。12.Where do/does sb. come from?Sb. come(s) fromUnit 2 Wheres the post office?1.There is/are (有

3、) + sth.(某物) +sw. (某处) ( 有某物在某处)2.Sb. have/has + sth. (某物 ) (某人有某物)3.next to.(贴近;靠近)4.between.and.(在两者之间)4.across from= on the other side of.(在对面)5.in front of.(在.外面的前面)6.in the front of( 在. 里面的前面)7.turn right/left (向右/左转) 8.on the right/left (在右/ 左边)9.on ones right/left (在某人的右/左边)10.near here = in

4、the neighborhood (在附近)11.in the picture ( 在图中) 12.go straight (直走)13.Go/Walk along/down.(沿着.走)14. 问路: a.Wheres the.,please? (请问, 在哪儿?)b.Is there a/annear here/in the neighborhood?(这儿附近有.吗?)15.a. take the + 序数词 +turning +on the right/leftb. turn right/left at the + 序数词 + turning.16.Excuse me (打扰一下;劳驾

5、一下)17.Youre welcome = Thats all right. =Not at all. (不用谢)18.clean (干净的 ) dirty (脏的)19.new(新的 ) old(旧的)20.big (大的) small (小的)21.quiet(安静) busy(忙的)22.Welcome to.(欢迎到.)23.the way to.(去.的路)24.the beginning of (.的开始)25.go through (穿过)26.take/have a walk = go for a walk (散步)27.take a taxi/bus (坐的士/ 汽车)28.

6、with (和一起;有着)29.enjoy doing sth. (喜欢做某事)Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?1.kind of = a little bit (有几分)2.a kind of.(一种.)3.all kinds of.(各种各样的.)4.be afraid of.(害怕.)5.leaf ( 单) leaves (复)6.at night = in the evening (在晚上)7.smart = clever (聪明)8.during the day (白天期间)9.beautiful ugly (丑陋的)Unit 4 I want to be

7、 an actor1.want to be a/an.(想要当.)2.shop assistant (店员)3.a.What + do/does + sb. +do? b.What + be +sb.?c.Whats + ones +job ? (某人是干什么工作的?)4.give sth. to sb. = give sb. sth. (把某物给某人)5.talk to/with.(与.交谈)6.TV station ( 电视台)8.police station (派出所)9.in a hospital (在医院里 )10.in hospital (住院)11.go out (出去)12.g

8、o back (回去)e out (出来)e back (回来)15.in the day (在白天)16.thief ( 单) thieves (复)17.hard = difficult (困难) easy ( 简单)18.be in (参加 ;在家)19.school play (校园剧)20.young (年轻的) old ( 老的 )21.put on (穿上) wear (穿着) 22.listen to.(听) hear (听见) 23.look at.(看) see (看见) Unit 5 Im watching TV1.现在进行时: a. 现在正在发生或进行的动作.b.构成:

9、 主语 + be 动词 + 动词的现在分词 c.动词现在分词的构成:一般直接在词尾加ing;以不发音e 结尾的,去 e加 ing;双写最后一个字母,再加 ing; eg: begin,get,let,sit,put,run,drop,hit,forget,swim,stop,travel,plan,shop;d.现在进行时的标志词:look, listen, now, Its + 时刻,2.do ones homework = do homework (做家庭作业)3.a.看电视/比赛用watch; b.看书/报纸/ 杂志用read;4.wait for.(等候.) 5.TV show (电视

10、节目)6.at school/home/work (在学校 /家/ 工作)7.Make telephone calls (打电话)a.Hello,here is/its + 电话号码 (你好!这儿是)b.Hello,may/can/could I speak to,please?(你好,我可以与通话吗 ?)c.Whos that (speaking) ? (你是谁?)d.This is.(speaking) . (我是.)e.Is that.(speaking)?/Is. there ? (你是.吗?)Unit 6 Its raining1.cloud (云) cloudy (多云的) win

11、d ( 风) windy (有风的)sun (太阳) sunny (晴朗的)rain ( 雨/ 下雨) rainy (下雨的)snow (雪/下雪) snowy (下雪的)2.询问天气: Whats the weather like? = Hows the weather ?Its + 气候 .3.Hows it going ? (情况怎样了?)4.pretty ( 相当) = quite /very ( 十分) pretty (漂亮) = beautiful5.hot (热) cold (冷)6.cool (凉爽) warm (暖和)7.humid (潮湿) dry (干燥 )8.lie (

12、躺) lying9.Thanks for sth./doing sth. (因.而感谢)10.on vacation (度假)11.on the beach (在沙滩上)12.take photos/pictures (照相)13.a group of( 一群) 14.beach volleyball (沙滩排球)15.be surprised (吃惊的)16.have a good/great/nice time = have fun (玩得高兴)17.everyone (每人) someone (某人) everything (一切)something (某物) nobody (没有人)

13、18.want sb.to do sth. (想要某人做某事)19.in order to(为了.)Unit 7 What does he look like ?1.short hair (短发) long hair (长发)2.straight hair (直发) curly hair (卷发)3.medium height (中等个子 )4.medium build ( 中等身材)5.What does/do + sb. + look like? (某人长什么样?)a.Sb. + be + 形容词/ b.Sb. has/have + 名词6.look like = be like (看起来

14、像.)7.always (总是) never ( 决不)8.stop doing sth. (停止做某事) stop to do sth. (停下来做.)9.tell jokes/stories (讲笑话 /故事)I leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishestomorrow which person of the body implored。我荒废的今日,正是昨日殒身之人祈求的明日初一英语下册复习 白河农中 初一 2、5 班内部资料 第 2 页/ 共 6 页10.remember (记得) forget ( 忘记)Uu

15、it 8 Id like some noodles1. Id like = I would like shed like = she would like2.would like = want to sth./to do sth. (想要某物/ 做某事)3.clean (干净的 ) dirty (脏的)/ ( 打扫) 4.beef and tomato noodles (牛肉西红柿面)5.chicken and cabbage noodles (鸡肉白菜面)6.potato and mutton noodles (土豆羊肉面)7.What kind of.would you like ? (你想要哪种?)What would you like/do you want ?(你想要什么?)8.What size bowl of noodles would you like?(你想要多大碗面?)Id like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles.9.as well as(也;而且)10.green tea (绿茶)11.orange juice (桔汁)12.a. or (或者) b.or ( 和) Unit 9 How was your weekend ?1.



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