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1、基于课堂观察促进小学英语教师专业发展的研究摘 要小学英语教师,作为我国义务教育和新课程改革的重要教师队伍,直接关乎着我国基础教育改革的成败,并且影响着小学生的英语水平。新一轮课程改革的贯彻与展开,对小学英语教师的教学观念、教学策略、教学技能等方面有着越来越高的要求。因此,作为新世纪的小学英语教师,只有具有终身学习的意识,不断提升自己的专业素养、专业品质,才能与时俱进,才能以饱满的热情胜任自己的工作岗位。目前,研究者对小学英语教师的专业发展日益关注,因此探讨适合于小学英语教师专业发展的策略具有重大的实践指导意义。 二十世纪 90 年代以来,教育领域对课堂的观察研究进入了高速发展阶段,然而观察英语

2、课堂的相关研究的并不多,对小学英语课堂观察的成果更是少见,基于以上分析,本论文采用实证研究的方法之一课堂观察,以团队的形式深入小学校园,扎根英语课堂,探索促进小学英语教师专业成长的有效途径。在与青岛市实验小学的协商下,青岛大学师范学院专家组与其达成合作协议,专家组对三年级英语教师徐老师的课进行课堂观察,对徐老师的课进行了分析和总结。据此,笔者基于课堂观察对提升小学英语教师专业发展的进行了归纳和总结。 本论文主要试图解决的问题如下: (1)如何开展有效的小学英语课堂观察,其具体步骤是怎样的? (2)基于课堂观察促进小学英语教师专业发展的有效性。通过与青岛市实验小学的合作,青岛大学师范学院专家组深

3、入小学课堂,展开了课例研究,笔者作为其中一员,亲自观察了一堂英语课。在徐老师的课例分析基础上,笔者总结了课堂观察前、观察中、观察后所应注意的事项,并总结了课堂观察对促进小学英语教师专业发展的有效性。关键词:小学;英语教师;专业发展;课堂观察The research based on classroom observation to promote the professional development of primary school English teachersAbstractAs an important part of improving the reform of “New C

4、urriculum” and the development of compulsory education, primary school English teachers play an indispensable role in the reform of basic education in our country, Besides, they are influencing primary school students. With the further implement of the new round of education curriculum reform, the h

5、igher demands for the teachers have been asked which include teaching concepts, teaching strategies and teaching skills, Therefore, in order to promote their professional quality and keep pace with the times, they should armed with the theory of life-long learning, so far, researchers are paying muc

6、h more attention on the professional development of English teachers in primary school, Consequently, it is very worthwhile to study the method of the teachers professional development of primary school English teachers. In the 1990s , The field of education focused on the study of classroom observa

7、tion, however, the related research on the observation carried on the English class was rare to be seen, and it is hard to find related materials and resources, according to the above analysis, This thesis takes one of the empirical research methods: classroom observation, in the process, we walked

8、into the primary school as a team and rooted in the English class, only in this way can the team explore the effective approach to boost the professional development of English teachers in primary school. In 2016, under the discussion between Qingdao experimental primary school in Qingdao city, Shan

9、dong province, the professors and English teachers in Qingdao were agreed with the project, the professors team has chosen and observed grade three English teacher Ms Xu, analysis and make a summary to her class. This thesis tries to solve two problems: The first one: How to carry out English classr

10、oom observation effectively in the primary school? What are the specific steps? The second one: Based on classroom observation to promote the effectiveness of the professional development of primary school English teachers. Through the cooperation with Qingdao experimental primary school, Qingdao Un

11、iversity Teachers College Group in-depth primary school classroom, launched a lesson study. The author, as one of the members, personally observed an English class. In the analysis of Ms Xus lesson on the basis, the author summarizes the matters that should pay attention before classroom observation

12、, in the classroom observation and after the classroom observation, and summarizes the teaching observation to promote the effectiveness of primary school English teachers professional development.Key words: primary school;English teacher; professional development; classroom observationThe research

13、based on classroom observation to promote the professional development of primary school English teachersChapter One Introduction1.1The Reasons For Study.1.1.1To satisfy the demand of the primary school English teachers professional development.For a long time, Many primary school English teachers w

14、ork hard, they realize the importance of self-development, and they want more opportunities to study and perfection. But they lack the guidance of practical activities and systematic theory activities to study. Some schools only care about the cultivation of students and neglect the demand of teache

15、rs development. This phenomenon causes teachers professional development becomes slogan and teachers often show job burnout. Classroom is an importance place for teachers working and teaching, which should be fully used. According to the study, classroom observation could be a platform for teachers

16、grass-root study and it is an importance way to realize teachers self-worth. Classroom observation not only can develop teachers practical course and their professional introspective consciousness, but also can develop teachers consciousness to participate the educational research to promote teachers improve their teachin



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