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1、早上没有什么事情做,所以收集了几首关于 california 的歌曲,总共七首。第一、二、三、五首最喜欢。一:hotel california老鹰乐队(the eagles)的经典曲目,来自安东尼奥.班德拉斯(Antonio Banderas)主演的“杀人三部曲”(Desperado ) ,歌词诡异,曲调优美,尤以曲尾的 solo 为最。一开始我都不知道里面在唱些什么,后来才知道那是吸毒后所产生的幻觉。On a dark desert highwayCool wind in my hairWarm smell of colitasRising up through the airUp ahea

2、d in the distanceI saw a shimmering lightMy head grew heavy, and my sight grew dimI had to stop for the nightThere she stood in the doorwayI heard the mission bellAnd I was thinking to myselfThis could be Heaven or this could be HellThen she lit up a candleAnd she showed me the wayThere were voices

3、down the corridorI thought I heard them sayWelcome to the Hotel CaliforniaSuch a lovely placeSuch a lovely place (background)Such a lovely facePlenty of room at the Hotel CaliforniaAny time of yearAny time of year (background)You can find it hereYou can find it hereHer mind is Tiffany twistedShes go

4、t the Mercedes bendsShes got a lot of pretty, pretty boysThat she calls friendsHow they dance in the courtyardSweet summer sweatSome dance to rememberSome dance to forgetSo I called up the CaptainPlease bring me my wineHe saidWe havent had that spirit here since 1969And still those voices are callin

5、g from far awayWake you up in the middle of the nightJust to hear them sayWelcome to the Hotel CaliforniaSuch a lovely PlaceSuch a lovely Place (background)Such a lovely faceTheyre livin it up at the Hotel CaliforniaWhat a nice surpriseWhat a nice surprise (background)Bring your alibiesMirrors on th

6、e ceilingDepict champaign on iceAnd she saidWe are all just prisoners hereOf our own deviceAnd in the masters chambersThey gathered for the feastThey stab it with their steely knivesBut they just cant kill the beastLast thing I rememberI was running for the doorI had to find the passage back to the

7、place I was beforeRelax said the nightmanWe are programed to recieveYou can check out any time you likeBut you can never leave二:california dreamin来自“阿甘正传” (Forrest Gump) , California Dreamin是 60 年代的美国街头音乐,来自1969 年“妈妈与爸爸(The Mamas and the Papas) ”合唱团的最早版本,四声部歌曲,很强的金属曲风和节奏感,配以完美的和声和流畅的旋律,流露出加州阳光摇滚迷人气息

8、。实际上,演唱这首歌的 The Mamas and the Papas 合唱团非常有名气,在六十年代的美国,几乎和 Beatles 齐名 90 年代初期,他们的子女又重新组成了同名合唱团,但是已经达不到当年他们父母的风采了。成员如下:Denny Doherty (1941)John Phillips (1935) Michelle Phillips (1944) Cass Elliot (1941- 1974)记得高二第一学期的时候,金毛在吃完中饭后最爱用它来试教室里的音响了。California DreaminAll the leaves are brown and the sky is g

9、ray. Ive been for a walk on a winters day. Id be safe and warm if I was in L.A.; California dreamin? on such a winters day. Stopped in to a church I passed along the way. Well I got down on my knees and I pretend to pray. You know the preacher liked the cold; He knows Im gonna stay. California dream

10、in? on such a winters day. All the leaves are brown and the sky is gray. Ive been for a walk on a winters day. If I didnt tell her I could leave today; California dreamin? on such a winters day. California dreamin? on such a winters day. California dreamin? on such a winters day.三:it never rains in

11、southern california1972 年,Albert Hammond 发行单曲It never rains in southern California ,该曲一发行就进入美国音乐榜前五。2005 年作为韩剧人鱼小姐的插曲在中国又火了一把。不过本人喜欢这首歌与什么小姐无关,听着这听似欢快的旋律,我想到那些在外地淘金的人们。他们风尘仆仆,远离他乡,来到这曾经如何渴望来到的城市,梦想与成就,今得否?这首歌貌似在百度上找不到,我费了好大劲儿才在狗狗上下到,里面是一段广播的截段,是什么知行音乐厅的介绍英文歌的时段,那位女主播的声音特别好听It Never Rains In Southern

12、 California singer:Albert Hammond Got on board a westbound seven forty-sevenDidnt think before deciding what to doOoh, that talk of opportunities, TV breaks and moviesRang true, sure rang true .Seems it never rains in southern CaliforniaSeems Ive often heard that kind of talk beforeIt never rains in

13、 California, but girl, dont they warn ya?It pours, man, it poursIm out of work, Im out of my headOut of self respect, Im out of breadIm underloved, Im underfed, I wanna go homeIt never rains in California, but girl, dont they warn ya?It pours, man, it poursWill you tell the folks back home I nearly

14、made it?Had offers but didnt know which one to takePlease dont tell them how you found meDont tell em how you found meGive me a break, give me a breakSeems it never rains in southern CaliforniaSeems Ive often heard that kind of talk beforeIt never rains in California, but girl, dont they warn ya?It

15、pours, man, it pour四:california love2pac 黑人传统的说唱配上迷幻的电子音效。五:californiaMylene Farmer一九六一年十二月九日出生在加拿大蒙特利尔,后来随父母移居法国,1986 年出道至今已经发行了 10 张专辑,36 张单曲 CD。Mylene Farmer 有精致的容貌和极富穿透力的歌声,像蝉翼一般薄到透明,但是在法国,却作为一个二线歌手屈居了十多年。收录在 1988 年的专辑 Ainsi soit-je.中的 Sans Contrefacon 应该可以算是 Mylene 的成名曲。这张专辑发行后,销售量达到 160 万张,在 M

16、ylene 至今为止的销售记录中,也是名列前茅的。但直到推出了一曲 California,才真正奠定她不可动摇的地位。百度贴吧中的人介绍:Mylene Farmer 的歌另类、富亲和力。她的声音穿透力极强,空灵的唱腔像蝉翼一般薄到透明,宛如天籁。与她极为精致的清秀外表相映衬,她的吐字含糊暧昧,歌声轻盈飘逸,恍如耳边的絮语;最为叫绝的便是她的慢歌,在淡淡的哀愁中又带着些许不安和无助,使听歌人不禁生出无限怜香惜玉之感,沉醉其中,不能自拔 此外,Mylene Farmer 还尝试在自己的歌曲中融入一些自然的声响,为作品平添了几分活力和灵气。例如在经典之作Pas le temps de vivre中,在旋律的开始阶段,便伴着安静的流水声,乍闻之下充满了惊为天人般的美丽。如果仔细倾听,听者就会发现流水声始终不离不弃地与 Mylene 的歌声交融在一起,Mylene 的声音时而轻柔,时而起伏,时而高亢,但始终没有丝毫突兀,仿佛从天堂里传出的圣颂般,不带


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