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1、课后前两道题答案Unit1 1 disaster 2 compelled3 historical 4 disciplined 5 destruction 6 output 7 retreat 8 abandoned9 trace 10 eternal11 investment 12 transfer13 justify 14 nonetheless15 contributions 16 accelerate17 threaten 1 show signs of 2 called upon3 off limits 4 in fear of 5 slow down 6 cut down7 from

2、 head to foot 8 come by9 lost out 10 as yet 11 reside in Unit 2 1 monitor 2 phenomenon3 isolation 4 gradual 5 opponent 6 advent7 genetic 8 consciously9 extreme 10 nasty11 boom 12 formal 13 soar 14 survey 15 similarly 16 modify 17 rough1 at the same time 2 are stuck with3 for certain 4 make no differ

3、ence 5 on average 6 when it comes to7 depends on 8 built into 9 come to mind 10 at workUnit3 Unit 3 1 quest 2 remained 3 consume 4 likewise5 vessel 6 qualify7 stiff 8 collapsed 9 predict 10 inevitably 11 absorbed 12 sheer 13 refining 14 paralyzed15 exchange1 in a way 2 act on 3 to such an extent tha

4、t 4 opens up 5 close off 6 look into Unit6 1 commonplace 2 enduring 3 dim 4 command 5 imperfaction 6 intensive 7 abandon 8 finite 9 mean 10 weaving11 additional 12 aspirations 13 gratitude 14 endless15 faithful 16 committed 1 live on 2 dawned upon3 live by 4 is invested with5 hold fast to 6 all too7

5、 step aside 8 set out 9 to and fro 10 work at Unit 7 1 furnish 2 resolve3 maintaining 4 discarded5 sanction 6 raise7 strip 8 bare9 bargain 10 simplified11 trade 12 downsize13 numerous 14 fraction15 plain 16 thereby17 rolling1 keep tracks of 2 It turned out that3 strip down to 4 take an interest in5

6、in return 6 is all of a piece7 for good 8 write out9 eat out 10 look back 11 cut out Unit 8 1 reflections 2 hastened 3 solitary 4 mystery5 fancy 6 expenses7 slender 8 purchse9 admission 10 subtle11 betrayed 12 significance13 possession 14 procession15 hints 16 conceal1 put off 2 was down to her last

7、3 at length 4 all the way5 counted for 6 under his breath7 ran riot 8 spent itself 9 beat back 10 drinking in11 out of work 12 on a full scholarship13 theres no way各个单元的词组Unit1 1) 大自然的王国 the realms of nature2) 为社会利益服务 serve the interests of society3) 气候环境 climatic conditions4) 在对的恐惧之中 in fear of5) 日

8、常必须品 daily necessities6) 打着“文明”的旗号 in the name of civilization7) 关注 be concerned with8) 不可替代的自然资源 irreplaceable natural resources9) 动态平衡 dynamic balance10) 不祥之兆 ominous sign11) 崩溃 break down12) 工业废物 industrial waste13) 人工合成材料 synthetic goods14) 从头到脚 from head to foot15) 自然循环 the cycle of natural pro

9、cesses 16) 在于 lie in17) 直到目前 as yet18) 回到我们的主题上 return to our theme 19) 自然规律 laws of nature20) 结果是 turn outUnit2 1) 国内生产总值 gross domestic product2) 预期寿命 life expectancy3) 富裕 well off 4) 平均 on average5) 永恒的课题 an eternal subject6) 工业革命 Industrial Revolution7) 突破性研究成果 groundbreaking work8) 人类命运 human l

10、ot9) 就而言 when it comes to10) 普遍现象 a universal phenomenon11) 彩票中奖者 lottery winners12) 幸福感 sense of well-being13) 起作用的原则 principles at work14) 牢记在心 keep in mind15) 没有影响 make no difference16) 好歹 for good or ill17) 身份资料失窃 identity theft18) 想到 come to mind19) 脆弱的隐私 fragile privacy20) 联网的数据库 linked databa

11、ses21) 被缠住 be stuck with 22) 医疗技术 medical technology23) 在更深层次上 on a deeper level24) 渴望 be hungry forUnit 3 1) 了解一些情况 have some grasp of the situation2) 积极予以肯定 have some positive sense of certainty3) 调查,研究 look into4) 逃走,溜掉 slip away5) 在某种程度上 in a way6) 把视为/设想成为 pictureas7) 在末尾 at the end of8) 换言之 in other words9) 无疑,必定 no doubt10) 在寻求的过程中 in ones quests for11) 一个学科 a field of learning 12) 惊讶于 be amazed at13) 有幸获得机会 luck into an opportunity14) 比如说,假设 lets say15) 而不是 rather than16) 更好把握 gain a better gra



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