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1、 1Chapter11 Points of view知识要点:I. Key words1. point of view 观点、看法、见解From my point of view, we should do more exercise to keep healthy.常见搭配:in ones point of view = in ones view= in ones opinion拓展: viewer 电视观众、观看者(C)2. advertising 做广告,广告宣传 , 广告(业) (UC)扩展:advertise, advertiser, advertisementadvertiseme

2、nt n 广告 (C) advertise v 做广告 advertiser n 广告商,广告公司 People who make _are called _._ to children is wrong Not everything that _is good for us.3. illegal “非法的,违法的 ”无比较级,在句中可作表语、定语。反义词 legal 合法的,法定的 - legally adv. 合法地 Its an illegal matter 那是违法的事常见搭配:be illegal for sb to do sth.4. latest adj. 最新的,最近的;最晚的

3、区别:late, later, latest, latelyHe is always _ for school.This is the _ news.He comes here _.He got there ten minutes _.常见用法:Better _ than never! 迟做总比不做好。See you _! sooner or later 迟早 no later than 不迟于 later on 以后,后来5. wealthy 富有的 adj wealth n. 财富 (Health is wealth.)其比较级:wealthier 或 more wealthy 最高级:w

4、ealthiest 或 most wealthy e.g. She has a wealthy family.区别:wealthy 与 rich wealthy 富裕的,一般指财势上的富裕,常指拥有大量财产的人 有时也指拥有其它东西,此时与 rich 通用。rich,可指钱财,也可指物资、精神上的其它东西,富的可以是人也可以是物。The country gets _ because of the_ oil. 这个国家因为丰富的石油而变富。be wealthy = be rich 有钱的 the wealthy = the rich 富人6. identify v. 认出,识别,认为同一iden

5、tify with sb 与某人产生共鸣、认同某人 e.g. He is a person who can identify with you in some way . 扩展:identify sth. with sth. 认为某事与某事等同 2e.g. He identifies beauty with goodness.One cannot identify happiness with wealth.7. earn 挣得, 获得 earn money = make money “ 赚钱 ”earn ones living = make ones living “ 谋生 ”eg: He

6、earned money as a waiter 扩展:earning (n) 收入8. educator n 教育者 - educate v 教育 - education n 教育 - educational adj 教育的An _ must _himself The teachers who really understand _ aims can help their students be successful 9. ban v 禁止,其过去式与过去分词均为 banned . ban 指合法地或由于社会压力而禁止,含谴责或不赞成的态度常见搭配:ban doing sth 禁止做某事 b

7、an sb from doing 禁止某人做某事ban 还可作可数名词,意为“ 禁止,禁令 ” a ban on smoking 严禁吸烟区别:forbid, prohibitforbid 用于较小事物, 或个人、上级、官方、长辈做出的禁止命令、规定,或客观条件不允许,通常搭配形式: forbid sb. to do sth. (forbid forbad -forbidden)prohibit 指通过法律、法令、警告等作出禁止命令的正式规定或规则,通常搭配形式: prohibit sb. from sth/doing sth.10. fit adj. 健康的,强健的 (be fit for

8、) ,多指通过锻炼而体型美。healthy adj. 指身体健康无疾病well adj. 指健康的,身体从病痛中好起来She goes for a walk to keep _.My father is _ now.11. disease n. 疾病,指具体疾病时可数,统称疾病时不可数。It was a horrible disease.illness n. 疾病,指因生病导致的不健康状态。sickness n. 疾病,伴有呕心,呕吐之意。12. suffer v. 遭受, 经历, 忍受Some people are suffering hunger there.扩展:suffer from

9、+ 疾病 e.g. He often suffers from headaches.13. benefit n. 益处 (C)- beneficial (adj.)He got a lot of benefits by helping others.常见用法:a public benefit 公益be of benefit to 对有裨益 Its of benefit to your health.for the benefit of 为.的利益 For the benefit of himself, he hurt me.get the benefit from 从得到益处 We can g

10、et the benefit from the game.II. Key phrases1. points of view 观点 2. turninto 把.变成; 把.翻译成.3. be aimed at 针对,旨在 34. according to 根据5. get the attention of sb 得到.的注意 = get ones attentionattract ones attention / pay attention to 6. identify with 与某人产生共鸣 7. take action 采取行动/措施8. put pressure on sb (to do

11、 sth) 对.施加压力9. be allowed to do 被允许做某事 allow sb to do sth He allows us to go out for a walk.allow doing sth. He allows smoking here.中考链接:People who drink wine _ to drive after May Day.A. dont allow B. isnt allowed C. mustnt allow D. mustnt be allowed扩展:permit sb to do sth/ permit doing sth 允许做某事,语气比

12、 allow 强烈,反义词 forbid10. be bad for 对-有害 = be harmful for 11. in addition 另外 = besides in addition to 除以外 = besides/as well as _, I can help you do housework _ his wife , his son also went to see him 12. encourage sth/ encourage sb to do sth 13. agree with sb. / disagree with sb14. have fun = enjoy o

13、neself = have a good time15. stay up 熬夜 = sit up16. free of charge 免费地17. dream of/about doing 梦想做某事18. suggest doing 19. on the one hand on the other hand 一方面,另一方面 20. cause trouble to sb 给某人惹麻烦21. the key to 的关键,钥匙III. Key sentences1. What does the writer of D think of advertising to children?常见句型

14、:询问某人对某人,物的看法 What do /does think of/about?= How do/does like?Eg: What do you think of the new computer? = How do you like the new computer?2. Not everyone is happy to see children become consumers. (部分否定)拓展:当 not 与 all, both, everything, everybody, everyone 等连用时,表部分否定。若表全部否定,需用相应的否定词:all none, both

15、 neither, everything nothing, everybody nobody, always never比较:Not everyone likes rock music. Nobody likes rock music. 43. Wear tennis shoes on the tennis courts.区别:wear, put on, in, dressThe woman _ a red coat is _ her son. 穿红外套的女士在给她儿子穿衣服。“_your sweater,” she said to a boy _ blue. 4. No football after 8 p.m.祈使句:1) No + n/doing! No parking! / No pho


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