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1、中华人民共和国担保法 Security Law of the Peoples Republic of China 发文机关:全国人民代表大会常务委员会发布日期: 1995.06.30生效日期: 1995.10.01时效性: 现行有效文号: 主席令第五十号Promulgating Agency:Standing Committee of the National Peoples CongressPublished Date: 1995.06.30Effective Date: 1995.10.01Validity Status: valid中华人民共和国担保法主席令第五十号1995 年 6 月

2、30 日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十四次会议通过,1995 年 6 月 30 日中华人民共和国主席令第 50 号公布Security Law of the Peoples Republic of ChinaAdopted 30 June 1995 by the Fourteenth Session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National Peoples Congress第一章 总 则 CHAPTER I GENERAL PRINCIPLES第一条 为促进资金融通和商品流通,保障债权的实现,发展社会主义市场经济,制定本法。Arti

3、cle 1. This Law is formulated in order to promote the accommodation of funds and circulation of commodities so as to ensure the satisfaction of creditors claims as well as to advance the development of the socialist market economy.第二条 在借贷、买卖、货物运输、加工承揽等经济活动中,债权人需要以担保方式保障其债权实现的,可以依照本法规定设定Article 2. In

4、 economic activities such as financial and commercial transactions, transportation of goods and contracted processing, if a creditor 担保。本法规定的担保方式为保证、抵押、质押、留置和定金。requires that the satisfaction of his/her claim be ensured by means of a security, he/she may make use of a security in accordance with the

5、 provisions of the Law.Guarantees, mortgages, pledges and liens shall all be securities for the purposes of this Law.第三条 担保活动应当遵循平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则。Article 3. Securities shall be undertaken in compliance with the principles of equality, voluntariness, fairness, honesty and mutual trust.第四条 第三人为债务人向债权人

6、提供担保时,可以要求债务人提供反担保。反担保适用本法担保的规定。Article 4. A third party who provides security to a creditor on behalf of a debtor may request that the debtor provide counter-security.The stipulations of this Act shall also apply to counter-securities.第五条 担保合同是主合同的从合同,主合同无效,担保合同无效。担保合同另有约定的,按照约定。担保合同被确认无效后,债务人、担保人、

7、债权人有过错的,应当根据其过错各自承担相应的民事责任。Article 5. A security contract is an ancillary contract to the principal contract. If the principal contract is void, the security contract is thereupon void. Where the security contract stipulates otherwise, those stipulations shall be complied with.If a security contract

8、 is confirmed to be void and the debtor, creditor or person providing the security is at fault, that person shall be civilly liable in proportion to his/her fault.第二章 保 证 CHAPTER II GUARANTEE第一节 保证和保证人 Section 1 Guarantee and Guarantor第六条 本法所称保证,是指保证人和债权人约定,当债务人不履行债务时,保证人按照约定履行债务或者承担责任的行为。Article 6.

9、 For the purposes of the Law, the term guarantee shall refer to the act of a guarantor, pursuant to an agreement between the guarantor and the creditor, in performing the obligations of or bearing liability for a debtor when that debtor fails to perform his/her obligations.第七条 具有代为清偿债务能力的法人、其他组织或者公民

10、,可Article 7. Corporations, other organisations or citizens who are able to perform the obligations 以作保证人。 of the debtor in a representative capacity may act as guarantors.第八条 国家机关不得为保证人,但经国务院批准为使用外国政府或者国际经济组织贷款进行转贷的除外。Article 8. State organs shall not act as guarantors, except where loans from forei

11、gn governments or international economic organisations are used in the form of a sub-loan with the approval of the State Council.第九条 学校、幼儿园、医院等以公益为目的的事业单位、社会团体不得为保证人。Article 9. Non-profit institutions and social welfare organisations, such as schools, kindergartens and hospitals, shall not act as gu

12、arantors.第十条 企业法人的分支机构、职能部门不得为保证人。企业法人的分支机构有法人书面授权的,可以在授权范围内提供保证。Article 10. Branch organisations and functional departments of enterprise corporations shall not act as guarantors.Branch organisations of enterprise corporations may, with written authorisation from the parent corporation, provide a g

13、uarantee within the scope of the authorisation.第十一条 任何单位和个人不得强令银行等金融机构或者企业为他人提供保证;银行等金融机构或者企业对强令其为他人提供保证的行为,有权拒绝。Article 11. No organisation or individual shall coerce an enterprise or a financial institution such as a bank to provide a guarantee for any party. The financial institution or enterpris

14、e has the right to refuse such coercion.第十二条 同一债务有两个以上保证人的,保证人应当按照保证合同约定的保证份额,承担保证责任。没有约定保证份额的,保证人承担连带责任,债权人可以要求任何一个保证人承担全部保证责任,保证人都负有担保全部债权实现的义务。已经承担保证责任的保证人,有权向债务人追偿,或者要求承担连带责任的其他保证人清偿其应当承担的份额。Article 12. If there are more than two guarantors for one debt, the guarantors shall share liability in a

15、ccordance with the amounts agreed in the guarantee contract. If there is no stipulation in the contract as to the amount of each guarantors liability, the guarantors shall assume joint liability. The creditor may demand that one of the guarantors assume full guarantee liability and in that case any

16、one of the guarantors may be liable to bear the obligation to do so. The guarantor who has assumed the guarantee liability is entitled to seek compensation from the debtor or demand other guarantors with whom he/she shares joint liability to pay their share of compensation.第二节 保证合同和保证方式 Section 2 Guarantee Contract and Methods of Guarantee第十三条 保证人与债权人应当以书面形式订立保证合同。Article 13. A guarantor and the creditor shall enter



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