广州旧版六年级英语上册unit 4巩固练习

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1、六年级上册 Unit 4 巩固练习1、选出划线部分读音不同的选项。( ) 1. A. how B. cow C. borrow ( ) 2. A .home B. no C. not ( ) 3. A. chess B. Christmas C. much( ) 4. A. grape B. flag C. giraffe ( ) 5. A. says B. sure C. noisy2、单词辨析(一)找出每组单词中与其它三项不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. excellent B. flag C. nation ( ) 2. A. Italy B. Chinese C. Australia(

2、 ) 3. A. country B. China C. England( ) 4. A. big B. largest C. happiest( ) 5. A. capital B. Beijing C. Paris(二)对以下单词进行分类A. China B. England C. Italian D. ChineseE. Paris F. English G. Italy H. Rome I. Tokyo J. America K. New York L. Sydney 6. 国家: 7. 国籍: 8. 城市: 3、英汉互译国旗 国庆节 中国国旗 一位优秀的学生 Whats the ca

3、pital of China? 上海是中国最大的城市。 What national flag is it ? Washington D. C is bigger than Wellington. 4、单选题 ( ) 1. The flag of Canada is _.A. blue and red B. green and red C. red and white( ) 2. Spring in Britain is long. It _ for about four months.A. begins B. ends C. lasts( ) 3. Sally, Jane and I are

4、good friends, We always go to school _.A. again B. together C. each other( ) 4. The name of that restaurant sounds _. I dont think it is near our school.A. strange B. delicious C. wet( ) 5. The capital of _ is Tokyo.A. China B. England C. Japan( ) 6. This isnt _ French national flag. Its _ Italian n

5、ational flag.A. a,an B. an, a C. a, a( ) 7. Russian is much _ than China . It is the _ country in the world.A. smaller; smallest B. larger; largest C. bigger; biggest( ) 8. People in Russia speak _.A. French B. English C. Russian( ) 9. How do you think of Rome? Is it _?A. beautiful B. pretty C. hand

6、some( ) 10. - I have never been to Beijing. - Why _ you go with me next week?A. arent B. not C. dont( ) 11. _ you _ to visit these cities?A. Do; want B. Does; want C.Do; wants( ) 12. John is my _ friend of all the classmates.A. good B. best C. better( ) 13. New York is the _ city of the USA.A. bigge

7、st B. biggest C. most big( ) 14. The Changjiang River is _ longest river in China.A. a B. an C. the( ) 15. Why not _ basketball with us? A. play B. plays C. playing5、用所给词的适当形式填空:1. The children plan _ (visit) Sydney Opera (悉尼歌剧院) next week.2. He often _ (go) to Shanghai in May.3. There _ (be) five s

8、tars in our national flag.4. A: _ your mother _ (like) Italy? B: Yes, she _.5. Both my brother and sister are _ (tall). But my brother is _ (tall) than my sister.6. The children _ (write) now.7. Xiaoling _ (have) a beautiful toy.8. My uncle _ (live) and _ (work) in Nanjing.9. Our national flag _ (be

9、) red. There _ (be) five stars on it.10.The children and the teacher _ (go) to Beijing next week.6、按照实际情况回答1. What colour of the national flag of Russia?2. How many stars are there on the national flag of the USA?3. Is Sydney the capital of Australia?4. Is India (印度) bigger than China?5. What city i

10、s the capital of New Zealand?7、情景对话(1)读对话,根据对话补充所缺的单词。Sally:Janet:Sally:Janet:Hi, Janet. Winter holiday is coming. What are you going to _?Im going to visit Beijing _ my family.Thats great! _ are you going to start?On January 30th.Sally:Janet:Sally:Janet:Sally:Janet:_ are you going there?_ plane._ _

11、 are you going to stay in Beijing?_ five days.I hope you will _ fun in Beijing.I hope so. Thank you.(2)选择合适的选项补全对话。A. And how about the meat? B. Can I help you?C. What do you need? D. What day is it today?E. And how about the tomatoes? F. Whats the date today?G. What are you doing? H. What are you g

12、oing to do?A: Excuse me. _1_ B: It s June 2nd.A: Oh, its my mothers birthday.B: _2_ A: Im going to have dumplings for dinner.B: _3_A: OK. Can you go to the market?B: Sure. _4_A: I need a kilo of meat and two kilos of tomatoes.B: How much is the meat?A: Its twenty yuan a kilo.B: _5_A: Theyre three yu

13、an a kilo. Heres fifty yuan.B: Thats enough.8、完形填空Mike is a little boy. He 1 four year old. One day, his mother 2 him to see his grandmother. His grandmothers home is very far 3 their house. So they go there 4 . There 5 only a few people on the bus . They all sit on 6 seats. Mike is very happy. He looks 7 the window and talks with his mother. After a while, Mike starts running on the


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