unit3整理(上外)新编英语教程 大一下

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1、A New English Course 2Unit 3Language StructuresLanguage structures: passive sentence1. involving the modal auxiliary have to 2. converted from the active sentence with a direct and an indirect object.3. involving the verb phrase/phrasal verb.4. formed by the they say/ it is saidpatterns.学习要点:多动词充当谓语

2、的被动语态同简单谓语动词一样,把整个词组作谓语,动词的被动语态可根据情况有数和时态的变化。e.g.-The matter has been taken up by the police. It is being looked into now.-A short play will be put on at the party.-New questions are constantly being brought upon on the agenda.-The children are taken good care of in the nursery.-Such a practice must

3、 not be looked down upon.New words and expressions:magnetic a. with the properties of a magnet; having a powerful attraction 具有磁性的,有强大吸引力的e.g.-The block becomes magnetic when the current is switched on. 通电时线圈即具有磁性。-He is the most magnetic male dance in the Royal Ballet. 他是皇家芭蕾舞剧团最有魅力的男性。Collection:a

4、 magnetic smile 具有吸引力的微笑。magnetic field 磁场magnetic needle 磁针magnetic tape 录音带,录像带Word family: magnet n. 磁铁 magnetize v.磁化 magnetism n. 磁性,磁学conscientious a. (of a people or conduct) careful to do one ought to do, and do it as well as one can. (指人或行为)认真的,刻苦的,负责的e.g.-She is an excellent student-bright

5、, attentive and conscientious.sewerage:n. 排水设备, 污水e.g. -The government plans to improve the local sewerage networks under a series of sewerage collecting plans. A New English Course 2renovate v. restore (esp. old buildings) to good condition 修复(尤指建筑物)修整Word family: renovation n. 修整e.g.-This college

6、is under renovation. 这所学院正在进行修复。Comparison:restore refresh renovaterestore 多用于书面,常指在耗尽,枯竭或病倒后恢复到原来正常的状态,也可指由于天长日久,事故,战火而遭到损害和伤害之后,恢复到原来的状态。或在失去某种重要的,基本的性质特点后恢复到原来的状态。refresh 常指提供某种必要的东西使精力恢复,使精神振作,或是失去的东西得到补充。renovate 几乎只用于物质方面的东西。不能用于抽象的东西,而且也不那么有文采,不那么富有修辞意味或诗意。它仅表示打扫,整修或是翻新某物,尤其是久的建筑物,使其焕然一新。e.g.

7、-We sincerely hope that you will soon be restored to health.-Sleep refreshes both body and mind.-The house cannot be renovated Language structures:1. overtime2. physical handicap3. expandPractice:4. The tape-recorders give scratchy sounds.5. magnetic heads6. jaywalk7. tell the pedestrians to use the

8、 zebra crossing8. work overtime9. practical10.hoarse voice11. shabby clothes12. hand out brochures to visitors at the exhibition13. put forward a good proposal at the discussion14. arrive at a decision at the meeting15. enjoyment16. an amusement park17. a place to go fro recreation and pleasure18. s

9、et up a modern sewerage system19. draw up a plan20. map out a construction planDialogue IA New English Course 2New words and expressions:turn out to be/ turn out that: prove to be sb./ sth.证明是,结果是e.g. -This job turned out to be harder than we thought. -It turned out that we couldnt stay longer.Bothe

10、r v. bring trouble to sbThank you, but please dont bother.What a bother! We miss the last bus.if the worst comes to the worst: if the worst possible situation actually happens 若情况太困难或是太危险e.g.-If the worst comes to the worst, we will have to cancel our holiday plans. riot: n. wild or violent disturba

11、nce by a crowd of people 暴乱,骚乱。e.g.-Therell be a riot if the government doesnt invest more in this service. Collection: run riot 撒野,闹事e.g.-Football hooligans ran riot throughout the town. Word family:riot v.暴动 riotous a. 混乱的。exaggerate v.: make (sth) seem larger, better, worse etc. than it really is

12、, beyond the truth. e.g.-He always exaggerates to make his stories more amusing.-She always exaggerates when she tells something shes done.Word family: exaggerated a. 夸张的; exaggeration n. 夸张e.g. -He has an exaggerated sense of his own importance. terminal a.: of the last stage, at the end. 晚期的,末期的。n

13、. area or a building at a railway station, bus, ship or airport. 终点站,候机楼。e.g.-His illness is terminal. (cannot be cured) -Dont leave your luggage unattended in the terminal building. mob n. large disorderly crowd, esp. one that has gathered to attack or cause mischiefe.g.-An angry mob is attacking t

14、he palace.elbow ones way to 用肘挤push and press ones way to 又推又压A New English Course 2old, aged, elderly, elderold 主要强调人处于年龄的后一阶段,还表示任何动物 “老的”或东西“陈旧” 。aged 在表示年岁已高的同时,还有衰弱的含义。elderly 主要强调年岁已过中年,渐老的意思。常意味着尊严而不是累赘。elder “年纪较长的 ”,用于指家庭兄弟姐妹之间的年龄较长者或者是一群人中年龄较大者。e.g.-His mother is beginning to look old.-You

15、 should respect elderly people.-She is my elder daughter. -The sick and the aged need our help.preoccupy v. engage (sb. or his mind, thought, etc.)so that he cant think of other things, obsess 占据某人的思想,迷住。e.g.-Something seems to be preoccupying her at the moment. He was preoccupied with a problem of

16、his own. Word family:preoccupied a. 心不在焉 preoccupation n.You look preoccupied: what are you thinking of?spit and litterlitter v. make a place dirty, scatter rubbish.乱扔垃圾 n. rubbish 垃圾。e.g.-Hes always littering up the room with his old magazines.-Her desk was covered in a litter of books and papers. pass sth. down (esp. passive) 将某物从一代传给下一代。e.g.-Knowledge has been passed down over the centuries. 1.


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