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1、1Unit 1 Topic 3 Section A(P17)翻译 1、谈论 _ 2、在操场上 _3、参加_ 4、 跳高_5 、跳远_ 6、加油 _7、接力赛_ 8、男子 800 米赛_ 9、确信_ 10、交朋友_ 11、为准备好 _ 12、一双运动鞋 _13、玩得高兴_ 翻译句子.1.你打算参加什么比赛?我打算参加跳高和跳远_2. 这是我第一次参加学校运动会。_3.我会在运动会期间交到朋友_知识链接 (在文中找到以下知识点,同时在书上标出并批注在书本空白处。1、 take part in 参加 be in + 活动 参加活动 take part in 参加, 后接活动名词, 相当于 join

2、in。 be in + 活动,表示 “参加某活动” ,相当于 take part in【小试牛刀】我将要参加足球赛。I will take part in the football match. = I will _ _ the football match. = I will _ _ the football match.2、 Its ones first time to do sth 某人第一次做某事【点拨】Its ones first time to do sth. = Its the first time for sb. to do sth. eg:Its my first time

3、to see the cute pandas.=Its the first time for me to see the cute pandas.这是我第一次看到可爱的大熊猫。eg:这是 Maria 第一次来中国。Its Marias _ _ _ _ _ _ to China= Its _ _ _ _ Maria _ _ to China.3、 l have fun 玩得高兴 相当于 enjoy oneself 和 have a good time快乐地做某事,和玩得愉快,和相处得愉快孩子们十分快乐地跳舞。The children have great fun _.4、make friends

4、 交朋友 make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友你愿意和我交朋友吗?Would you like to _ _ _ me?目标检测 根据汉语提示完成句子。1. After finishing _(男子千米赛跑),Mr. Zhang felt very tired.2. Im glad that many people like _ (跳高).3. _ (做早操) will keep us healthy.4. I want to _ (交朋友) Lucy and Lily.5. _ _ (好好练). I believe you will win.单选 1. I enjoy _

5、 English. And I want to join the School English Corner.A. speaking B. speak C. speaks D. to speak2. I think I will get _ fun with them.A. many B. lots of C. a lot D. lots3. I have a pet dog and I have fun _ it every day.2A. for B. in C. with D. on4. Something is wrong with my glasses. Ill buy a new

6、_.A. one B. pair C. glasses D. ones 5. -Im sorry to keep you _ for two hours.-Never mind. I know the traffic is too bad.A. singing B. waiting C. serving D. smoking.(选作)、给方框中的每个词组找到恰当的位置。(用其适当形式填空)1. Jim thinks the people in Xinxiang are very kind, so he wants to _ them.2. -Would you like to _ ?-Yes,

7、 Id love to learn more knowledge (知识) in your club.3. We had a class party last night. We _.4. In the girls 200-meter race, Mary was behind others, but the teacher still _ her _.5. The children are very clever and active. I am sure I will _ them.、句型转换 1. Li Ming will take part in the high jump. (提问)

8、_2. They will get up early tomorrow. (改否定句)_ _3. It is the first time for me to visit Xinxiang. (同义句)_Unit 1 Topic 3 Section B(P19)翻译 1. 运动衣和运动鞋_ _ 2 让我们一起去 _3. 带上相机去照相_4.在学校大门_5. 去看电影_ 6. 在公交车站_知识链接 1、 shall 的用法 shall 同 I 和 we 连用, 表示“将来, 将会” , 后接动词原形。如:下周这个时候我就应该在英国了。At this time next week I shall

9、be in England. 否定 shall not = shant, 过去式 should。如我们不去那儿。We shant go there.我说过我乐意帮忙。I said I should be glad to help. 在疑问句中与 I/we 连用,表示提出或征求意见。我带上我的相机怎么样?_我们在哪见面? _2、 make it half past six 把时间定在六点半 make 在此处的意思是“定,约定” 。-我们什么时候见面?_-让我们定在六点吧。_3、 at 用法 at 表示空间 “在,在上” ,后常接小地点。at my house 在我家 at the school

10、gate 在学校门口 at the theater 在剧院 at the train station 在火车站 at 表示时间“在时” at 6:00 在六点钟 at night 在夜间4、 win v.获胜,赢 【课文原句】Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal for China in 1984.win v.获胜,赢; 其过去式为 _ 获胜者 _ enjoy oneself, cheer on, join our club, make friends with, have fun with3我们赢了上周那场比赛。We _ the match last wee

11、k.他们是冠军。 They are _.目标检测 、根据汉语提示完成句子。1. -when shall we meet? -_ _ _(定在) half past five?2. -Hello, _ _ (您是) Mr. Wang? -Yes, speaking.3. _ _ _ (将有) another exciting basketball game.4. Please _ the box _ (把递给)Lily.5. We will meet _ _ _ (在操场上).句型转换 1. Lets go to the zoo, shall we?(同义句转换)_ _ go to the zoo?2. I will go with you today. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ go with _ today?3. The two boys will get some food for us.(改为否定句)The two girls _ get _ food for us.Unit 1 Topic 3Section C(P21 )翻译 1.的象征_ 2.代表_3.至少_ 4.每四年_5. 轮流_6.越来越流行_7.将来_ 8、有机会做某事_句子 1.它的格言是“更快,更高,更强” _2.奥运五环是奥运会的标志


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