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1、I摘 要拍卖是出卖者通过公开叫价的方式,将物品卖给出价最高的购买者的一种交易形式。本文介绍了用 JSP 工具建立一个电子商务拍卖网站。该设计遵循了软件工程中软件生命周期法(瀑布模型);按照软件分析、软件设计、软件编码、和软件维护分为定义系统目标、可行性分析、需求分析、概要设计、详细设计、软件编码、软件测试、软件维护等九个阶段 。并将面对用户的 WEB 界面采 B/S 结构和对于后台数据挖掘的管理逻辑层采用 C/S。在本文第三步分的过程论述中,采用了结构化设计方法,采用了数据流程图(DFD),数据字典、程序流程图等工具清晰的展示升级过程。保证了系统的健壮性,可维护性,可扩充性。建立后的网站是一个

2、动态、交互式、具有在线拍卖、商品提供、系统管理等功能的 CTOC商务拍卖网站。关键词: 拍卖,在线拍卖,系统管理IIABSTRACTAuction Website of Ecommerce ABSTRACT Auction is a kind of transaction method of selling merchandise to the persons who can bid the highest price. The thesis expounds how to build an E-Business Auction web site by use of software tool

3、s such as JSP. The design keeps to the classic life cycle of software engineering (waterfall model). According to software analysis, software design, software code and software maintenance, the design is divided into nine processes such as define systematic goal, feasibility analysis, demand analysi

4、s, outline design, design, software code, software test in detail, software maintain. In the web interface of user, we adopt B/S structure. And we adopt C/S to backstage supporter management logic layer that needs data mining. Course of the third of expounding the fact, adopt the structure design me

5、thod in this text, use data flow chart( DFD), data dictionary, procedure flow chart, etc. tool to clear show upgrade the course. The ones that have guaranteed the system are stalwart, the maintainability, and expandability. The main process is in the three part which descriptions the analysis and de

6、sign. In that part we use a structured system develop methodology -the structure analysis and structure design. We use a lot of method such as data flow diagram and data dictionary to describe the process of building the system. The built web site is a dynamic and interactive CTOC Business Auction w

7、ebsite that has functions of auction online, commodities supply and system management. Keywords: Auction, Auction online, system management.III目 录摘 要 .IABSTRACT .II第 1 章 绪 论 .11.1 背景与意义 .11.1.1 网上竞拍系统的发展 .11.1.2 网上竞拍的现状 .21.1.3 网上竞拍系统的构建 .21.2 研究内容 .3第 2 章 程序开发的技术基础 .42.1 HTML 语言 .42.2 JSP 技术 .52.2.1 JSP 概述 .52.2.2 JSP 工作原理 .52.3 数据库原理 .72.3.1 SQL 语言简单介绍 .72.3.2 JDBCODBC 技术介绍 .82.3.3 Mysql 数据库 .82.4 本章小结 .11第 3 章 网上竞拍系统的设计 .123.1 系统设计 .123.1.1 拍卖系统设计原理 .123.1.2 系统功能分析 .123.1.3 页面设计 .133.2 数据库设计 .163.2.1 数据库需求分析 .163.2.2 数据库的逻辑结构分析 .163.2.3 数据表概要说明 .173.3 本章小结 .



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