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1、1. FlUENT 1.1 求解方面 1.1.1 floating point error 是什么意思?怎样避免它? Floating point error 已经提过很多次了并且也已经对它讨论了许多。下面是在 Fluent 论坛上的一些答案: 从数值计算方面看,计算机所执行的运算在计算机内是以浮点数(floating point number)来表示的。那些由于用户的非法数值计算或者所用计算机的限制所引起的错误称为 floating point error。 1)非法运算:最简单的例子是使用 Newton Raphson 方法来求解 f(x)=0 的根时,如果执行第 N 次迭代时有,x=x(

2、N),f(x(N)=0,那么根据公式 x(N+1)=x(N)-f(x(N)/ f(x(N)进行下一次迭代时就会出现被 0 除的错误。 2)上溢或下溢:这种错误是数据太大或太小造成的,数据太大称为上溢,太小称为下溢。这样的数据在计算机中不能被处理器的算术运算单元进行计算。 3)舍入错误:当对数据进行舍入时,一些重的数字会被丢失并且不可再恢复。例如,如果对 0.1 进行舍入取整,得到的值为 0,如果再对它又进行计算就会导致错误。 避免方法 计算和迭代 我认为设一个比较小的时间步长会比较好的。或者改成小的欠松驰因子也会比较好。从我的经验来看,我把欠松驰因子设为默认值的 1/3;降低欠松驰因子或使用耦

3、合隐式求解;改变欠松驰因子,如果是非稳态问题可能是时间步长太大;改善 solver-control-limits 比例或许会有帮助;你需要降低 Courant 数;如果仍然有错误,不选择compute from 初始化求解域,然后单击 init。再选择你想从哪个面初始化并迭代,这样应该会起作用。另外一个原因可能是 courant 数太大,就样就是说两次迭代之间的时间步太大并且计算结果变化也较大(残差高) 。 网格问题 当我开始缩放网格时就会发生这个错误。在 Gambit 中,所有的尺寸都是以 mm为单位,在 fluent 按 scale 按钮把它转换成 m,然后迭代几百次时就会发生这种错误。但

4、是当我不把网格缩放到 m 时,让它和在 Gambit 中一样,迭代就会成功;我认为你应当检查网格,你的网格数太多了,使用较少的网格问题就会解决;网格太多,计算机资源不够用,使使比较粗的网格。 边界条件 在我的分析中,我设了一个 wall 边界条件来代迭 axis 边界条件,结果 fluent 拒绝计算并告诉我 floating point error。你的边界条件不能代表真实的物理现象;错误的边界条件定义可能会导致 floating point error。例如把内边界设成 interior;一次我使用对称边界条件模拟 2D 区间时也遇到这种问题,我把 symmetry 设为 axe symm

5、etric,就发生了floating point error;检查你设的湍流参数,减小湍流强度,先进行 50 次迭代。 多处理器问题 我近来在进行多处理器模拟时也遇到相似的问题。问题的解决方法是在单个处理器上运行,这样就运算得很好。 错误迭代 以错误的条件来初始化,在开始迭代时就会发生 floating point error。 1.1.2 coupled 和 segregated 求解有什么区别? Coupled 会同时求解所有的方程(质量守恒方程、动量守恒方程和能量守恒方 程)而不是单个方程求解(方程互相分离) 。当速度和压力高度耦合(高压和高速)时应该使用耦合求解,但这样会需要较长的计算

6、时间。 在耦合求解中,能量方程中总是包含组分扩散(Species Diffusion Term)项。 当使用 segregated 求解时,fluent 允许指定固体材料的各项异性传导性。 求解方法主要根据要求解的模型来选择。Segregated 方法是基于压力,而 coupled 求解是基于密度的。这样就使得 segregated 求解低速流动较好而 coupled 求解音速/ 超音速问题较好。我不推荐使用 coupled 求解所有低于马赫数 4 的流动(直到基于压力的 coupled求解方法出现在下一个 fluent 版本中) 。我曾经用 segregated 方法求解直到 1.5 马赫的

7、问题,并且结果很好。但是速度越高,需要的网格就越多(因为 segregated 趋向于“ 平滑”波动) ,所以必须多加注意划分网格。 Coupled 方法使用默认设置时往往是比较稳定的。Segregated 方法常常对容许极根很敏感。当使用 segregated 方法求解时,不要提高 turbulent viscosity ration limit(除非你根据过去的经验或者你的物理模型有很好的理由超过这个极限,但我从没有听说这样是比较理想的) 。不要给压力和温度极限限定的合理的范围(例如 Plimits=Pstatic+/-(2*dynamic pressure))来计算适当的温度。你要每一个

8、可能的错误都检查到。What does floating point error mean? How can I avoid it? The floating point error has been reported many times and discussed a lot. Here are some of the answers found in the Fluent Forum: From numerical computation view point , the basic operations performed by computer are represented ins

9、ide computer in what is called floating point numbers. The errors that are either because of invalid numeric computation initiated by user or limitation of machine that is used are floating point errors. 1)Invalid Operations:- Simplest example is if one uses Newton Raphson root finding method to sol

10、ve f(x)=0 and for some Nth iteration if we get x = x(N) such that derivative of function f(x), f(x(N)=0 then formula for calculating next iterate x(N+1) = x(N) - f(x(N)/f(x(N) requires division by f(x(N) which is zero. Here you get divide by zero type of floating point error. 2) Over or Underflow:-

11、Another type is having data with either too large or too small magnitude called overflow or underflow respectively.Such data cannot be physically represented on computer for direct processing by arithmetic processing part of Processor. 3) Rounding off errors :- While rounding off a decimal number ,

12、some significant digits are lost which cannot be recovered . e.g. if we round off 0.1 to integer (not greater than it called floor of the given no.) then it is zero. If this value if further used for computation then it may lead to several errors. SOLVER AND ITERATION -I think if you set shorter tim

13、e step, it may be good. Or changing little Under-Relaxiation-Factors, it may be good. In my experience, I set 1/3 Under-Relaxiation-Factors as default. -also lower the values of under relaxation factor and use the coupled implicit solver -Try to change under-relaxation factors and if it is unsteady

14、problem maybe time step is to large. -you can improve the ratio in the solve-control-limits, maybe that can help. -you will need to decrease the Courant number -If you still get the error, initialize the domain with nothing to Compute from. Then click init. Again select the surface from which you wa

15、nt to compute the initial values & iterate. This should work. -Another reason could be a to high courant number - that means, that the steps between two iterations are too large and the change in the results is too large as well (high residuals) GRID PROBLEMS -this error comes when I start scaling g

16、rid. in gambit, all my dimension is in mm, when in fluent i convert it in meter using buttone SCALE. after it, when i iterate, about hundred iteration, this error appeared. but when i not scale my drawing to m.and let it be as in gambit.then the iteration is success. -hi I think you should check your mesh grid mesh is very high. your problem solve by selection a low mesh. -Your mesh


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