Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships―Friendship

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《Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships―Friendship》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships―Friendship(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 3 Interpersonal RelationshipsFriendship(满分 150分;时间 120分钟) 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分) 第一节(共 5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 7.5分) 听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在?卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What are the speakers talking about? A. Inviting friends to dinner. B. The work of t

2、heir friends. C. The plan for the weekend. 2. What will the man do? A. Go home in Alices car. B. Wait for Alice to take him home. C. Ask someone else to take him home. 3. Why does the man decide to go to Hainan Island? A. It is beautiful than Hawaii. B. The food there is better. C. The food there is

3、 cheap and good. 4. What will the man be doing at 10:30 tomorrow evening? A. Seeing a film. B. Sleeping in bed. C. Eating in a restaurant. 5. Whats wrong with the car? A. Its out of gas. B. Its broken. C. Its oil has frozen. 第二节(共 15小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 22.5分) 听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选

4、出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6段材料,回答第 6至 7题。 6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Mother and son. B. Teacher and student. C. Classmates. 7. How long do students stay in school every day? A. Five hours. B. Seven hours. C. N

5、ine hours. 听第 7段材料,回答第 8至 10题。 8. How many people will the man prepare breakfast for? A. Ten. B. Thirty. C. Thirteen. 9. What time will the breakfast be ready? A. At 9:00. B. At 7:00. C. At 7:30. 10. Who will drive the guests to the bus stop? A. The man. B. The woman. C. The mans brother. 听第 8段材料,回答

6、第 11至 13题。 11. What gave Mr Black the idea of traveling by bike? A. An accident. B. A website. C. A trip to Spain. 12. What does Mr Black do? A. He teaches geography. B. He writes geography books. C. He sells bikes. 13. What will Mr Black do next summer? A. Travel the country again. B. Travel around

7、 the world. C. Ask more people to join him. 听第 9段材料,回答第 14至 17题。 14. Who did Mrs Black quarrel with last night? A. The man. B. Her husband. C. Her son. 15. What does Mrs Black want her son to do? A. To go to China for further education. B. To work in her snack bar. C. To settle down in China. 16. Ho

8、w long does Mrs Blacks son have to stay in China? A. Two years. B. Three years. C. Four years. 17. What does the man advise Mrs Black to do? A. Open a snack bar in China. B. Go and see her son in China. C. Stay in her homeland. ?第 10段材料,回答第 18至 20题。 18. What was the county like? A. It was small and

9、poor. B. It had a population of 90,000. C. Its education was in a good state. 19. How many students were there in the first school? A. Five. B. Fifteen. C. Fifty. 20. What subject was taught in the old schools? A. Science. B. Drawing. C. Writing. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分) 第一节(共 15小题;每小题 2分,满分 30分) 阅读下列短

10、文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Time talks. It speaks more simply than words. Time communicates in many ways. Consider the different parts of the day, for example. The time of the day when something is done can give a special meaning to the event. Factory managers in the United States

11、fully realize the importance of an announcement made during the middle of the morning or afternoon that takes everyone away from his work. In the United States, it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the day, while he is shaving (刮胡子) or hav

12、ing breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very urgent and needs immediate attention. It is the same with telephone calls made after 11:00 pm. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he probably thinks it is a matter of life or death. The time chosen for the call communic

13、ates its importance. The meanings of time differ in different parts of the world. Thus, misunderstanding arises between people from cultures that treat time differently. In the United States, people often think of time as something fixed in nature, something from which one cannot escape. As a rule,

14、Americans think of time as a road into the future, along which one progresses. The road has many sections, which are to be kept separate. “One thing at a time”. Thus, an American may feel angry when he has made an appointment with someone and then finds a lot of other things happening at the same ti

15、me. Americans look ahead and are concerned almost entirely with the future. The American idea of the future is limited, however. It is the foreseeable future and not the future involving many centuries. Since time has many different meanings in different cultures, communication is often difficult. W

16、e will understand each other a little better if we can keep this fact in mind. 21. Why is it important to make an announcement during the day in a factory according to Paragraph 2? A. It has a special meaning to the workers. B. It communicates in many ways. C. It makes everyone lose his job. D. It is made by the manager. 22. In the view of the writer, a phone call made after 11:00 pm in the United States is considered _ . A. to be a th


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