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1、350 万吨/年常减压蒸馏装置常压加热炉设计学 院: 环境与化学工程学院 专 业 、班 级:过程装备与控制工程 081 班 学 生 姓 名: 指导教师(职称): 赵启成(副教授) 完 成 日 期: 2012 年 5 月 18 日 350 万吨/年常减压蒸馏装置常压加热炉设计总计:毕业论文:56 页表 格:5 个插 图:9 幅指导教师:赵启成评 阅 人:王景昌完成日期:2012 年 5 月 18 日350 万吨/年常减压蒸馏装置常压加热炉设计I摘要管式加热炉是一种火力加热设备,它利用燃料在炉膛内燃烧时产生的高温火焰与烟气作为热源,加热在炉管中高速流动的介质,使其达到工艺规定的温度,以供给介质在进

2、行分馏、裂解或反应等加工过程中所需要的热量,保证生产正常进行。本设计为年产 350 万吨/年原油圆筒加热炉,在本设计中,主要完成对辐射段、对流段以及烟道的工艺尺寸的计算、热量的衡算、钢结构的计算及校核和加热炉各零部件的选用。其中辐射室工艺尺寸包括辐射室炉管的直径、炉管的壁厚、炉管的长度、炉管的根数、辐射室的外形尺寸等;对流室的工艺尺寸包括对流炉管的形式、炉管的直径、炉管的壁厚、炉管的排数及每排的根数、热量衡算的部分包括计算热负荷、燃料量、燃烧器的规格和根数。本设计的要点是加热炉高的热效率,提高燃油的利用率。常采用的措施有降低炉子的排烟温度、减小过热空气系数、减少化学部完全燃烧损失、减少机械不完

3、全燃烧损失、减少炉壁散热等。也可以设置烟气余热回收系统来提高加热炉的热效率。关键字:加热炉;炉管;辐射;对流350 万吨/年常减压蒸馏装置常压加热炉设计IIAbstractTubular-furnace heating equipment is a kind of firepower, which the use of fuel combustion in the furnace when the flame and flue gas temperature as a heat source, heating in the furnace tube in the high-speed flow

4、 of medium to reach the process temperature requirements, in order to supply medium during fractionation, decomposition or reaction process, such as the heat required to ensure normal production. The design for the annual production capacity of three million fifty tons of crude oil Cylindrical furna

5、ce, in the completion of the design of the main paragraph of radiation, convection, as well as the size of the stack process, the heat balance, steel structure and the calculation and checking Selection of the various furnace components. Room size radiation technology, including radiation chamber fu

6、rnace tube diameter, tube wall thickness, tube length, the root of the number of tube radiation, such as room dimensions; convection process room size, including the form of convection furnace tubes, furnace tube diameter, wall thickness of the tube, the tube row number and the root of the number of

7、 each row, the heat balance calculation of the part, including fuel, the specifications of the burner and root number.The gist of the present furnace design with high thermal efficiency and fuel utilization. Measures often used to reduce the furnace flue gas temperature, reducing the over-heated air

8、 coefficient, the Department of incomplete combustion to reduce the loss of chemicals to reduce the mechanical loss of incomplete combustion, reduce heat, such as furnace wall. Flue gas can also be set up waste heat recovery system to increase the thermal efficiency of furnace.Keywords: Furnace; Fur

9、nace tube;Radiation;Convection350 万吨/年常减压蒸馏装置常压加热炉设计I目录1. 概述 .11.1 课题背景 .11.2 本课题发展方向 .11.3 管式加热炉的一般结构 .21.3.1 辐射室 .21.3.2 对流室 .21.3.4 燃烧器 .31.3.5 通风系统 .81.4 管式加热炉的种类 .91.5 炉型选用的基本原则 .102. 工艺计算 .122.1 加热炉热负荷的确定 .122.1.1 燃料性质及工艺条件 .122.1.2 加热炉热负荷计算 .122.2 燃料燃烧过程计算 .132.2.1 燃烧的发热量 .132.2.2 理论空气量 .132.2.3 烟气量及烟气组成 .142.3 热效率计算 .152.3.1 加热炉的热平衡 .152.3.2 燃料用量 .172.3.3 加热炉热效率 .182.4 辐射段计算 .182.4.1 辐射段热负荷 .



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