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1、本科学生毕业设计RL5200XYK 翼开启厢式汽车改装设计院系名称: 汽车与交通工程学院 专业班级: 车辆工程 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: The Graduation Design for Bachelors DegreeDesign of RL5200XYK Wing Opening Box vanCandidate: Specialty:Veheicle EngineeringClass:B07-1Supervisor:Associate Prof. Heilongjiang Institute of Technology I摘 要翼开启厢式汽车是一种能适应现代物流发展需要的新型运


3、用汽车;翼开启厢式汽车;车厢;改装设计;ANSYS IIABSTRACTWings open the van is a vehicle to adapt to the new needs of modern transport logistics development models, will have broad market prospects. The most notable feature of loading and unloading efficiency. Currently, there are a lot of special vehicle manufacturers

4、to produce such models, the promotion of wing opening van car can greatly make up for van loading and unloading general lack of low efficiency, shorten cycle times, lower transportation costs, the development of the national economy has important significance. This paper introduces the total mass of

5、 the wing open 20t conversion van car design specification. On the car, open the door wing, wing doors operational agencies, wing doors mechanical locking mechanism, hydraulic system, and take a detailed design of power system, and a comparative analysis of different options to ensure that the wings

6、 open the van and utility vehicle advanced nature of the car chassis and top shelf support beams of solid modeling and ANSYS, ensuring the design is reasonable. Described in the modified car during wing opening van prone to problems and works related equipment, and vehicle performance is analyzed. K

7、ey words: Special Vehicle; Wing Opening Box Van;Car; IIIDesign Modifications;ANSYS目 录摘要 .IAbstract .II第 1 章 绪论 .11.1 改装翼开启厢式汽车的目的和意义 .11.2 国内外现状及发展前景.11.2.1 国内外发展现状 .11.2.2 翼开启厢式汽车的发展前景 .21.3 翼开启厢式汽车的特点.31.4 课题主要内容 .31.4.1 设计内容 .31.4.2 技术路线 .3第 2 章 总布置方案及二类底盘选型 .5 IV2.1 整车总布置 .52.1.1 翼开门形式方案 .52.1.2

8、 方案分析与选择 .72.2 二类底盘选型 .82.2.1 二类底盘选择方案.82.2.2 二类底盘初选 .82.2.3 所选底盘具体参数.92.3 本章小结 .10第 3 章 车厢设计.113.1 车厢尺寸参数的确定 .113.1.1 车厢外廓尺寸.113.1.2 车厢内框尺寸.113.2 车厢结构与设计 .113.2.1 车厢骨架结构设计 .113.2.2 蒙皮的设计 .203.3 车厢门、密封条的设计 .203.3.1 车厢后门的设计 .203.3.2 密封条的设计.213.4 车厢设计校核 .213.4.1 车厢质量.213.4.2 使用 ANSYS12.0 对车厢底架静态分析 .223.4.3 使用 ANSYS 对车厢顶架支撑梁静态分析 .243.5 本章小结 .26第 4 章 液压系统设计与取力系统布置.274.1 液压控制系统设计.274.1.1 工作原理 .274.1.2 液压系统原理布置 .274.2 液压缸选型.294.3 液压泵及液压控制阀的选择 .304.3.1 液压泵选择 .304.3.2 液压阀选择 .


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