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1、郑州大学西亚斯国际学院从广告语言及创意看中美文化差异The Chinese-American Culture Differences in theLanguage and Creativity of Advertisement姓 名学 籍 号专 业 商务英语级 别 2007系 别 外语学院指导教师填表日期: 2011 年 4 月 18 日The Chinese-American Culture Differences in the Language and Creativity of Advertisement从广告语言及创意看中美文化差异ID NO. Tan Beijia (Tara Tan

2、)Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of EnglishSIAS International College of Zhengzhou UniversityApril 18, 2011Faculty Advisor: Yao YujieAcknowledgmentsI would like to express my sincere appreciation to my supervisor, Ms. Yao Yujie, for all her support a

3、nd encouragement through the whole process of my writing and researching, and for her useful comments and advices on my thesis in all aspects. Without her great patience and generous help, the completion of this thesis would not have been possible.Also, I heartily thank all other teachers who have t

4、aught and instructed me during my B.A course.Finally, my special gratitude goes to my family and my close friends, who have shown care, love and expectation throughout my thesis writing. They always stand by my side whenever I need them. It is my fortune to have them all in my life.iAbstractWith the

5、 globalization of politics and economy, the economic and cultural exchanges with foreign countries are increasing. As a specific carrier of culture, advertisement has become a significant instrument in cross-cultural-communication. Besides, advertising is subordinate to culture, and influenced by cu

6、lture. A sharp contrast does exist in culture differences between China and America, so do the advertisements which can be traced in the language and creativity of advertising.Advertisements are products of economy. In cross-cultural-communication, each countries histories, values and thinking patte

7、rns are unique, thus the cultural contrast is inevitable. When Chinese advertisements showing in the global market, there is a crash between Chinese traditional culture and Western culture. Therefore, it has a significant meaning to research on the Chinese and American culture differences in adverti

8、sing that can help Chinese enterprises break the cultural barrier in the foreign market and can make them more competent.This thesis firstly introduces culture, advertisements and the relationship between them, through the different features of Chinese and American advertisements to explain the reas

9、on why the differences exist in perspective of advertising language and creativity. In the end, the thesis sums up the suggestions and makes strategies for advertisers. Chinese enterprises and advertising practitioners shall meet the challenges and catch the opportunities to successfully occupy dome

10、stic market and enter international market.Keywords: advertisements; culture; language; creativity; valueii摘要随着全球政治、经济一体化的发展,国内外经济、文化的交流日益频繁。广告,作为一种特殊的文化载体,已经成为不同国家的人们开展文化传播与交流的重要工具。同时,广告还是文化重要组成部分,受文化的影响,又承载并反映着文化。而语言和创意则是实现广告的特定载体和具体表现形式。广告是商品经济的产物,它已深入到社会、经济、文化等各个领域。在全球化文化的传播与交流中,由于各国的历史积淀、价值观和思维


12、议,制定或调整广告策略。中国广告要勇敢的迎接挑战,敏锐的抓住机遇,实现超越与梦想,达到复兴和辉煌,使中国广告走出国门,走向世界。关键词:广告;文化;语言;创意;价值观iiiOutlineIntroduction .11.1The meaning of culture .11.2The meaning of advertisement .21.3The relationship between culture and advertisements .31.4Culture in advertisements .41.4.1From the aspect of language.41.4.2Fro

13、m the aspect of creativity.5Features of Chinese advertisements and American advertisements.62.1 Features of Chinese advertisements .62.1.1 The emphasis of family .62.1.2 The emphasis of caption .62.2 Features of American advertisements .72.2.1 The emphasis of individuality .72.2.2 The emphasis of humor .8 Comparison between Chinese culture and American culture in the language and creativity.


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