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1、IBT TOEFL 历年词汇题汇总A1. abandon=left 被遗弃的2. aberrant=abnormal 脱离常轨的3. abort=quit 夭折,中止4. abruptly=suddenly 突然地,意外地5. absorb=take in 吸收;被吸进6. absorb=appeal 吸收;被吸进7. absorb=learn(学习)吸收8. abstract=no concrete 抽象的;非实际的9. absurd=ridiculous 荒谬的,可笑的10. abundance=large amount 大量11. abundance=great number 大量12.

2、 abundant=affluent 丰富的;大量的13. abundant=ample 丰富的,大量的14. abundant=numerous 丰富的,大量的15. abundant=plentiful 丰富的,大量的16. abundant=substantial 丰富的,大量的17. access=reach 接近18. accessible=easy to reach 易接近的19. accessible=reachable 可接近的20. accidental=unexpected 意外的,偶然的21. accommodate=provide for 提供22. accomplis

3、hed=achieved 实现的,完成的23. account=description 说明24. account for=explain 说明25. accumulate= pile up 积累,聚集26. accumulate=collect 累积,聚集27. accurate=correct 正确的28. accurately=correctly 正确地29. be accustomed to=get used to 习惯30. acknowledge=recognize 承认31. actually=in fact 事实上32. added=extra 附加的,额外的33. adept

4、=skilled 熟练的34. adherent=supporter 拥护者35. adjacent=nearby 毗连的36. adjacent=neighboring 毗连的37. adjust=modify 调整,改变以适应38. adopt=enact 采用39. advance=improvement 发展,增长40. advent=arrival 出现,到来41. advent=beginning 出现,到来42. affair=matter 事件,事情43. afford=provide 提供,给予44. aggravate=increase 加重,加剧45. aggravate

5、=annoy 使.恼火46. aggregate=overall 聚集的,合计的47. aggregate=combined 聚集的,合计的48. agile=astute 灵活的;敏捷的49. agile=clever 灵活的,敏捷的50. agile=move and act quickly 灵活的,敏捷的51. air=feeling 气氛52. alarm=warning 警告53. alarm=sound 警报54. albeit=even though 尽管,虽然55. allow=enable 允许56. allude=suggest 暗示57. allude to= refer

6、 to 提到58. ally with=link to 结盟;联合59. alter=change to 改变60. amazing=remarkable 令人惊讶的,非凡的61. ambiguous=vague 模棱两可的;不明确的62. ambivalent=mixed 矛盾的63. ample=plentiful 充足的;丰富的64. anchor=hold in place 使固定65. ancient=antique 古老的66. annihilate=destroy 消灭67. annihilate=completely remove 消灭68. annually=yearly 每

7、年69. anomaly=irregularity 异常的人或物70. antagonist=competitor 对手;敌手71. anticipate=expect 预期72. antiseptic=clean 抗菌的73. antithesis=opposite 对立面74. antler=horn 鹿角75. anxiety=worry 忧虑,担心76. apart from=except for 除了.之外77. apart from=exception 除了.之外78. apparatus=equipment 仪器,设备79. apparent=obvious 显然的80. app

8、arently=clearly 显然地81. appeal=attraction 吸引力82. broad appeal=wide popularity 广泛的吸引力83. appealing=attractive 有吸引力的84. appear=seem 似乎85. appearance=rise 出现86. appearance=showing up 出现87. appearance=arrival 出现88. application=use 应用89. appreciable=noticeable 相当可观的90. approach=method 方法91. approach= move

9、 toward 接近92. approximately=roughly 大约地93. architecture=structure 构造94. archive=record 存档95. archive=stock 存档96. archive=store 存档97. arduous=difficult 艰巨的98. arid=dry 干旱的99. arise=emerge 出现100. arrangement=configuration 安排,布置101. array=range 一系列102. article=item 物品103. article=object 物品104. as a rul

10、e=in general 通常105. assert=declare 断言,宣称106. assertion=strong statement 断言,主张107. assertion=strong statement 断言,主张108. asset=advantage 资产,有力条件109. assimilate=combine 同化110. assistant=help 帮助,协助111. assorted=various 各式各样的112. assume=believe 假定,假想113. assume=take on 承担114. assumption=premise 假设、115. a

11、stonishing =amazing 惊人的116. astute=clever 敏锐的117. attachment=preference for 依恋118. attain=achieve 达到,获得119. attainment=accompanying 伴随的120. attest to=confirm 证实121. attribute=accredit 归于,认为122. attribute=credit with 归于,认为123. attribute=characteristic 特征124. attribution=character 属性125. augment=incre

12、ase 增加,提高126. available=obtainable 可获得的127. avenue=method 途径,手段128. avenue=means 途径,手段129. avid=enthusiastic=热衷的130. be aware of=familiar with 了解B131. barely=just 仅仅132. barge=boat 驳船133. barrier=obstacle 障碍134. barrier=impediment 障碍135. visual barrier =obstacle to view 视觉障碍136. battle=struggle 搏斗,奋

13、斗137. beckon=invite 召唤,引诱138. be beforehand=foreordain 预先139. being=creature 生命140. beneficial=advantageous 有益的141. blossom= flourish 兴旺142. blossom=thrive 兴旺143. boast=puff 自吹自擂地说,吹嘘144. boast=exaggerate 自吹自擂的说,吹嘘145. bombard=assail 炮击,轰击146. bombard=assault 炮击,轰击147. bombard=strike 炮击,轰击148. boom=

14、 expansion 激增,暴涨149. boon=great benefit 利益150. boost= raise 增加,提高151. boundary=periphery 边界152. branch=division 分支153. breed=reproduce 繁殖,饲养154. brilliant=bright 光辉的,明亮的155. brittle=breakable 脆弱的156. brittle=fragile 脆弱的157. broadly= generally 大体上158. broadly=extensively 大体上159. bulk=great quantity 大

15、部分160. bulk=majority 大部分161. bulk=large portion 大部分162. bulk= large part 大部分163. bulk=major part 主体164. burgeon=expand 急速成长165. bustling=lively 活跃的、C166. camouflage=blend with circumstance 伪装167. camouflage=decorate 伪装168. camouflage=hide 伪装169. cardinal=fundamental 基本的170. cargo=shipment 船货,货物171.

16、celebrated=famous 著名的172. central=essential 主要的173. certain=specified 指定的174. chancy=risky 冒险的175. channel=direct 引导176. channel=guide 引导177. channel=provide 提供帮助178. chaotic=disorganized 混乱的179. cherish=value 珍爱180. chief=major 主要的181. chisel=carve 刻,凿182. choose=opt 选择183. chronic=persistent 长期的,不断的184. chronic=confirmed 长期的,不断的185. chronic=habitual 长期的,不断的186. chronic=inveterate 长期的,不断的187. chronically=constantly 长期地188. circuitous=indirect 迂回的189. circumstance=condition 环境,境况190.


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