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1、Good Sentences & words collectionEncourage: inkrid vt 鼓励, 激励,促进, 助长, 激发 : encouragement nencourage a man to work better 鼓励一个人更好地工作;be encouraged by be encouraged by 受.鼓励 鼓舞 ; warmly encourage 热情鼓励; Our teacher encouraged us to learn English 老师 鼓励 大家学习英语;He encouraged his students to constantly bring

2、 forth new ideas in painting and to obtain even better results 他 鼓励学生在绘画上不断创新, 取得更好的成绩。This victory has greatly boosted the armys morale 这次战斗的胜利大大鼓励了军队士气; The rocket boosts the astronaut into space 这火箭能把宇航员送入太空;Excite: iksait vt 使兴奋, 使激动 This announcement greatly excited us 这个通知使我们大为激动; vt 激发, 引起 Th

3、e professors lecture excited our interest. 那个教授讲的课引起了我们的兴趣excite attention interest, jealousy 引起注意兴趣, 妒忌Everybody was excited by the news of victory. 每个人都为这胜利的消息而激动;Her new dress excited envy 她的新服装使人羡慕;Strong coffee excites your nerves. 浓咖啡使你神经兴奋;vi. 口 兴奋, 激动 Dont excite! 别激动, 冷静点儿!Excitement, n. 刺激

4、, 兴奋, 激动, 骚动, 使人兴奋的事Passionate adj 多情的 Anne is a passionate girl. 安妮是个多情的女孩 表现充满 激情的 , 激昂的 He is said to be the most passionate man.热切的; 强烈的 Joe is passionate about baseball. 乔十分爱好棒球Cogitative:adj. 深思熟虑的, 有思考力的.Considered: adj. 经过仔细考虑的 , 经过深思熟虑的.-It is my considered opinion that we cant afford to do

5、 it.我们承担不了这事, 这是我经过深思熟虑的意见 (反义:harebrained 轻率的. ill-considered 不充分考虑的,不妥当的,考虑不周的; 不明智的;unconsidered -随口说出的; 未经深思熟虑的)Coquettish:adj. (女子)卖弄风情的,妖艳的,迷人的, 轻佻的; Giddy: adj. 轻浮的, 不稳重的, 轻率的; a giddy life of pleasure-放荡的生活; a giddy young girl-轻佻的少;女Flighty: adj. (尤指女人或其行为)轻浮的, 朝三暮四的, 反复无常的; a flighty girl-轻

6、浮的少女; She is too flighty to take care of young children-她太不负责任, 不能照顾小孩; Enchanting: 妩媚的,使人喜悦的, 可爱的; 迷人的Fascinating: 迷人的, 有极大吸引力的; The changing vivid colours of the sunset are really fascinating-日落时变化多端的色彩确实使人心醉神迷Arrogant: adj. 傲慢的, 自大的; John is so arrogant that he thinks he is better than everyone e

7、lse-约翰太骄傲自大,以为比谁都强; an arrogant person 骄傲自大的人; be arrogant toward sb 对某人傲慢无礼.Fretful: adj. 易忿怒的 , 焦急的, 不高兴的, 不耐烦的; My younger brother is fretful because he is cutting his teeth-我的小弟弟直发脾气, 因为正在长牙;Querulous: 抱怨的, 爱发牢骚的, 易怒的, 易发脾气的, 暴躁的;Mature: adj. 成熟的, 成年人的,深思的; 慎重的; This is a dress shop for mature w

8、omen-这是一家成年妇女服装店; Its a mature plan 这是个深思熟虑的计划; adv. Maturely.self-restraint: n 涵养, 自我克制 , 自我约束.Cultured: (人)有教养的; 有修养的; 文雅的, she is cultured girl-她是一个非常文雅的女孩;Culture:n 文化, 精神文明, 教修, 素养; ancient culture-古代文化; a man of culture-有教养的人; vt. 使有教养,培养, 栽培Conversant: adj. 熟悉的, 了解的; Familiar:日常的 ; 常见的; 熟悉的,

9、精通的; familiar friends-亲密的朋友; be familiar with -熟悉, 通晓, 精通garner: vt,积蓄,收藏, 储藏, 取得, 获得; For defeating the strong enemy we need to garner power everyday 为了挫败强大的敌人我们需要日以继夜的积蓄力量; Mr.Smith gradually garnered a national reputation as a financial expert-史密斯先生逐渐赢得全国金融专家的声誉.Painful:adj. 惨痛的,痛苦的, (肉体) 疼的, 费力的

10、, 伤脑筋的, 棘手的;The Japanese has teached a painful lesson to Chinese in period of 2nd world war.-二战时期日本人给了中国人一个惨痛的教训;a painful experience-痛苦的经历;a painful duty-艰苦的任务;Hes unwilling to mention his painful memory 他不想提及那段痛苦的回忆。Appear: vi 出现, 显现; We expected him, but he never appeared-我们等他, 他却一直没来/出现; Appeara

11、nce: n 出现, 显露 , 露面; The sudden appearance of a policeman caused the thief to run away-警察突然出现, 小偷就逃跑了; 外观, 外貌, 外表 She was a young woman of good appearance 她是一位年轻貌美的女子;Temperament:n 性格, 性情, 气质 Success often depends on temperament-成功常常取决于一个人的性格/气质; Temperament often decides the fortune of one person 性格

12、决定一个人的命运。Willpower:n 意志力, 克制力,毅力; She managed to stop smoking by sheer willpower-她全靠意志力戒了烟Perseverance: n 坚持不懈; 不屈不挠, 坚定持, 固守; 毅力, 不屈不挠; Perseverance combined with energy is necessary to success in life-毅力加上精力是人生成功的要素 ; By perseverance the lame boy learned to swim-靠毅力这跛童学会了游泳. take seriously 重视;认真对待

13、想, 当真; You do not have to take things too seriously-你不必遇事太认真; Dont take him seriously; he is only flirting with you-别和他认真,他只是与你调情;train:n. 火车,列车;vt&vi 训练, 锻炼; 培养; train regularly to keep fit-经常锻炼以保持健康adapt to:变得习惯于, 使适应于, 能应付; I adapted quickly to the new climate. 我很快地适应了这种新的气候;adapt oneself to -使自己

14、适应或习惯于某事get used to: 习惯于; It takes time to get used to new shoes-穿惯新鞋需要时间; Have you get used to the cold weather here-你对这里的寒冷天气习惯了吗?; He get used to take a walk after supper-他习惯于晚饭后散步; I used to get up at six every day-我过去常每天六点钟起床prestige n 威信, 威望, 声望; The contract will affect our national prestige

15、in the world-这一合同将会影响我国的国际声望. Reputation 名气, 名声, 名誉 ; This store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing-该商店因买卖公道而享有极高的声誉; Beware of him who regards not his reputation-要谨防不重自己名誉的人Predict: vt, vi 预言; 预测; 预示; They predicted great things for the boy-他们预言这孩子有出息Hi ,molly?Yeah, hi, Jessica, its me, l

16、isten, Im sorry to be late, but I lost my keys.Oh, thats too bad, I hope you find them soon, we were supposed to be at the party at eight oclock right? Yeah ,I know ,I just cant believe how long its taking me to find them Well ,did you retrace your steps? What do you mean?You know, did you check all of the pl



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