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1、兰州交通大学博文学院毕业设计(论文)摘 要本设计是运用所学轨道基本理论,知识和技能,进行工程设计的综合训练,是综合素质和工程实践能力的重要体现,是每个学生都必须经过的作为一个铁道工程技术人员所必须的训练,有助于到工作岗位的过渡。线路设备大修的基本任务是:根据运输需要及线路设备的损耗规律,有周期、有计划地对损耗部分进行更新和修理,恢复与增强轨道承受能力,延长设备的设备寿命。一般情况下,线路大修周期取决于钢轨伤损发展情况,是以全面更换钢轨为主要标志,故常称换轨大修。线路换轨大修主要工作内容:1.按设计校正改善线路纵断面和平面。2.全面更换新钢轨及配件、钢轨伸缩调节器以及不合规定的护轮轨,更换绝缘接

2、头及钢轨连续线。3.更换失效轨枕和扣件,补足轨枕配置根数,修理伤损轨枕。4.彻底清筛道床,补充道碴,改善道床断面。5.线路大修地段,应同时成组更换新道岔和新岔枕。6.安装轨道加强设备。因涉及到的内容很多,所以利用电子表格 EXCEL 来进行计算,以达到更快、更准、更有效率的目的;其他内容也做到有的放矢。所有这些内容都参照我国现行的铁路线路维修规则和改扩建工程技术规范及工程制图规范书写的,符合国家标准。关键词:大修;换轨;平面设计;纵断面设计兰州交通大学博文学院毕业设计(论文)AbstractThe graduation design as the last link of teaching p

3、lan, is the basic theory, use orbit knowledge and skills, project design, the comprehensive training is comprehensive quality and engineering practice ability, is the important embodiment of each student must pass a railroad engineers must training, helps to jobs.The basic task of the line equipment

4、 repair is: according to the transportation needs and lines of law, have cycle, planful part of loss, updated and repair recovery and enhance rail bear ability, prolong the service life of equipment equipment. Normally, line overhaul period depends on the rail.the development situation, based on com

5、prehensive replacement for major rail, in particular said.Lines in overhaul main job content:1.according to the design of the correction to improve line longitudinal peace.2.the overall change new rail and accessories, trak controller and illegal armor wheel and rail, insulation joint replacement co

6、ntinuous line.3.change failure sleeper and buckles, complemental sleeper, repair of configuration injury sleeper.4.and thoroughly clear sieve solid, added ballastless track, improve section.5.line, should also group overhaul and replacement of new nechanics new rail.6.and strengthen equipment instal

7、lation orbit.Because the content involves many, so use spreadsheet EXCEL to compute, faster and more accurate in order to achieve the goal, more efficient, Other contents and try to use computer colleg and use software. All these content to Chinas current railway line maintenance rules and reconstru

8、ction technique norms and engineering drawings standard, conform to the state standards.Keywords: Heavy repair; Replacement track; Graphic design; Longitudinal design兰州交通大学博文学院毕业设计(论文)I目 录第一章 绪论 .1第一节 线路大修内容 .1一、线路大修概述 .1二、线路大修主要内容 .1第二节 设计线路中主要采用的技术指标 .2一、线路技术标准 .2二、轨道标准 .2第二章 大修勘测及既有线路资料的调查 .4第一节 既有线大修勘测的基本原理和施测方法 .4一、既有线大修勘测的基本原理 .4二、施测方法 .5第二节 线路大修勘测及既有线路资料的调查 .6一、宝成线概况 .6二、宝成线勘测 .6第三章 平面大修设计 .10第一节 偏角法计算曲线拨距 .10一、渐伸线原理 .10二、用渐伸线原理计算既有曲线的拨距 .13第二节 绳正法计算曲线拨距 .16一、绳正法原理 .16二、用绳正法原理计算既有曲线的拨距 .19第四章 线路大修纵断面设计 .25第一节 纵断面设计的特点及原则 .25一、设计特点 .25二、设计原则 .25第二节 纵断面设计的基本原理 .26一、线路坡度 .



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