酒店车场管理规定Parking Management Regulations

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《酒店车场管理规定Parking Management Regulations》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《酒店车场管理规定Parking Management Regulations(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Signature:签名马可汉Mr. David MarkhamGM王凛Mr. Ralph WangDGM倪静Ms. Lynne NiADOR林重盛Mr. David LimEAM ic F&B李志强Mr. Paul LeeDOF & BS张庆来Mr. charlie zhang ADOF&BS- 1 -Crowne Plaza Hotel Parking Management Regulations威尼斯酒店车场管理规定一、Anyone who drive in this parking lot will be considered as cars owner or artificial p

2、erson and accept our hotels parking regulations.所有进入本停车场车辆的司机均被认为该车辆之车主或合法代表人,并被视为已接受威尼斯酒店停车使用条例及守则。二、This parking lot is 24 hours opening。本停车场开放时间为二十四小时三、This parking lot is hourly rent.本停车场的车位为时租车位停车场。By hour时租车位:1、Free parking within 15munitues; 10RMB will be charged for first hour and 5RMB/hour

3、will be charged for next hours. If parking time is over 12hours, 80RMB/day will be charged.15 分钟内免费停放车辆,首小时收费 10 元/小时,超出首小时收费 5 元/ 小时,停车时间超过 12 小时按 80 元/天收费。2、Driver should bring magcard to park entrance to pay the fee before leaving.车辆离开时,必须携同停车场入口发出的电脑磁卡到车场缴费处付款后,方可驶离本车场3、If driver doesnt pay enou

4、gh parking fee, hotel has authority to detain the vehicle until all the fee is paid.进入停车场的车辆,如未缴足停车费,酒店有权扣押该车辆,直至所有停车费及扣押期间的停车费全部付清,方可离去4、If the magcard is lost, parking fee will be charge from 8:Ooam to leaving time before midnight; after midnight, it will charged as 24 hours.时租电脑卡如有遗失,没有过夜的车辆(晚上 1

5、2 时前离开)收费按当天早上8 时至离开时间计算,过夜车则每次过夜按 24 小时收费计算(80 元收费)5、Free parking when the parking system is out of use.如果收费系统出现故障,不能收费时,可免收停车费。Signature:签名马可汉Mr. David MarkhamGM王凛Mr. Ralph WangDGM倪静Ms. Lynne NiADOR林重盛Mr. David LimEAM ic F&B李志强Mr. Paul LeeDOF & BS张庆来Mr. charlie zhang ADOF&BS- 2 -四、Parking Rules车场守

6、则1、Driver must abide parking rules as parking lot is public area. low Speed is necessary while driving in to ensure safety.停车场是公共场所,泊车司机必须遵守停车规则。进停车场的车辆要缓速行驶,确保安全。2、Bike , non motor vehicle and motor vehicle is strictly forbidden自行车、非机动车辆及机动车辆严禁入内3、Vehicles with flammable and explosive and dangerous

7、 good are not allowed to go inside the park.所有危险(易燃、易爆)或载有危险物品(剧毒品)之车辆,一概不准进入本停车场4、All vehicles parked in our park should be ensured by insurance company and the owner of the vehicles park at their own risks.进入本停车场的车辆应由保险公司保险,本车业主及其代理人对所停车场内车辆一切损失、失窃或意外伤亡等,概不负责5、Vehicles door and window should be lo

8、cked properly valuable good such as cash, important document, firearm , electricity are not allowed kept in the vehicles.停车车辆必须锁好门窗,车内禁放现金、重要文件、枪支、电器等贵重物品,违者后果自负6、Vehicles owner should compensate any loss of park which caused by the vehicle or other reason.由车场用户赔偿因车或其它原因所引致的停车场的任何损失7、Parking lot sta

9、ff have authority to inspect the magcard and arrange space for vehicle.停车场管理人员有权验卡,所有车辆必须听从管理人员的调度8、Magcard is not allowed to borrow to others, otherwise the magcard will be confiscated and 100RMB will be charged.电脑磁卡严禁借与其它车辆使用,违反此规定者没收磁卡并处以 100 元以上的罚款9、Any vehicle is not allowed to park out of the

10、borderline and disturb drive way.任何车辆不得停泊于划定车位界线以外之任何地方,亦不得妨碍本停车场出入的任何车道10、Driver must park the car properly.停车人员必须按场内指示牌及路牌规定停放车辆11、Fighting and gambling and moving goods is forbidden inside parking lot.停车场内严禁打闹、聚赌上落货。12、Keep the parking lot clean and smoking , washing car sundries are not allowed.

11、 Signature:签名马可汉Mr. David MarkhamGM王凛Mr. Ralph WangDGM倪静Ms. Lynne NiADOR林重盛Mr. David LimEAM ic F&B李志强Mr. Paul LeeDOF & BS张庆来Mr. charlie zhang ADOF&BS- 3 -Fire facility is not allowed to use at will.保持场内清洁,不得吸烟,不得乱放杂物,不得在车场内清洗车辆,不得随意动用消防设施五、Each vehicle use individual magcard and parking system contr

12、ol the vehicle in and out.车辆采用一车一卡制,由系统控制车辆的出入六、Give the magcard to parking lot staff and pay the parking fee before leaving.离场时请将停车卡交回管理人员,缴清费用后方可离去七、If the magcard is lost, related information and certification is necessary for prove.停车卡遗失后,需凭车辆有关资料及证明放行八、Parking lot staff have authority to stop t

13、he vehicle if any violation.对违反以上规则者,车场管理人员有权阻止车辆进出九、Ask duty supervisor or inform hotel management group in written if there is any complain to parking lot or staff there.对本停车场及其管理人员之投诉,可向当值的车场主管即时提出,或书面通知酒店管理层十、Free parking for following vehicles以下车类可以免收费: (1)In-house guests (by room key card)住店客人可凭房卡免费停车(2)Police Wagon vehicle军、警车辆可以免费停车(3)Banks vehicles for cash delivery银行运钞车可以免费停车(4)Other special vehicles其它特殊情况的车辆十一、The hotel keep the authority for explaining the parking regulations.酒店保留对该规则的解释权Crowne Plaza Shenzhen威尼斯酒店30 Mar.20052005 年 3 月 30 日


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