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1、本科毕业论文美国人无根性的历史根源及其对美国人生活的影响学生姓名: 学生学号: 院(系): 外国语学院 年级专业: 2003 级英语本科 1 班 指导教师: 二七年五月The Historical Resource of the Americans Rootless Characteristic and ItsInfluence on Their LifeChen JiaUnder the Supervision ofJiang LuSchool of Foreign Languages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 2007攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 C

2、ontentsContentsAbstract.IKey Words.I摘要.II关键词.IIIntroduction.1I. The Rootedness of Americans.2A. The Native Americans.2B. The European Immigrants.2C. The African Immigrants.4D. The Asian Immigrants.5E. The Jewish Immigrants.5II. The Rootlessness of Americans.5A. Territorial Expansion.6B. The Main Cul

3、ture of the United States.7C. Non-mainstream Culture.8III. The Influence of Rootlessness on Americans Life.10A. Liberty and Democracy.11B. Equality.11C. Individualism.12D. Free Movement.12E. Optimism and Pragmatism.12F. Innovation.13G. Adventure.13H. Diversity of Names.14I. Various Languages.14Concl

4、usion.15Acknowledgements.16Notes17Bibliography18攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 AbstractAbstractThe United States of America is a country with a history of over 200 years. But it develops so quickly. It is partly because of the rootlessness of American people. America is an immigration country. Most of Americans are im

5、migrants. Their roots are in Europe, Asia, Africa and other places in the world. So they are rootless. Referring to the rootlessness of Americans, it is necessary to discuss their rootedness. Americans also have their roots. They bring their own cultures, religions, customs, ideas, and manners of do

6、ing things and the like. And they make them prosperous. The United States is a nation created by immigrants, and immigrants continue to affect the nation greatly. It forms a unique culture. By the reason of the rootlessness of American people, many kinds of different cultures coexist at the same tim

7、e in the United States. America becomes a “melting pot.” And American people explore westward and migrate westward constantly. It makes American culture have affinity for its openness: open land, open society, open court, open competition, open debate, open dialogue and so forth. The rootlessness ha

8、s much influence on American society. Different cultures affect Americans in many fields, and push the country forward continuously.Key WordsRootlessness; immigration culture; influence攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 摘要摘 要美国仅仅只有两百多年的历史,但其发展的速度如此之快,令人瞠目结舌, 部分原因就是美国人的无根性。美国是一个移民国家。绝大部分的美国人都是来自其他国家的移民。他们的根都不在美国本土。所以,我们说美利

9、坚民族具有无根性。提到美国人民的无根性就必然要提到他们的有根性。美国人民仍然有根,他们的根在欧洲、亚洲和非洲等等。他们移民来到美国时,带来了他们自己的文化、宗教、习俗、思想和做事的方式,并且将此发扬光大。美国是一个由移民所创造的国家,而且这些移民在很大程度上不停地影响着美国,所以,这形成了一种独特的文化。由于美利坚民族的无根性,多种不同的文化在美国同时存在与发展,美国变成了一个“大熔炉” 。美国人民不断地向西拓展和移动,这使得美国文化有很强的开放性:开放的土地,开放的社会,开放的法庭,开放的竞争,开放的争论,开放的语言等等。无根性对美国社会有着巨大的影响。在各个方面,不同的文化影响着美国,将美

10、国向着前方不断地推进。关键词无根性; 移民文化; 影响攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Introduction - 1 -IntroductionThe United States is the only superpower in the world. Although it just has a history of over two hundred years. It is in a leading position of the western world for a long term after World War . It has an important influence on th

11、e fields of world politics, economy; technology and so on. After the Soviet Unions disintegrating, its leading position has been strengthened. It has carried forward the great achievements of the Enlightenment Movement in 18th century and the Industrial Revolution in 19th century. The country has al

12、so seized the challenge of over 200-year global immigrations, and become the strongest in the world within about 100 years. It is the marvelous spectacle in the history of world culture.The United States maybe means the union of various nations and races. And actually it is a country with so many na

13、tions and races from the world. American culture is deeply influenced by the spirit of Christianity. And it is mixed with different cultures of global immigrants and their wisdom together. Because of large quantity of immigration America has formed its pluralistic culture. It has many outstanding chara



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