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1、山西中考模拟百校联考试卷(一)英语.单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)请你从每小题所给的 A、 B、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。16. -How do you like todays _?-Oh, theyre wonderful.A. news B. games C. information17. -Linda didnt come to my birthday party, why?-Because an old friend of _ happened to visit her.A. hers B. she C. her 18. -The

2、dress is in fashion, but its black. Do you mind the color?-Oh, yes. Would you please show me _ one?A. another B. others C. the other19. Look at those lovely dolphins. Theyre very _ to the people around.A. necessary B. rude C. friendly20. Jane doesnt like the same colors and I dont like them, _.A. to

3、o B. either C. neither 21. -I hear youve got a new teacher.-She is very beautiful, but she _ us.A. is proud of B. is strict with C. is interested in22. -I cant _ what the place is going to look like in a few years time.-Yes, it is changing everyday.A. believe B. imagine C. exchange23. - Could you te

4、ll us _ the problem is going to solved?- Not until next week.A. how B. where C. when24. - Excuse me. Could you please not talk _ in the museum?- Oh, sorry. Well talk outside.A. loudly B. clearly C. carefully25. Peter is only ten years old, but he _ many foreign countries with his parents. A. visited

5、 B. goes to C. has been to26. This soap opera is very interesting, _ its a little too long.A. so B. and C. though27. -Are you making a move, Ms Wang?-No, I am _ the spare room for my mom. She is too old to live on her own.A. cleaning up B. catching up C. setting up28.Amanda, Ill go now for a new job

6、.- _!A. Good luck to you B. Have a good time C. Its kind of you29. -Maybe you can take a taxi to your office.- _. Its faster.A. Yes, please B. Thanks, Ill C. Sorry, Im late30. -Did you ask your pen pal_.-Yes, he will visit me after the exam.A. what he will do B. when he would come C. how he would ge

7、t there .完形填空(每小题 1 分, 共 15 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. They dont act in the romantic ways that I read in books or I see on TV. I never heard _31_ say “ I love you”, Sending flowers to each other on Valen

8、tines Day is even more_32_.One day, my mother was sewing(缝)a quilt. I _33_ beside her and look at her.“ Mom, I have a question to ask you,” I said.“_34_? ” she replied, still doing her work “Is there love between you and Dad? ” I asked her _35_ a very low voice.My mother stopped her work and raised

9、her head with surprise in her eyes. She didnt answer ant once but _36_ to sew the quilt.After a while, mom said, “Susan, look at this(线), sometimes it appears, but _37_ of the time is disappears in the quilt. The thread make the quilt strong. In life is a _38_ , then love should be a thread. Its rea

10、lly there though it _39_ anywhere or anytime.”I _40_ hardly understand her until the next spring. At that time, my father suddenly got seriously ill. My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month. _41_ they were back home, my father was still very weak. Every day in the morning, my moth

11、er helped my father walk _42_ on the country road. Another two months later, my father still couldnt walk by himself. I _43_ him.“ Dad, how you are feeling now?” I asked him one day.“Susan, dont worry. _44_ , I just like walking with your mom.” Reading his eyes, I knew he loves my mother deeply.Once

12、 I thought love meant flowers, gifts and sweet kisses. But from their experience, I understand love is _45_ , making life strong and warm.31. A. him B. her C. them32. A. enjoyable B. impossible C. comfortable33. A. broke down B. sat down C. wrote down34. A. Why B. What C. Who35. A. in B. with C. by3

13、6. A. offered B. refused C. continued37. A. all B. most C. some38. A. thread B. quilt C. book39. A. doesnt see B. havent seen C. isnt seen40. A. must B. might C. could41. A. Since B. After C. Until42. A. sadly B. slowly C. happily43. A. was patient with B. was mad at C. was worried about44. A. As us

14、ual B. In fact C. After all45. A. inside B. outside C. everywhere.阅读理解(一) (每小题 2 分, 共 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(A)Mr. King loved all kinds of delicious foods. Being an important officer, he was often asked to dinner. The businessman tried their best to fawn on(巴结)him. The

15、y knew it was good for their business. Now the officer Mr. King got fatter and fatter. He could hardly go upstairs at home and had to sleep downstairs. He often felt tired after walking or doing some housework. He was very about it. So he had to go to see a doctor.“ You must stop eating much fat and sugar, Mr. King,” said the doctor, “ or itll be worse for your health!”It was quite difficult for Mr. King to do it. He wouldnt do as the doctor said. A few months later he found something was



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