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1、教师英文演讲:英语职业是我最佳的选择On Januar 13, Jin Weijie, a teaher from Longhua Chinese-English Experimental Shool in Baoan rushed to save four primar shool students and sarifie herself。 On Marh 31, a traffi aident happened in Jiangsu Provine, one again, a primar shool teaher, Yin *uemei, saved six primar shool s

2、tudents lives, hile losing her on。 This touhed m heart deepl。 Who is the greatest? The teaher! If it as me, if I happened to be there, I ould do the same thing, beause I am a teaher, too。Working as a teaher, mabe there is nothing speial in their life。 But e have a belief deep ithin, that is -e must

3、protet our students, keep our hildren safe, e ont let an of them get hurt。 Just as hat the missioner of eduation in Jiangsu Provine said: “The aident happened so quikl, it happened in a flik of an ee, there is no time to think about it or hesitate, saving the others is an instintive ation。 She did i

4、t onl beause she as of great stature。 She forgot about herself in the heat of the moment。 ” There is no doubt, teahers are orth all respet! Teahers are selfless! The impart knoledge to the students, the offer as and skills of learning to their students, and the offer their lives ith no hesitan hen n

5、eessar! So I am proud of being a teaher。 I like students, teahing ill be m life-time areer。Choosing the right areer is ver important, most of us spend a great part of our lives doing jobs。 Some of us have bee ver suessful。 Mainl beause the have hosen appropriate areers hih math their talents and sti

6、mulate their interests 。 I prefer teahing English。 English is m favorite。 In m opinion, teahing English is more onderful than an other subjet。There are thousands of different languages in the orld。 Whih language is the mostimportant? As e kno, English is an international language, and it ould be use

7、d all over the orld。 English is being more and more important and popular in China。 We adults learn English, shool students learn English, even the babies in the kindergarten learn English。 Its a neessar language if ou ant to go abroad, Its an essential qualit for the researhers to get the latest in

8、formation in the orld quikl。 In an age of fast muniation, if e ant to learn about the outside orld, English is definitel the language e should kno。 Lets take a look at a pratial viepoint, if oure looking for a job that an provide ou a good position and a high salar, understanding English often makes

9、 it muh easier。 It ant be denied that English is ver important if ou ant to make a good living。 English is a ver important language no matter hat ou do or here ou go, Millions of people ould like to master English, but its not a piee of ake。So being an English teaher is good。 I am fortunate that I a

10、n express m opinions in English。 So I am luk I an teah English。Furthermore, Being an English teaher, I am ver ontent。 I am so grateful to have a life that is filled ith teenagers trust and love。 When m students anser m questions orretl, hen the disuss passionatel, hen the muniate ith foreigners flue

11、ntl, hen I see the sloest in thought make progress, I kno I have done a great job。 Nothing an replae m pleasure。So being an English teaher, I have got fantasti pleasure。 It is English that makes m life onderful。 It is English that makes me feel onfident。 It is English that makes me differentIf there is another hane for me to hoose m oupation, I ont hoose anthing exept being an English teaher。 I enjo m job, and I love m life。


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