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1、,背景音樂 : Summer Place Andy Williams,為什麼我喜歡退休Why I like retirement,翻編配樂:老編西歪,自動放映,問:一星期有多少天?Q : How many days in a week?,答: 6個星期六, 1個星期天 A : 6 Saturdays, 1 Sunday,問:退休人員何時上床睡覺? Q : When is a retirees bedtime?,答:躺在長沙發打盹三個小時之後。 A : Three hours after he falls asleep on the couch.,問:換一個電燈泡須要多少退休人員? Q : Ho

2、w many retirees to change a light bulb?,答:只要一個人,但是可能要花一整天時間。 A : Only one, but it might take all day.,問:什麼是退休人員最大的牢騷? Q : Whats the biggest gripe of retirees ?,答:每件事情都沒有足够時間去完成. A : There is not enough time to get everything done.,問:為什麼退休人員不介意叫他老人? Q : Why dont retirees mind being called Seniors?,答:

3、因為可以享受公車免費、航空機票半價 、捷運四折及免繳健保費。 A : The term comes with a 10% percent discount.,問:退休人員怎樣才被認為是服裝整齊? Q : Among retirees what is considered formal attire ?,答:鞋帶已經綁好。 A : Tied shoes.,問:為什麼退休人員老是在數零錢? Q :Why do retirees count pennies,答:這是他們唯一有時間做的事情。 A : They are the only ones who have the time.,問:怎麼稱呼喜歡工

4、作而拒絕退休的人? Q : What is the common term for someonewho enjoys work and refuses to retire ?,答:瘋子! A : NUTS !,問: 為什麼退休人員不急於清理地室、 頂樓或車庫?Q : Why are retirees so slow to clean out the basement, attic or garage ?,答: 他們知道,當他們清理之後,他們的 孩子會將物件堆放在那裡。 A : They know that as soon as they do, one of their adult kids

5、 will want to store stuff there.,問:退休人員對於冗長的午餐看法怎樣? Q : What do retirees call a long lunch?,答:這是正常不過的事。 A : Normal.,問: 什麼是描述退休的最佳方式? Q : What is the best way to describe retirement?,答:整天都是泡茶休閒時間。 A : The never ending Coffee Break,問:退休人員回到學校進修的最大的好 處是什麼? Q : Whats the biggest advantage of going back

6、to school as a retiree?,答: 如果您逃學,不會有人通知您父母。 A : If you cut classes, no one calls your parents.,問:為什麼退休人員經常說他沒有錯過工 作,但錯過曾經與他一起工作的人?Q : Why does a retiree often say he doesnt miss work, but misses the people he used to work with?,答:他太謙虛了,所以無法說出整個真相。 A : He is too polite to tell the whole truth.,問:您整個星

7、期都在做什麼?Q : What do you do all week?,答:星期一到星期五什麼也沒做,星期六及 星期天休息。 A : Monday to Friday; Nothing, Saturday & Sunday I rest.,您覺得退休如何?,將這篇分享給您知道的退休人員。 我肯定他們會認同其中某些項目 ! 如果您尚未退休,您也必須瞭解退休後的一些情況。 Share this one with all the retirees that you know. Im sure they can relate to some of them! AND, If you have not yet retired, look what you have to look forward to.,幸福是去旅遊,不只是抵達目的地,沒有比現在更愉快的了.活著並享受此刻美好時光。 Happiness is a voyage, not a destination,there is no better time to be happy than NOW .Live and enjoy the moment.,期待下次再見,The End,


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