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1、 我叫巴里艾伦 我是世界上速度最快的人My name is Barry Allen and I am the fastest man alive.小时候 我见到When I was a child, I saw我母亲死于某种不可能存在的东西my mother killed by something impossible.跑 巴里 快跑Run, Barry, run!我父亲因我母亲之死而入狱My father went to prison for her murder.然后一次事故让我成了一个不可能的存在Then an accident made me the impossible.表面上 我只

2、是一个普通的鉴证科员To the outside world, Im an ordinary forensic scientist,但背地里 我运用我的速度but secretly I use my speed与罪恶战斗 并找出像我这样的人to fight crime and find others like me.总有一天 我会找到杀死我母亲的凶手And one day, Ill find who killed my mother为我父亲讨回公道的and get justice for my father.我是 闪电侠I am. The Flash.【闪电侠】前情提要Previously o

3、n The Flash.很抱歉我不相信你Im sorry I didnt believe you.但在你妈妈死的那晚 你确实看到了一些东西But you really did see something that night your mom died你爸爸的确是无辜的and your dad is innocent.让你陷入昏迷的那场爆炸也杀死我的未婚夫The explosion that put you in a coma also killed my fiance.你能想象一下如果你能控制他的力量吗Can you imagine if you could control his powe

4、r?如果你能驾驭它If you could harness it,你就可以改变它对人类的意义you could change what it means to be human.他叫闪电侠Hes called The Flash.或 至少他总有一天会是Or, at least, he will be one day.我们必须保证他的安全He must be kept safe.不论你是体育课上跑的最慢的孩子It doesnt matter if youre the slowest kid或者是世界上跑的最快的人 都不重要in gym class or the fastest man alive

5、.每个人都在奔跑Every one of us is running.活着就意味着奔跑Being alive means running.为了逃避某些事物而奔跑running from something,为了追逐某些事物或是running to something某些人而奔跑or someone.不论你跑的有多快And no matter how fast you are,总有一些东西你无法超过theres some things you cant outrun.总有一些东西设法追上你Some things always manage to catch up to you.如果是普通电影标准

6、的话 有七、八分Regular movie scale, that was a seven or an eight.但是按僵尸电影标准 最高只能四分Zombie movie scale, it was, like, a four, tops.有僵尸电影标准这回事吗Theres a zombie movie scale?你知道僵尸是存在于自然界之中的吗Did you know that zombies exist in nature?有一种特殊的菌类能感染蚂蚁Theres a species of fungi that infects ants,让蚂蚁去攻击植物causing the ants

7、to attack plants植物释放能够感染寄主的孢子that can release spores which in turn infect new hosts. 我又成了个死书呆 对吧Im going full nerd again, arent I?-没错 -好吧- Yep. - Yeah.可是没关系啊Yeah. Its okay though.你依然是我认识的最可爱的书呆You are still the cutest nerd that I know.总之 我对最近的奇人异事Anyways, Im a lot more interested更有兴趣in the amazing a

8、s of late.你是指引起闪电 的那个东西吗 You mean cause of this Streak thing?他是真的存在 大家都在谈论他Hes out there. People are talking about him.你怎么知道他是个男的How do you even know hes a he?说不定是女的啊Maybe its a she.是个男的 好吗Its a man, okay?你知道我都这种事情的直觉都很准的You know I am really intuitive about this kind of stuff.有人甚至在被从车祸中救了出来之后Someone

9、 even posted a picture发了一张图片after being yanked from a car accident.是一道红色的残影正要离开现场Its a red blur leaving the scene.来 你看见了什么Here, what do you see?我看到你男盆友来电话了I see your boyfriends calling.哦 我得接这通电话Oh, I should probably get this.我今晚要去他那里Im crashing at his place tonight,他应该在哪里给我留了钥匙and hes supposed to le

10、ave a key for me somewhere.嘿 宝贝 怎么了Hey, babe. Whats up?不忙 跟巴里出来逛呢Not much, just hanging out with Barry.你下班了吗You off yet?喂Hello.地点在韦德大道 犯罪代码 237Code 237 on Waid Boulevard.公然猥亵吗Public indecency?等等 应该是 239Wait, I think I meant a 239.狗链松了Dog leash violation?有人持枪开车逃跑Bad man with a gun in a getaway car.快去

11、Go.你没有垫子 那你有花盆吗You dont have a mat. Do you have a planter?他有枪 小心Hes got a gun. Look out!他去哪里了Whered he go?搞什么What the.钥匙在邮箱里Keys in the mailbox.待会见 拜Ill see you later. Bye.埃迪向你问好 他人真好啊- Eddie says hi. - Nice of him.你要吃点什么吗You wanna grab a bite?我快饿死了Im feeling a little famished.在电影开场前我们吃了蒙古烤肉After th

12、e Mongolian barbecue we had before the movie还有看电影时你吃了超大号爆米花之后and the extra large popcorn you had at the movie?你怎么一点不胖啊How are you not fat?我一直有在慢跑Ive been jogging.哦 好吧Oh, okay. 为什么要在公众场合见面 叔叔Why so public a meeting, uncle?我们外出用餐是为告诉我们的敌人 我们并不害怕Were dining out to show our enemies were not afraid.放松 侄子

13、Relax, nephew.我们已经把窗户玻璃换成防弹的了Weve replaced the windows with bulletproof glass.把窗户关起来Close it up.来Come.喝一杯Have a drink.我们的司机在偷我们的东西Our own drivers are ripping us off.有人花钱雇他们Someone is paying them来偷我们的东西to steal from us.除非找出他们是谁 否则你们都别想睡了None of you will sleep until we find out who.然后将那些窃贼And then tho

14、se thieves.那些窃贼Those thieves.死定了Will draw their last breath.叔叔Uncle!fs150fn 微软雅黑 b1i1c&H4D4D46&pos(970.084,971.383)闪电侠Nfs100第一季 第三集fs80pos(1000.083,947.026)视频字幕由 fs100c&HFF8ED9&SSK 字幕组c&HFFFFFF&fs80 制作发布N 字幕只供学习 请勿做任何商业行为N 敬请关注新浪微博SSK 字幕组N 合作贴吧:美剧闪电侠吧fad(300,600)fs60翻译:c&H280D9C&Shooky 络睿 Jophy Rube

15、ns Espionagfad(300,600)fs60校对:c&H280D9C&Bunny Jophyfad(300,600)fs60时轴:c&H280D9C& 络睿 c&HE0DBD1&压制:c&H280D9C&hhjie c&HE0DBD1&总监:c&H280D9C&Jophyfad(300,600)fs60合作贴吧:c&H280D9C& 美剧闪电侠吧-你在哪拦住他的 -我们在第八大道抓住了他- Whered you cut him off? - So we cut him off at eighth.罪犯甚至一脸茫然地I mean, the perp was in the backseat of the cruiser坐在我们警车后座上before he even knew what happened.恭喜你 保尔森Congratulations, Paulson,昨天的逮捕行动不错on that arrest last night.-绝对精彩 -乔 你稍后再来吧- Hell of a job. - You come by later, Joe.我会教你怎么开车的Ill g


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