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1、- 1 -2014 高考英语教与练特训秘籍 6Directions: For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D Choose the one that best completes the sentence.21The boss _ company I worked in two years ago has _ in solving such kind of problem.Awhose;many experiencesBwho;many experien

2、cesCwhose;much experience Dwhich;much experience22Although it was really a difficult task,he decided to try his best to_ success.AchallengeBhostCapproveDachieve23The basketball players _ each other the best luck in the game before it started.Awished Bhoped Cexpected Dwanted24Though there are many be

3、autiful dresses in the shop,yet none could _ her.Asuit Bgo with Cmatch Dmeet25With a lot of difficult problems _,the boss is having a very hard time.Asolved Bsolving Cto be solving Dto solve26So you relieved Mary of her position?Yes,but now I regret _ another workers accusation of her incompetency s

4、eriously.Ataking Bto take Cto be taken Dbeing taken27She used to _ on the right in China,so she was not used to _ on the left in England at first.Adrive;drive Bdriving;drive Cdriving;driving Ddrive;driving28Not until he left his home_ to know how important family was for him.Adid he begin Bhad he be

5、gunChe began Dhe had begun29The English play _ my students acted at the New Years Evening Party was a great success.Afor which Bat which Cin which Don which- 2 -30Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase,_ was reasonable.Awhich price Bthe price of whichCwhose the price Dthe price of whose31Several

6、little boys sat _ to the old farmer,listening to his story _ with great interest.Aclose;close Bclosely;close Cclose;closely Dclosely;closely32Days are gone _ we couldnt even feed ourselves.Awhere Bas Cwhen Dthat33All the students in our school are required _ mobile phone on campus.Anot using B using

7、 not Cto not use Dnot to use34The Turners consider _ a computer,which is commonly considered _ a great help in our work and study.Ato buy;to be Bbuying;to be Cto buy;being Dbuying;being35He is _ while the manger is away,so you should ask him for advice.Ain trouble Bin charge Cin prison Din secretSec

8、tion B(18 marks)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Soon it would be the holidays.But before that,there were year exams.All the students had been working _36_ fo

9、r some time.If they didnt pass,they would have to _37_ the exams in September.There were usually a few who failed,but Kate decided not to be one of them.She had worked hard all day,but just before the exams she was working so hard that her sister Barbala was _38_about her.She was staying up too late

10、.The night before the first exam,Barbala _39_that she should have an early night and take a sleeping pill.She _40_ to wake her up in the morning.As she was falling asleep,Kate was worried that she might oversleep.Her mind kept jumping from subject to subject.At last,with the help of the _41_,she fel

11、l asleep.In no time at all,she was sitting in the examination hall,looking at the paper.She couldnt answer any of the questions.Everyone around her was writing pages and pages.However hard she - 3 -thought,she couldnt find _42_to write about.She kept looking at her watch._43_ was running out.There w

12、as only one hour left.She started one question,wrote two sentences,_44_ and tried another one.With only half an hour left,she wrote another two sentences.By this time she was so _45_ that she started _46_.Her whole body shook.It shook so much that it woke her up.She was still _47_ and it had all bee

13、n a terrible dream.A minute later,Barbala called her name.36Alazily Bhard Clegally Dsmoothly37Aabandon Bpass Cquit Dretake38Aworried Bsatisfied Cenjoyed Dafraid39Aargued Binsisted Cclaimed Dthought40Arefused Bopposed Cpromised Dhoped41Aherself Bher sister Ctiredness Dpill42Aanything Bnothing Csometh

14、ing Deverything43AMoney BFood CTime DWater44Alooked up Bgave up Cput up Dmade up45Ahappy Bexcited Csurprised Dupset46Amoving Blaughing Ccrying Dsinging47Ain bed Bin the hall Cin school Din the classroomSection C(12 marks)Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real!When the door of happiness cl


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