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1、英语倡议书常用语法iting to give suggestions about. Introdution of the topi and himself threats proposal)Sine e are dependent on ater, e should be involved in finding a solution to this problem.We advoate that ertain measures should be taken as soon as possiblethe governments in both developed ountries and th

2、e developing ountries should la don rulesfatories in tons and ities must be forbidden to drain(排放) aste liquids into rivers, lakes and seas before the are totall treated and purified(净化). I am ertain that remarkable results ill be ahieved in this respet. Rivers hih used to be polluted b industrial a

3、stes ill be leaned and fish hih ould not live there a fe ears ago ill be seen again. (C W)Lets at no to make our orld a better plae.(Call)The hairman of EPC Assignments: 1.Write a proposalWriting? 假设你是学校学生会中的一员,为了拥有 一个更美好的校园,你发出了全员环保的 倡议,并制作了如下图的海报。倡议内容: 1) 捡起垃圾; 2)走路上学; 3)牢记关水和关电; 4)循环利用资源;5) 爱护校园的

4、每一寸土地。? ? ? ?写作提示 1. 环保是我们中学生义不容辞的责任; 我们要养成这些环保习惯; 3. 让我们人人都为地球母亲尽一份绵薄之 力(120词左右)? Dear friends, ? Do ou ant to live in a beautiful orld? So it is our obligation to maintain the eologial balane. ? To fulfill this task, e should bear the folloing eologial odes in mind. First, hile stiking to the habi

5、t of alking to shool, e should eat at least five kinds of fruits and vegetables a da. Its also important to rele everthing relable and herish our shools environment b piking up an litter and turning off the taps and the lights. Lets all take ation no and ontribute to the prosperit of our mother the earth. ? Thank ou! ? The Students Union



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