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1、 J. Lake Sci.(湖泊科学), 2009, 21(1): 128-134 http:/www.jlakes.org. E-mail: 2009 by Journal of Lake Sciences 西藏纳木错水深分布及现代湖沼学特征初步分析*王君波1, 朱立平1, Gerhard Daut2, 鞠建廷3, 林 晓1,4, 汪 勇1, 甄晓林1(1: 中国科学院青藏高原研究所, 北京 100085) (2: Institut fr Geographie, Friedrich-Schiller-Universitt, Jena, Germany) (3: 中国科学杂志社, 北京100

2、717) (4: 中国地质大学, 武汉430074) 摘 要: 2005-2007年对西藏最大的湖泊纳木错进行了三次综合考察, 获得了大量的基础数据和研究材料. 本文简要报道纳木错水深测量及其现代湖沼学特征的初步结果. 等深线图显示纳木错是一个高海拔的深水湖, 湖盆中部是一个水深超过90m底部较为平坦的盆地. 考察中发现湖泊西北部出现了两个小岛, 而1970s考察时仍为半岛, 因而水深数据提供了近30年来纳木错湖面上升的有力证据. 现场水质测量在16个站点进行, 覆盖了除东部湖区以外的大部分湖面范围, 结果显示表g4462水的g9045g5074g543pHg543g9186g16143g85

3、31g543g10849g4392g10419和g10459g3503g1653的平g3187g1384分g1879为11.63g5439.13g5437.93mg/Lg5431839S/cmg5432582mol/(sm2). g7525据湖水特征的g3246g11296g2308g2114, 较深水g3339的湖水显示了g6970显的分g4462特征: 上g4462湖水g1018表g4462g1884g1326618-20m, 水质g2286数g3187一, g9045g5074较高, g1653g9875g1649g17119; 中g19232g4462范围g13266为20-60m,

4、是一个g6970显的g9045g17135g4462; 底g4462水g5459质g907g5300g12127g4294, 水g9045g5300g1146g1804g890g8653有g1653线g1884g17642, g5262g5948了g4350g1763g21501g7107的深水区. 关键词: 水深测量; 湖面上升; 湖沼学特征; g9045g17135g4462; 纳木错; 青藏高原 Bathymetric survey and modern limnological parameters of Nam Co, central Tibet WANG Junbo1, ZHU L

5、iping1, DAUT Gerhard2, JU Jianting3, LIN Xiao1,4, WANG Yong1 & ZHEN Xiaolin1(1: Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, P. R . C h i n a ) (2: Institut fr Geographie, Friedrich-Schiller-Universitt, Jena, Germany) (3: Science in China Press, Beijing 100717,

6、 P. R . C h i n a ) (4: China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, P.R.China) Abstract: Comprehensive field investigations had been conducted for three times on Nam Co, central Tibet during 2005-2007. Here we presented the preliminary results focusing on bathymetric survey and water quality meas

7、urements. Isobathic map showed that Nam Co is a high altitude deep lake where a flat and large basin lies in the central part with more than 90m water depth. Data on water depth in northwestern bank areas of Nam Co provided unquestionable evidence for water level rising in the recent three decades d

8、ue to the formation of two small islands which were peninsulas in 1970s. Water quality at 16 stations covering more than half of the whole lake showed that temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) of surface water was averagely 11.63, 9.13, 7.93mg

9、/L, 1839S/cm and 2582mol/(sm2), respectively. According to the vertical variations of water quality parameters, water column in relatively deep lake areas of Nam Co could be divided into three layers with distinctly various features. The first layer was from surface to about 1820m depth in which par

10、ameters was stable with higher temperature and abundant sunlight; the second layer ranged about 20m to 60m where thermocline developed; and the bottommost layer was characterized as also very stable with low temperature and no light, forming a cold and dark underwater world. Keywords: Bathymetric su

11、rvey; water level rising; limnological parameters; Thermocline; Nam Co; Tibetan Plateau* 国g4322g14102g9826科学基g18173g19877g11290(40701194)g543国g4322g18169点基础研究发g4481g16589g1854g19877g11290(2005CB422002)和中国科学院青藏高原研究所青年g998g6009g19890g3339g1913g8683g831g19877g13307g16997g13696合g17008g2005. 2008-07-30 g

12、6754g12139; 2008-10-20 g6754g1306g6757g12139. g10423g2375g8718, g10851, 1977 年g10827, g2182g3607, g1947研究g2436; E-mail: . 王君波等: 西藏纳木错水深分布及现代湖沼学特征初步分析 129随着全球变化研究的不断发展, 湖泊及其沉积物越来越受到各学科研究者的重视, 成为环境变化、生态系统、工业污染等研究的重要载体. 青藏高原作为地球上海拔最高、数量最多、面积最大的高原湖泊分布区1, 被认为是进行湖泊学和古湖泊学研究的理想区域. 事实上, 过去 30 年以来在青藏高原已经开展了大量

13、的湖泊沉积与环境变化的研究2-3. 作为古湖泊学研究的基础性工作, 湖泊的野外考察与监测非常重要, 内容包括测深、现代湖沼学特征测量以及其他与湖泊本身相联系的工作. 然而, 对于青藏高原地区的湖泊来说, 与古湖泊学的研究相比, 综合性的湖泊考察还显得较为缺g891. 20g834g1327070年代, g857g3113科学g19342相g1695g2177g1145对青海湖进行了系统的综合的科学考察, g14563得了大量的基础g17008g68534, g8336g2362在青藏高原上g907g6097g17791了g812g967湖泊的考察g6097g24225-11. g17661年来

14、, 对青海湖湖g5057g7344g17740及沉积物分布的地球物理g2052g6350研究大大g1996深了对湖泊考察的认g16626, g6396高了研究g8544g502312; 而对藏g2179地区的g7066g14551g19449g19013进行的多g8269g17674g13337考察g1018地g5262地g16824、湖泊测深、湖面变化、g8544g16980测量、湖泊g14673g1703g10210g1761、g8544化学特征、g8544生生物分布等不g2360g6885面进行了综合研究, g14563得了对湖泊现代g10210g1761的全面认g1662613-15.

15、 g13279g7252g19013g1145于g16043藏g14102g8679区g857g2179g17940, 是g16043藏g12376g812大湖, g907是青藏高原面积g12376g952大的湖泊. g10845于其g10264特的g14102然地理g7309g1058, g13279g7252g19013成为进行古环境、区域生态系统和湖泊现代过g12087研究的理想地g9701, g11290g1913已开展了g812g967环境变化g6885面的研究16-20. 而g17809g5707g5277g1531研究显g11878g1766130年来随着区域g8512g9045

16、g2163高、g1756g4873g15545g8544g3530g1996g4392g14112g13279g7252g19013湖面上g2163, 面积g3530大21-22, 显g11878了g13279g7252g19013对全球变g7106g2553g5056的g6779g5707性. 2005年9g7220以来, 已g4280成了对g13279g7252g19013的3g8269综合科学考察, 本g6835g871要g6097g17791g13279g7252g19013湖泊测深及湖g8544理化性g16980测量的g1865g8337g13311g7368. 1 研究区概况 g13279g7252g19013g1145于青藏高原的g857g2179g17940地区, 地理g1145g13466为 9016g149103E 和 3030g143055N(g3114 1), 湖泊g2179g



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