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1、大连开发区第一中学王丽,Before computers,(S2-P6),Curriculum Focus,Cultural awareness: Help the students learn more about the principles of levers.Learning strategies: develop the abilities of skimming and scanning for reading.,People are rowing the boat.,Pre-reading,Do you know for the rowers, which position is

2、 the best? And why?,Skimming,Read the passage quickly and find the answer to the questions:,For the rowers, which position is the best? Why?,The rowing position in the _ of the ship is best. Think of the oar as a _, the oarlock as a _and the sea as the _. The _ the lever arm on the _ side of the ful

3、crum, the _ it is to move the _. In the middle of the ship, the ship is the _. The rower sits _ from the _ so the distance from his _ to the _ was _.,middle,lever,fulcrum,weight,longer,rowers,easier,weight,widest,farthest,oarlock,hands,oarlock,longest,The explanation why the rowing position in the m

4、iddle of the ship is the best appeared in the classical _book Mechanical Problems from_.,Scanning,Read the story in detail and then fill in the blanks.,Greek,the third century BC,The Archimedes team studies_, from Mechanical Problems to Newton. And the researchers discovered that the _of mechanics i

5、s based on interplay between_.,the history of mechanics,evolution,practice and theory,Check your understanding,The classical Green book Mechanical Problems is written in _.the third century BCthe third century ADnine years agoin the 18th century,Consolidation,2. Mechanical Problems was very importan

6、t because _.Its a classical Greek book.Its written by Professor Mark Schiefsky.Its written by Newton.It was the first known text on the science of mechanics and the first to explain how a lever works.,3. Schiefskys job is _. teaching physics. reading books in ancient Greek. teaching Greek and Latin.

7、 studying the history of mechanics.,4. Which of the following statements about Archimedes Project is Not true?Its a multinational research group.It was established by Schiefsky.Its based at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin.It studies the history of mechanics.,5. The evol

8、ution of mechanics is based on _.practiceinterplay between practice and theorytheoryAll of them are wrong.,6. The Archimedes researchers aim _.to become famous around the worldto better understand what people know about the natural world at a given timeto know how that knowledge may have affected pe

9、oples livesBoth B and C,Background knowledge,阿基米德(Archimedes约公元前287前212)是古希腊著名的数学家和物理学家。静力学和流体静力学的奠基人。公元前287年诞生于地中海西西里岛的叙拉古城(今意大利锡拉库萨)。他的父亲是古希腊天文学家和数学家。阿基米德从小深受父亲的影响,偏爱数学,很早就学习希腊著名数学家欧几里得(约前330-前275)的几何学原理。11岁的时候,阿基米德去当时著名的文化中心尼罗河畔的亚历山大城学习。学习期间对数学、力学和天文学有浓厚的兴趣。在他学习天文学时,发明了用水力推动的星球仪,并用它模拟太阳、行星和月亮的运行及

10、表演日食和月食现象。为解决用尼罗河水灌溉土地的难题,他发明了圆筒状的螺旋扬水器,后人称它为“阿基米德螺旋”。公元前240年,他学成后回到叙拉古,当了国王亥厄洛的顾问,帮助国王解决生产实践、军事技术和日常生活中的各种科学技术问题。公元前212年,叙拉古城失陷,正在聚精会神地研究科学问题的阿基米德,不幸被蛮横的罗马士兵杀害,给我一个支点,我就能推动地球,Background knowledge,英国伟大的物理学家、数学家、天文学家。恩格斯说:“牛顿由于发现了万有引力定律而创立了天文学,由于进行光的分解而创立了科学的光学,由于创立了二项式定理和无限理论而创立了科学的数学,由于认识了力学的本性而创立了


12、理的探索是如此痴迷,以至于他的理论成果都是在别人的敦促下才公诸于世的,对牛顿来说创造本身就是最大的乐趣。,Post-reading,Task 1: Think of more examples in our daily life that share the same principle as the lever.,Task 2: Which way do you think is easier to carry a heavy thing?And why?,B,A,Vocabulary,Task 1: Find the words in the passage which mean:sequ

13、ence of continuous action in a play, film, etc _person who studies an academic subject deeply _bar or other device turning on a fixed point (the fulcrum) which lifts or opens sth with one end when pressure is applied to the other end _science of machinery _process of gradually developing _way in whi

14、ch two or more things have an effect on each other _basic general truth that underlies sth (eg a subject or a system of morality) _specified or stated _,scene,scholar,lever,mechanics,evolution,interplay,principle,given,1. I _ you _ my best friend.2. The ships sailed _ between China and Japan. 3. The

15、 meeting _ a beautiful song and _ applause.4. I want to _ whats wrong with my car.5. The novel _ historical facts.6. Can you _ what these pictures mean?7. I learned to cook just _.,Task 2: Look up the following words in the dictionary and then use them to complete the sentences.,back and forth figure out think ofas for funbegin with end with be based on work out,


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