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1、浙江理工大学硕士学位论文基于 A 服装企业与梭织面料供应商的合作关系研究姓名:张扬申请学位级别:硕士专业:服装设计与工程导教师:吴微微20070301浙江理 IE 大学硕士学位论文4供应商、竞争性供应商和战略供应商四类不同的供应商。同时,基于四类不同供应商分类, 结合 A 服装企业仿制样布的实际项目,论文提出供应商多回合选择”方法,.这在供应商 选择方法里是一个新的尝试,也是本文的一个创新点之一。浙江理 IE 大学硕士学位论文5第五部分,主要探讨服装企业和其梭织面料供应商建立合作关系后的整合研究,在分 类管理激励、供应商认证与竞争机制等方面提出了分析与思考。 关键词:服装企业;梭织面料供应商;

2、关系;博奔;管理浙江理工大学硕士学位论文The research on the supplier partnership based on A garment enterprise and its tatting fabric suppliersAbstractIn current era, successful brand garment not merely requires the standard quality,also should reflect and satisfy consumers individualized demand. It requires the garmen

3、t enterprises can supply multifarious and abundant products, and also guarantee the supplied garment meet markets demands. So the garment enterprises should set up a set of quick response system to meet the demand of the garment market.Quick response system emphasizes the cooperation of textile-appa

4、rel-retail channel, that is to say the corporation of partners. The study of the suppliers cooperation which is the topic of this thesis is an important component among them. We all know that the relation between fabric suppliers and garment enterprises is competitive in essence,and it will exist un

5、conditionally. The cooperation is only a special case of the competition and it can be realized in certain condition.This thesis combines the theory and A garment enterprises practice, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. The study tries to introduce the theory of suppliers management and

6、 game theory and so on,and the goal of which is to improve the cooperation level of A garment enterprise with the tatting fabric suppliers.This paper is composed of five parts:First part is the introduction. Firstly it set forth the background and relevant studies, including foreign research, domest

7、ic research and garment field. Secondly, it is the studys purpose. Finally,it introduces the structure.Second part: The part discusses the notion and signification of supplier cooperation management. The focal point of this part is the formative condition of suppliers cooperation by game theory. Bas

8、ed on game theory, the paper discusses the formative condition from the starting point of repeated and evolutional game.浙江理 IE 大学硕士学位论文VIThird part: The part firstly analyzes the selection and evaluation system of supplier partnership, and emphasizes the weight of factor decided by multi-hierarchy.

9、The secondly, the part sets forth the selection and evaluation system of tatting fabric supplier based on A garment enterprises practice. Then the part verifies feasibility of the factor content by equivalence analysis and establishes the factor weight by multi-hierarchy.Fourth part: Firstly the par

10、t sorts out according to competitiveness and appreciation. We can take tatting fabric suppliers of A garment enterprise to divide into four different kinds including the general suppliers, appreciation suppliers, competitive suppliers and strategic suppliers according to the historical trade data. S

11、econdly based on four different kinds suppliers and A garment enterprise project, the thesis brings forward the way named multi-round supplier selection. It is a attempt in the way of supplier selection, and it is also one of the innovations of the paper.Fifth part: The part mainly discusses the con

12、formity study between A garment enterprise and its tatting fabric suppliers after setting up partnerships. Then it puts forward several analysis including categorized management suppliers competition mechanism and approval procedure.Key words: apparel enterprise; tatting fabric supplier; relationshi

13、p; game theory; management浙江理工大学硕士举位论文浙江理工大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:我恪守学术道德,崇尚严谨学风。所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师 的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已明确注明和引用的内容外,本论文 不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品及成果的内容。论文为本人亲自撰 写,我对所写的内容负责,并完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。学位论文作者签名: 曰期:0fl3 和fl2fl4、“103 和 fl204 以及 1/4 以及和& 4。根据博萍论的占优战略均衡原理,计算机模拟可得到 12 种纯纳什均衡和 2 种組合策略均衡,

14、整理如表 2.2 所示。表 2.2 计算机模拟博奔结果ib:i3bib: b ib:? 3bib:(a 2, bi)序号收益大小 面料供应商 业服装企浙江理工大学硕士学位论文J3bib:fl3b i03bifl3b ib:Is bib: 博弃结果分析根据表 2.2 的模拟结果可知:只有当且时,积极合作总能比消极合作或不合作取得更大的效益,面料 供应商和服装企业才会在初次交易中同时选择积极合作。合作内容可表现为双方形成技术 和信息重叠区,共同进行产品设计、开发、事前质量和库存控制,共享需求信息、进度计消极合作 消极合作 消极合作 消极合作 积极合作 积极合作 消极合作 消极合作 消

15、极合作 积极合作 消极合作 积极合作 积极合作 积极合作 积极合作 积极合作消极合作 积极合作 消极合作 积极合作 消极合作 消极合作 积极合作 积极合作 消极合作 积极合作 消极合作 积极合作 消极合作 消极合作 积极合作 积极合作b3b4& 34b3bibib4 b3b4 b3b4aria 4fl24# S 估db911111fl22” ,但这正是传统模式下企业关系的真实写照。在这样的合作模式下,服装企业由于过于注重短期效益,无论是向上游传递的信息还 是投入的资金和技术等,都是有限和缺乏长远规划的。由此而产生的资讯、资金和技术等 瓶颈一定程度上制约了服装企业的市场竞争力和快速应变的服务能力

16、,决定了长期以来我 国服装只能在低价位上徘徊 【 M。同样,面料供应商因为在战略决策、创意机理机制以及资金和人力方面等存在各种各 样的问题。新产品开发处于一种自发、无序的状态,定位基准和市场需求发生偏差.无法 很好地满足服装市场的转型与服装需求的多元化所提出的更新和更高要求。如何进一步提 升企业双方的合作关系,运用原有条件,尽快完善和优化新型供应商合作关系管理是一个 新的契机和发展点。2.2.2 供应商合作关系实现的博弃分析如何实现坊织服装企业从传统合作模式到现代供应链合作关系的转变,可以从改变博 萍规则入手加以分析和探索。一方面可以从策略组合角度出发,实现从单次或有限次简单 交易到稳定持久的合作关系的转变。另一方面当合作初期尚未达成完备的协议和建立完善 的协调机制时,双方企业可通过自认为最有利的战略相互间逐渐模仿.最终达到一种均衡 状态 I。 大量重复博弈与合作博萍的实现浙江理工大学硕士学位论文传统管理模式下的单次或有限次博弗,由


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