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1、泰兴市 济川实验初中 初二英语期中试题(考试时间: 100 分钟 满分: 100 分 ) 注意: 1、本试卷分第一部分选择题和第二部分非选择题。2、考生答卷时,必须将自己的姓名、准考证号用黑色或蓝色钢笔或圆珠笔填写在试卷和答题卡的相应位置,再用 2B 铅笔将准考证号、科目填涂在答题卡上相应的小框内。第一部分 选择题 (共 60 分 ) 注意:考生必须将所选答案的字母标号用 2B 铅笔填涂在答题卡上相应的题号内,答在试卷上无效。一、听力 (15 分 ) A 、根据听到的对话,从所给的 A 、 B、 C 三个选项中选择符合题意的图画。 (听一遍 ) 1. What are the students

2、 doing now? 2. What festival does the women mean? 3. Which of the places did the girl visit? 4. What is Kate s favourite subject?5. What kind of animal are they talking about? B. 听第一段对话,回答 6-7 小题: (听两遍)6. When did Kitty move into a new house? A. Last Sunday B. Last Friday C. Last Wednesday 7. When w

3、ill the party start? A. At half past six B. At six C. At half past five C. 听第二段对话,回答 8-10 小题: (听两遍)8. Who had an accident last Saturday? A. Jim B. Jim s sister C. Jim s brother9. Who hit her in the street? A. Jim s brother B. Jim s classmate C. We don t know10. Where is the patient now? A. At home B

4、. In hospital C. In the street D. 听短文,选择正确答案(听两遍)11. What present did Mary s uncle send her for her birthday?A. A box of eggs B. A box of chocolate C. A box of chickens 12.What would Mary do with the chickens? A. Eat all of them B. Keep them for eggs C. Sell them 13. Who took the chickens to Mary s

5、house?A. Her uncle B. Mary herself C. A car driver 14. How many chickens were sent to Mary by her uncle? A. 17 B. 11 C. 6 15. What probably happened when Mary caught the chicken? A. She lost some of her chickens. B. She took her neighbours chickens by mistake(错误地 ). C. The driver gave her more chick

6、ens. 二、选择题 (20 分 ) 16. They went to Shanghai last week._ good time they had! A. what B. what a C. how a D. how 17. Have you finish your English work_? Yes, I _ it a few minutes ago. A. already; have finished B. yet; have finished C. yet; finished D. just now; finished 18. I have _ close friends, so

7、I feel _ from time to time. A. not, lonely B. no, lonely C. no, alone D. not, alone 19. My sister isn t here now. She _ Shanghai already. She _ there twice.A. has gone, has been B. has gone to, has been to C. has been to, has gone D. has gone to, has been 20. Kate got married _the famous TV star. A.

8、 with B. to C. on D. / 21. _ many old houses in my hometown, but now we can see many tall buildings everywhere. A. There was B. It used to be C. There used to have D. There used to be 22. People screamed with _ when the parade began. A. excitedly B. excited C. exciting D. excitement 23. I ll fly to

9、Shanghai on business next Friday. _!A. That s very nice of you! B. I don t think so.C. Can t you go D. Have a good trip 24. Thousands of trees _ by the young people last spring. A. are planted B. were planted C. were planting D. planted 25. After the exam, we ll have _ holiday.A. two weeks B. a two

10、weeks C. two-weeks D. two weeks 26. Cloud you tell me _ to have meeting tonight? Sure. At the meeting room on the fifth floor. A. how B. when C. why D. where 27. Davied was _ careless _ find the mistakes in his test paper. A. too that B. very that C. too to D. so that28. They always had a fantastic

11、time _ to each other in the past. A. talk B. to talk C. talked D. talking 29. Did you go to yesterday s party? No, I _. A. invited B. was invited C. wasn t invited D. didn t invite30. He _ his hometown for nearly three years. A. has left B. has been left C. has been away D. has been away from 31. He

12、 got a bad cold _ the bad weather. A. because B. because of C. as D. so 32. Would you mind _ after my child? _. A. looking/ Of course B. to look/ No, certainly not C. looked/ No, not at all D. looking/ Of course not 33. There are many interesting places in Beijing, _ the Great Wall, the Summer Palac

13、e and so on. A. include B. includes C. including D. included 34. I hope you _ a good holiday. A. to have B. will have C. would have D. having 35. He needs to practise _ the piano(钢琴 ), but a lot of work needed _. A. play, finish B. to play, be finished C. playing, finished D. playing, to be finished

14、 三、完型填空 (10 分 ) Has a doctor ever given you a note (处方) to take to the chemist( 药剂师 ) for some medicine? Are you able to read the note easily? 36 some of the doctors write clearly but most doctors don t. Chemists have 37 chances(机会) to read doctors notes, but sometimes the notes are so badly written

15、 that 38 the chemists can t read them. One day a lady wrote to her doctor and asked him 39 to her family party. Soon the answer written by her doctor came. But it wasn t written clearly. After a 40 study, the lady still couldn t read it.“ What shall I do? ” She said to her husband, “ I don t know whether he is coming or not. It isn t possible for me to telephone him and say that I can t read his writing. ”Her husband thought a moment, then had an idea. She went to the 41 and gave the doctor s note to him. The chemist _42_it very car



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