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1、金属热疲劳试验机电机共振高频疲劳试验机、进口高频疲劳试验机、德国高频疲劳试验机、金属热疲劳试验机、高温高频疲劳试验机、链条疲劳试验机、齿轮高频疲劳试验机、腐蚀环境高频疲劳试验机、弯曲疲劳试验机High Frequency Pulsator POWER SWING MOT with a nominal load ofF = 100 kNDynamic load = 50kN, Static load = 100kNMechanical set-up, inclusive the load frame with the vibration system, force transducer, etc

2、.Control-unit EXCITING MOT drive system for the resonance testing systemSoftware package EMOTION II with WINDOWS 7 ultimate, standard version in English language22 TFT-Monitor19- Control unit with digital carriage free pre-amplifiersDesign table made out of CORIAN materialDocumentation package: prin

3、t function, 2 standard protocols, colour inkjet printer, standard ASCII export function for protocolsGraphic tool: Oscilloscope function, formulas, signals, run-up graph, multimeter with min/max functionUPS System: Uninterruptible Power Supply (approx. 5 min. PC working time which allows a controlle

4、d shut-down of the system after a power failure)POWER SWING MOT ,标称载荷 100kN、250KN、300KN 可选动态载荷50kN,静态载荷100kN机械结构,包括带有振动系统和力传感器的承载框架用于实现共振测试的控制机柜单元 EXCITING MOT软件包 EMOTION II,带有英文 WINDOWS 7操作系统22 TFT 液晶显示器19控制机柜,带有数字前置放大器控制柜台面为可丽耐材质文件输出:有 2种标准的输出格式,配置彩色打印机图形工具: 示波器功能、加载信号图形、试验启动过程图形化展示A. High Frequen

5、cy Pulsator POWER SWING MOT金属热疲劳试验机技术资料 由优鸿专业技术工程师为您提供The resonance-testing-machine POWER SWING is a universal testing-system with an unbalanced mass exciting system. The system provides fatigue testing capabilities for axial, bending and torsion load. The vibration system is designed as a three-mas

6、s-system. In order to vary the testing frequency additional masses are available. The dynamic drive is done by an unbalanced mass drive which drives the flexible SPRING ACTION system. The controlled static load is introduced by a gear motor which drives a ball screw spindle. The static drive unit is

7、 mounted beneath the mounting table and offers adjustable limit switches. In the set up mode the static drive unit can be operated with a manual control. The force value can be displayed on the display of the control unit. The test system can be used force, displacement or strain controlled.The test

8、ing machine will be delivered with a flange-type load cell as standard. Additional transducers (displacement, strain) are available.POWER SWING MOT金属热疲劳试验机是通用的试验系统,由不平衡电机提供激励驱动。疲劳试验机可进行轴向、弯曲和扭转载荷的疲劳试验(需配合专用夹具) 。共振系统在 3组质量体系的基础上设计而成。动态载荷由不平衡电机加载,静态载荷由齿轮/链条变速电机加载。静态驱动单元安装在试验台下部,并且提供可调节的限位开关。静态驱动单元可以手工

9、控制,试验载荷可以在控制系统的显示器上显示。系统可以以载荷、位移和应变控制来操作、试验。试验机在交货时将会配置一个标准的法兰盘形式的试样。系统可以附加位移、应变传感器。The design of our high frequency pulsator series POWER SWING contains some innovations, described in the following:特点Test area and mounting table enlarged about 1.5 times共振时外力做功的效率达到极大,此时系统内的弹性能与运动能互相转化,外力仅用于克服阻尼力(相位

10、相反)所以功耗极低。设备保证测量数据可靠性和准确度,安全稳定。Huge testing strokes up to 8/10 mmFrequency range 30115 Hz, changing of the frequency range is possible疲劳试验机由于工作频率高,所用试验时间可显著缩短.电机共振式高频动态疲劳试验机频率可达 150HzModern and ergonomic designHigh optimum ergonomicDigital controller with real-time processingUsage of carrier-frequen

11、cy measuring amplifierUnsensitive to lateral forces, that means the POWER SWING is the worldwide unique Component resonance testing machine, which is also usable for asymmetrical gripping devices Improved acoustic qualities, by build-in the swinging head into the system table and using sound insulat

12、ionDurable, fatigue strength proof and maintenance free dynamic excitation system with unbalanced motor driveExtremely high accuraciesHigh control accuracy, due to optimized control routinesvery accurate controlling of the static drive, due to servo driveNew extensive software Modules for almost all

13、 applicationsLCF testsClassification according the Rainflow methodRANTEC-Technology, service load test simulationEvaluation software LabMOTION for statistical analysis like s/n curves (Whler-curves) and stair case step tests对于金属热疲劳试验机, 系统提供位移、频率偏差检测功能。在测试中,一旦试件萌生初始裂纹,共振频率会发生偏移,一旦到达设定的频率偏移值,会自动停机,同时可

14、从监视器上实时检测曲线可以观察到频率和载荷的变化。之后,通过探伤剂对试件探伤,很容易找到裂纹萌生位置和长度Different layouts for test protocols availableHierarchical operator management (definition of different usage rights, for example calibration function)Digital working hour meter (free configurable with intervals, alerts for calibration, reset able

15、)Very easy and intuitive operation of the systemExtremely low testing costs (less than 1% compared to servohydraulic testing machines) 由于试件产生裂纹导致刚度下降进而引起共振频率下降,据此控制系统可设置自动停机,如:共振频率下降1Hz,系统判定为试件失效。这样,一批试件的失效标准将统一,对均值寿命、标准差的估计更为准确。设备有安全停机和紧急停机保护功能,并在停机后加载系统自动卸载的功能Automatically crack recognition, due to frequency drop method (resonance principle)设备不要求很大的场地,特殊设计的地基,运行中噪声也很小,因此,便用方便,搬运容易、对环境污染小。设备可连续工作。



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