The tough grass that sweetens our lives钢化玻璃丰富我们的生活

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《The tough grass that sweetens our lives钢化玻璃丰富我们的生活》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The tough grass that sweetens our lives钢化玻璃丰富我们的生活(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、补全短文的实例分析The tough grass that sweetens our livesSugar cane was once a wild grass that grew in New Guinea and was used by local people for roofing their houses and fencing their gardens. Gradually a different variety evolved which contained sucrose (蔗糖) and was chewed on for its sweet taste. Over tim

2、e, sugar cane became a highly valuable commercial plant, grown throughout the world. _(46)Sugar became a vital ingredient in all kinds of things, from confectionery(糖果点心) to medicine, and, as the demand for sugar grew, the industry became larger de more profitable. _(47) Many crops withered(枯萎) and

3、died, despite growers attempts to save them and there were fears that the health of the plant would continues to deteriorate.In the 1960s, scientists working in Barbados looked for ways to make the commercial species stronger and more able to resist disease. They experimented with breeding programme

4、s, mixing genes from the wild species of sugar cane, which tends to be tougher, with genes from the more delicate, commercial type. _(48) This sugar cane is not yet ready to be sold commercially, but when this happens, it is expected to be incredibly profitable for the industry._(49) Brazil, which p

5、roduces one quarter of the worlds sugar, has coordinated an international project under Professor Paulo Arrudo of the Universidade Estaudual de Campinas in Sao Paulo. Teams of experts have worked with him to discover more about which parts of the genetic structure of the plant are important for the

6、production of sugar and its overall health.Despite all the research, however, we still do not fully understand how the genes in sugar cane. _(50) This gene is particularly exciting because it makes the plant resistant to rust, a disease which probably originated in India,but is now capable of infect

7、ing sugar cane across the world. Scientists believe they will eventually be able to grow a plant which cannot be destroyed by rust.A. Unfortunately, however, the plant started to become weaker and more prone to disease. B. Sugar cane is now much more vigorous and the supply of sugar is therefore mor

8、e guaranteed.C. One major gene has been identified by Dr Angelique D Hont and her team in Montpelier, France.D. The majority of the worlds sugar now comes from this particular commercial species.E. Since the 1960s, scientists have been analyzing the mysteries of the sugar canes genetic code.F. Event

9、ually, a commercial plant was developed which was 5 percent sweeter thanbefore, but also much stronger and less likely to die from disease.先查阅方框里的A-F六项,划出关联词。A Unfortunately, however, the plant started to become weaker and more prone todisease.信息词为:“Unfortunately,however,weaker,more”BSugar cane is n

10、ow much more vigorous and the supply of sugar is therefore more guaranteed信息词为:“much more,more”COne major gene has been identified by Dr Angelique D Hont and her team in Montpelier, France.信息词为:“One major gene”D The majority of the worlds sugar now comes from this particular commercial species.信息词为:

11、“this particular commercial species”E Since the 1960s, scientists have been analyzing the mysteries of the sugar canes genetic code.信息词为:“Since the 1960s”F Eventually, a commercial plant was developed which was 5 percent sweeter than before, but also much stronger and less likely to die from disease

12、.信息词为:“Eventually”根据划出来的词,判断哪个题目应该先做,顺序依次是:(1)Unfortunately, however, the plant started to become weaker and more prone to disease。 Unfortunately这个词要记好,意思是“不幸的是”。However这个词也要记好,意思是“然而”,表示转折关系。however, the plant started to become weaker,然而,不幸的是,这种植物开始变得更加软弱了(weaker)。and more prone to disease,变得更容易患病。

13、根据转折关系,这句话要往里补的话,很显然,它的上一句应该是讲幸运的事情。看空白处的上一句,只要是谈幸运的事情,构成转折关系,就可以往里补。第47个空后面Many crops withered(枯萎) and died, despite growers attempts to save them and there were fears that the health of the plant would continues to deteriorate.这句话说植物枯萎了,而A项说的是植物更易于患病了,意思上刚好可以承接想通。A选项前面写47,47空上面写上A。(2)One major gen

14、e has been identified by Dr Angelique D Hont and her team in Montpelier, France. One major gene表示“一种主要 ”, 点 意gene,这说 空白处的 一句一 这种 ,一 gene这个词。 上 空 处,第50空的 一句This gene is particularly exciting because it makes the plant resistant to rust,说“这种 ”This gene刚好 选项 的One major gene 应。第50空写C,C选项前面 上50.(3)The ma

15、jority of the worlds sugar now comes from this particular commercialspecies。 意句 的this particular commercial species,这种 的可 的物种, 物种。这句话了“species(物种)”,上一句也一 说“这种 的可 的物种”。第46空上面这一句Over time, sugar cane became a highly valuable commercial plant, grown throughout the world。 一个a highly valuable commercial

16、plant,一种的植物,species这个词currency1成了plant,commercial这个词“变。46空上面写D,D前面写46.(4)Eventually, a commercial plant was developed which was 5 percent sweeter than before, but also much stronger and less likely to die from disease。这句话很,第一个词Eventually,表示“,后”,这个fi可以flfinally来表示。根据这个词,可以 这句话应该要往后面补。看后面a commercial plant was developed,一种 植物得了,开。developed这个词划上,表示得了开, 。这个,往往上一句 “”实,”这 的 。看第48个空,上一句说They experimented wi


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