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1、书名:外贸英语函电ISBN: 978-7-111-44879-2作者:林继玲出版社:机械工业出版社本书配有电子课件,Chapter1 Language Style and Layout of a Business Letter,Learning ObjectivesLanguage StyleLayout of a Business LetterFormat of a Business Letter Addressing Envelopes,Learning Objectives,To be acquainted with the language style of a business le

2、tter; to get familiar with the layout and format of a business letter ;,To construct a business letter and address an envelope.,In this unit, you are expected,General Introduction,Business writing is widely used in business activities, such as establishing business relations, enquiring and offering,

3、 ordering, complaining and claiming, etc. Every business message is designed to achieve a specific business objective. It is an essential ability for a businessman to write effectively.,7Cs principles,(1) Clearness (表达清晰)(2) Conciseness (用词简洁)(3) Correctness (语言正确)(4) Courtesy (礼貌谦恭)(5) Consideratio

4、n (考虑周到) (6) Concreteness (信息具体)(7) Completeness (信息完整),To achieve this, the writer should pay attention to sentence structure. Plain, simple words and short sentences are required. Besides, try to avoid ambiguous sentences and needless jargon. At last, clear logic is very important in presenting an

5、 idea.,Try to avoid wordiness, unnecessary repetition, and excessive details;Paragraphing carefully can make a business letter clearer, easier to read and more attractive to the reader.,Incorrect grammar, improper punctuation, and wrong spelling are not allowed; Besides, the letter should be written

6、 in an appropriate style and format; They should not understate nor overstate.,The principle of courtesy requires one to be thoughtful, sincere and tactful. Punctuality is also stressed as an important aspect of courtesy in business correspondence. A prompt letter is always more valued than a delaye

7、d one.,It emphasizes You-attitude rather than We-attitude. When writing a letter, we bear the readers requests, needs, desires, as well as his feelings in mind. Find the best way to express your ideas and present the message.,Concreteness means making the message specific, definite and vivid. A poin

8、t that is ambiguous in a letter will cause trouble to both sides, and further exchange of letters for explanation will become inevitable.,If any necessary piece of information is lacking, the reader will have to ask you for clarification,It will not only waste time, energy, but also damage the image

9、 of your company.,It includes the essential particulars about the writer: the name and full address of his company, postcode, telephone number, fax number and Email address.,A reference number helps the writer and the recipient to number and file the letters they are handling. It may go like: Our Re

10、f: 123 GW. There are two styles in which letters are dated. The first one is the American style (May 20, 2012), the second one is the British style (30 June 2012).,The full sequence of display of the receivers address in a business letter ise.g.Mr. Henry JamesPurchasing ManagerTelex System, Inc.32 S

11、unny RoadShanghai Branch P.O. box 453China,Attention of Marketing ManagerFor the attention of Mr. SmithAttention: Mr. SmithAttention Sales ManagerATTENTION PERSONEL MANAGER,e.g.Dear Mrs. Smith,Dear Mr. Wang and Dear Ms. Wu,Dear Misses Ross, Li and Winter,e.g.Subject: New Price ListRe: New Price List

12、New Price ListSUBJECT: NEW PRICE LIST,The body of the letter contains the message you want to send across to the receiver, is the core of the letter. A good letter will not only get the business done but also promote goodwill. Thus, it should be carefully planned and messages should be stated and ar

13、ranged logically.,Organization Name: if an organization name is used after the complimentary close, the name should be typed entirely in capital two lines below the complimentary close.Author, Title, and department: three blank lines should be left above the typed name of the author. If short, the a

14、uthors title or department may appear on the same line as the authors name. If long, it should be typed immediately below the authors name. e.g. THE NATIONAL TRANSPORT CO., S.T. SmithPurchasing Manager,The reference notation consists of the initials of the person who indicates the letter and of the

15、secretary or typist. The initials are usually typed two lines below the signature against the left-hand margin.,10,An enclosure notation should be added to the business letter, when documents such as sales terms and conditions, catalogues and pricelists, etc. are enclosed. Type the word “Enclosure”,

16、 or its abbreviation “Enc.” or “Encl.” It follows two lines below reference notation. e.g. Enclosure: the price listEncl.: the cataloguesEnc.: name of products,11,Carbon copy notation is used when copies of the letter are sent to others. Type “CC” or “cc” with the name of the persons who will receive the copies of the letter, usually positioned two lines below the signature block at the left margin. e.g.cc Purchasing Manager,


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