2014届高考英语 重点词汇归纳 soneithernor复习剖析

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1、- 1 -so/neither/nor1、the + 比较级 越,就越The busier he is ,the happier he feels. 越忙他越高兴。The harder you work, the greater progress youll make.你学习越努力,取得的进步就越大。The more hppily we live,the more we realize how much we owe to the Party.我们过得越幸福,就会更加认识到共产党的恩情。The more I hear, the more I laugh. 越听我笑得越厉害。2、so/neith

2、er/nor若表示另外一人也如何如何,则采用倒装形式,把系列动词,情态动词,助动词等提到主语之前;若主语为同一人,表示其就是如何,是系动词等不用提前。若句子为否定句,则用 neither, nor ,如:I dont know, nor do I care. 我不知道,也不关心。若前句既有肯定又有否定,或并列谓语形式不一致,则采用 so it is with,或 It is the same with的结构,如:He is writer and has written a lot of works .So it is with me. ( 或 It is the same with me)此时

3、说明我也是作家,也写了很多作品。若用 so am I 只能说明我是作家。若用 so have I 只能说明我也写了很多作品。再如:He is good at English, but doesnt do well in maths.It is the same with me. (或 So it is with me )- 2 -若用 So am I 或 Nor do I 则只能分别说明其中一个方面。3、so that 以便于;目的是为了相当于 in order that,引导目的状语从句。从句中常带有 may/ might;can/ could;will/ would/ should 等情态

4、动词He got up early so that he might catch the first bus. 他早起为的是赶上第一班车。I put on my glasses so that I could see more clearly. 我戴上眼镜为的是看得清楚点。He spoke loud so that everyone could hear him. 他大声说是为了让大家都能听到。以上各句中的 so that 均可用 in order that 代替。当 so that 从句的主语与主句主语一致时,常可简化为 in order to 或 so as to 结构。上面的句可转换为:He got up early in order to catch the first bus.I put on my glasses in order to see more clearly.上面的句不可简化。但:He spoke loud so that he could be heard by everyone.可转换为:He spoke loud in order to be heard by everyone.注意:in order that/in order to 表示目的时,可置于句首;so that/so as to 表示目的时不能置于句首。- 3 -


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