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1、高考英语完形填空解题技巧 1、文章选材主要是记叙文,叙中有议 2、实词为主,虚词为辅,多为单词 3、 四个选项的词性相同、形式相同 A. kitchen B. street C. restaurant D. table A. letting B. making C. watching D. having 4、设空及选项注重情境,考察综合运用语言能力 试卷名称 名词 动词 形容词 副词 代词 介词 连词 短语 2009全国卷 I 9 5 2 3 0 0 0 0 2010全国卷 I 5 6 2 5 0 0 1 1 2011全国卷 I 7 9 3 0 0 0 0 1 2012新课标全国卷 8 5 2

2、 3 0 0 0 2 2013新课标 II 4 6 5 0 0 0 0 5 试卷名称 文章体裁 文章话题 2009全国卷 I 记叙文 讲述 19世纪英国作家史蒂文森的成名作 金银岛 的创作灵感是如何在偶然中产生 2010全国卷 I 夹叙夹议文 一位年老病人的爱情观和生活观 2011全国卷 I 夹叙夹议文 一位女士二十年前听一位教授的课的感悟和所受到的影响 2012新课标全国卷 说明文 Body language 在跨文化交际中的重要性 2013新课标 II 记叙文 “Gloves” Greenberg 冬日里发放手套的平凡善举 解题步骤: 跳过空格,通读全文,掌握大意(首句) 逐句细读,仔细推

3、敲,确定选项 复核全文,验证答案 2-3min. 10min. 2-3min. 解题步骤: 解题误区: 为省时间,边读边选 只求略读,不求精读 遇到长句不注意分析句子结构,在语义模糊时贸然选择 Example1 : (21期英语周报 ) my heart beat _36_. I was too nervous to do anything. I breathed slowly to _39_ myself. 36. A. lightly B. painfully C. peacefully D. wildly 39. A. calm B. convince C. enjoy D. contr

4、ol Example2 : (26期 ) we raced back, but the case was_43_. We visited the local station, but as the road was a common link between several towns, we werent very_44_. 43. A. gone B. broken C. stolen D. hidden 44. A. anxious B. hopeful C. surprised D. frightened Example3 : (27期 ) We were a very quiet g

5、roup of people. We took the bus every day that summer 3 years ago. During the ride, we sat with our collars up to our ears, a crowd of _37_ people. 37. A. pleasant B. dull C. interesting D. strange 总结:解题技巧(一) ( 2000全国卷) I climbed the stairs slowly, carrying a big suitcase, my father following with t

6、wo more. By the time I got to the third floor, I was _1_and the same time feeling lonely. Worse still, Dad _2_ a step and fell, sending my new suitcase rolling down the stairs. 1. A. helpless B. lazy C. anxious D. tired 2. A. took B. minded C. missed D. picked 利用上下文推理判断 Example4 :( 23期) she got out

7、of her_45_ and walked unaided to the door. It was the first time Id ever seen her walk _46_. she positioned herself in her wheelchair 45. A. wheelchair B. car C. room D. party 46. A. hopefully B. alone C. forward D. gently Example5 :( 24期) Max pulled at his fathers sleeve. “let me shorten them. I kn

8、ow what to do.” “You are too_44_,” said Papa, Max wanted to show Papa that he was not too young. 44. A. lovely B. innocent C. little D. kind Example6 : (24期 ) they fitted him perfectly except for being a little_37_ . After he went home, he asked his wife, “can you hem my new pants before the picnic?

9、 They need to be shortened only the length of a thumb 37. A. loose B. dark C. tight D. long 总结:解题技巧(二) ( 2011全国卷) the professor marched into the lecture hall, placed upon his desk a large jar filled with fried beans(豆 ), and invited the students to _38_ how many beans the jar contained. After listen

10、ing to shouts of wildly wrong guesses 38. A. count B. guess C. report D. watch 利用提示词(原词复现,同义词,反义词) Example7 : (23期 ) _41_ the woman had heard of this shop, she had never gone inside to try its goods 41. A. Although B. Because C. If D. Before Example8 : (24期 ) _38_I could do it myself, I make such a

11、mess when I sew. 38. A. Although B. If C. Unless D. As Example9 : (一模 ) “ I forgot to email my mother those photos.” he quickly opens his laptop. _46_he sends the email he gets an Instant Messaging from an old school friend, who he hasnt spoken to for six months. After a forty- minute chat, he fires

12、 the email to his mother 46. A. Before B. When C. After D. Until 总结:解题技巧 (三 ) ( 2007海南卷) Geese are known to take the first living thing they see as their mother. 42 , to these young geese, the girl was their mother. 42. A. But B. Also C. Thus D. Still 利用逻辑推理 Example10 : (四校联考 ) he let them_40_ and b

13、oil, without saying a word. 40. A. sit B. sat C. sitting D. to sit Example11: (四校联考 ) she did not know whether she would _37_ it 37. A. make B. get C. forget D. mention Example12 : (四校联考 ) he _42_the carrots out and placed them in a bowl 42. A. caught B. push C. rose D. fished 总结:解题技巧 (四 ) ( 2010全国卷

14、) they just _54_ the best of everything they have 54. A. learn B. make C. favor D. try 利用语法,固定搭配,词的活用 Example13 : (26期 ) we looked_41_ and , to our disappointment, discovered that the case had flown off 41. A. around B. out C. down D. up Example14: (27期 ) the next day, the old man got on the bus, sm

15、iled and said loudly: “And a very good morning to you all!” some of us looked _42_. A. through B. over C. up. D. around 总结:解题技巧 (五 ) ( 2004江苏卷) she was always waiting at the bus stop around 8:00. On _days, she wore heavy clothes and a pair of woolen gloves. A. sunny B. rainy C. cloudy D. snowy 利用生活常识,文化背景 文章首句要重视,全篇理解有启示。 记叙体裁为主体,通读全文明意


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