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1、备考大学英语应用能力考试,第一部分 语法和词汇第二部分 翻译第三部分 写作,第一部分 语法和词汇 第一章 重点语法项目介绍第二章 多项选择题,第三部分 写作 第一章 写作介绍 第二章 写作练习,从历年考试试题分析来看,PRETCO语法(Structure)考查重点主要是:动词时态和语态、非谓语动词(动词不定式、分词和动名词)、情态动词、状语从句、定语从句、倒装句、强调句、反意问句、虚拟语气、代词、形容词和副词等。考生要对上述语法项目从概念到应用上下功夫。现就各项目的考核重点分别简单叙述如下(其中有些例句选自历年考试试题):,第一章 重点语法项目介绍,一、动词的时态和语态考核重点:过去完成时。注

2、意:过去完成时常常和before,after,until,when等引导的时间状语从句连用,其谓语动词的动作一般表示过去。常用句型如下: by the time(the end)of+表示过去时间的短语或句子; hardly (scarcely)+过去完成时+when+过去时; no sooner+过去完成时+than+过去时;现在完成时和现在完成进行时。常用时间状语有: this day(week,month,year),so far,for some time,up to now,up to the present,all this year(month,week)等;将来完成时。常与be

3、fore,until,when,after等连词引导的时间状语从句连用,其谓语动词的动作一般表示将来。常用句型如下: by the time(the end)0f+表示将来时间的短语或句子。,例句: 1.He said:“I_ a lot of new words by the end of last year”(200212 B级) A) had already learnt B)would have already learnt C) have already learnt D)already learnt答案: 。句中时间状语by the end of last year表明谓语动词要用

4、过去完成时态。2. The project to clear up the polluted river_by the end of next year(20026 B级) A) is being completed B)will have been completed C) has been completed D)will have completed答案: 。句中时间状语by the end of next year表明谓语动词要用将来完成时。3. The students_ their papers by the end of this month(20026 A级) A) will

5、have finished B)have been finishing C) have finished D)will be finishing答案: 。句中时间状语by the end of this month表明谓语动词要用将来完成时。,A),B),A),4. Up till now I(spend)_ a great deal of money on books,magazines and newspapers. (20036 B级) A) spent C) had spent B) have spent D) am going to spend答案: 。句中的时间状语up till

6、now要求谓语动词用现在完成时。5. Until then_ his family from him for several months A)hadnt heard C) didnt hear B) hasnt heard D) hasnt been hearing答案: 。句中的状语until then和for several months可以判断谓语动词用过去完成时。6Hardly _we _ the railway station when it began to rain heavily A) hadgot to B) havegot to C) didget to D) doget

7、 to答案: 。“hardly+过去完成时+when+过去时”句型。,B),A),A),二、动词不定式考核重点:不定式的完成式、进行式和被动式。例句:1. He was very sorry_ her at the airport(20026 A级) A) to have not met B) not to have met C) not to meet D) to not meet 答案: 。动词不定式的完成式否定。2. 1d rather read than watch television;the programs seem _all the time. A) to get worse

8、B) getting worse C) to have got worse D) to be getting worse答案: 。不定式的进行式,表示“一直是”的意思。3. Mr. Smith preferred _ heavier work to do A) to be given B) to give C) to have given D) having given 答案: 。不定式的被动式。,B),D),A),4. A Dream of the Red Chamber is said _ into more than ten languages in the last decade A)

9、 to have translated B)to translate C) to have been translated D)to be translated 答案: 。不定式的被动完成式。,C),三、动词的现在分词和过去分词考核重点:分词或分词短语作状语。注意:当分词或分词短语作状语时,其逻辑主语一般与句子主语保持一致。分词或分词短语作状语可以表示时间、原因、条件、方式、让步和伴随状态等;当分词或分词短语作状语时,如果其逻辑主语与句子主语不一致,便要使用分词的独立结构,即带逻辑主语的分词短语,表示时间、原因、条件、伴随状况等;分词作定语、宾语补语及表语。例句:1. The May Day

10、Holiday _over,we must now get down to work(200112 A级) A) be B) being C) to have been D) to be答案: 。带逻辑主语的现在分词短语作状语,是独立主格结构。2. Thousands of products_ from crude oil are now in daily use(20036 A级) A) to make B) be made C) making D) made 答案: 。分词作后置定语修饰名词。,B),D),3. I have found some articles _ the harmfu

11、l effects of drinking(200312 A级) A) being concerned B) concerned C) to concern D) concerning 答案: 。concerning应为宾语some articles的补足语。这里宾语和宾语补足语的关系是主动的,故用现在分词。4. I stayed up all night _ to find a new solution to the problem(20046 A级) A) trying B) have tried C) try D) tried 答案: 。现在分词短语作目的状语。5. _ such a g

12、ood chance,he planned to learn more A)To be give B) Having been given C) Having given D) Giving 答案: 。被动完成式现在分词作状语表示条件。,D),A),B),四、动名词考核重点:只跟动名词作宾语的动词有:admit,enjoy,include,involvepractise,excuse,postpone mind,dislike,mention,imaginesuggest,delay,miss,understand,hate,like,favor,escapedeny,consider,app

13、reciate,avoid,risk等。例句:1. I dont mind _ all that way in such bad weather(20016 A级) A) go B) gone C) going D) to go 答案: 。动词mind后面要求v一ing的形式(动名词)作宾语。2. Jane always enjoys _to popular music at home on Friday evenings(20036 A级) A) listening B) being listening C) to be listening D) to listen 答案: 。enjoy喜欢

14、,后接动名词作宾语。,C),A),3. They are considering _ before the price go up A) of buying the house B)with buying the house C) buying the house D)to buy the house答案: 。consider后接动名词作宾语。4. Its no use _ me not to worry A) you tell B) your telling C) for you to have told D) having told答案: 。Its no use +ving句型要求。这里是带逻辑主语的动名词结构。,



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