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1、UNIT 2 Section A Iron and the Effects of Exercise,Second Edition,Objectives,Understanding the text and learning language points. 2. Grammar review: appositive + absolute structure. 3. Writing a passage organized in cause-and effect way.4. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing

2、activities related to the theme of the unit,Time allotment,Teaching Plan,Lead-in questions ( oral work )Text analysis ( discourse analysis approach )Language study ( functional approach ),Teaching methods,Teaching steps,Pre-reading tasks: 1) lead-in questions - answers 2) background informationWhile

3、-reading tasks: 1) text analysis 2) language focus 3) writing skillPost-reading tasks: exercises and assignments,Teaching Plan,Lead In,Text analysis,Language Focus,Exercises,Assignments,Contents,Lead in,Why is iron important to our health? What will happen if you dont have enough iron?How to prevent

4、 iron deficiency anemia?What foods are rich in iron?What do you know about the relation between exercise and health?,Why is iron important to our health?,Iron is a mineral that helps build red blood cells. Most importantly, iron helps your blood cells carry the oxygen that is needed for energy. Gett

5、ing the right amount of iron can improve your performance in sports and in school.,Lead in,You will become !,What will happen if you dont have enough iron?,anemic,Lead in,Lead in,How to prevent iron deficiency anemia?,Nutrition Tips:Choose breads and cereals that say “enriched” or “iron- fortified”

6、on the label. These foods have extra iron that can really boost your intake.Foods high in vitamin C help your body absorb iron. Eat iron-rich foods along with foods that are high in vitamin C.Dont take an iron supplement with caffeinated drink such as cola or coffee. Caffeine can interfere with iron

7、 absorption.,Lead in,What foods are rich in iron?,Good sources of iron include red meat, eggs, poultry (禽肉), fish, beans, and fortified cereals. It is important to know that your body absorbs iron from animal sources more easily than it absorbs iron from plant sources.,Lead in,What do you know about

8、 the relation between exercise and health?,Regular exercise is a critical part of staying healthy. People who are active live longer and feel better. Exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight. It can delay or prevent diabetes, some cancers and heart problems.,Text Analysis,Writing pattern: Exp

9、ositionAn analysis of the whole text structureParagraph writing technique,Text Analysis,Introducing the main topic p1: A new study found that exercise, even moderate exercise, may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women. p2-3: Direct quotations from Roseanne M. Lyle, the researcher of the study,

10、to support p1.,Para 1-3:,Text Analysis,Iron deficiency is very common among women and various causes. p4: Causes: Ignoring the amount of iron take-in; monthly bleeding; rejecting red-meat;not consuming enough iron-rich food. p5: Cause: Iron loss from exercise. p6: Cause: Exercise can result in iron

11、loss through a variety of mechanism.,Para 4-6:,Text Analysis,Three stages of iron deficiencyStage 1: No symptomsStage 2: Fatigue and poor performanceStage 3: People often feel weak, tired, and out of breath- and exercise performance is severely compromised.,Para 7-8:,Text Analysis,Use a better metho

12、d to check the amount of iron stored in the blood and its advisable for both women and men to have a yearly blood test to check blood iron reserves.,Para 9:,Text Analysis,Advice on correcting iron deficiency p10: Modifying your diet or taking supplements p11: Selecting iron-fortified food; Cooking i

13、n iron pans; Avoiding drinking coffee or tea with meals. p12: Being careful about food choices and paying attention to warning signs.,Para10-12:,Text Analysis,Paragraph writing techniqueWriting a cause-and-effect paragraph. Para 4 can serve as an example. (See also SB p45),Language Focus,Words and p

14、hrases Chinese to EnglishSentence structure,Words and Phrases,观察鸟类行为遵守风俗遵守纪律遵守法律遵守规章庆祝生日过圣诞节过复活节过感恩节,observe the behaviour of birdsobserve the customsobserve the disciplineobserve the lawsobserve the rulesobserve ones birthdayobserve Christmasobserve Easterobserve Thanksgiving,observe: vt. vi. 观察;遵守

15、;注意到;评论说; 庆祝,observe:,他总是仔细观察,很少说话。Heobservescarefully but says little.你注意到她的话里有什么奇怪的地方没有?Have youobservedanything strange in her words?每位公民都应该遵守交通规则。All citizens shouldobservetraffic rules.他说荣誉并非总是为应得的人所得。He observed that honours did not always go to those who deserved them.,moderate: adj.,适度运动对你有益。Moderateexercise will be of benefit to you.他的意见稳健不偏激。He holdsmoderateopinions.,neither very big nor very small; not extreme; 适度的;温和的;稳健的;中等的,


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