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1、论文代写、论文下载 QQ625880526第 页0毕业设计(论文)课 题 名 称 : 城市物流配送运输的绿色策略研究 学 院 : 专 业 : 姓 名 : _ 学 号 : 指 导 教 师 : 二零一零年 四 月 十九 日论文代写、论文下载 QQ625880526第 页1城市物流配送运输的绿色策略研究摘要进入 21 世纪我国人口、资源与环境三者之间的矛盾日益严重,使我们后续的生存环境和经济运行受到严峻的挑战,可持续发展已经成为社会经济发展必然选择。将可持续发展原则应用于现代物流管理活动中,就产生了“绿色物流” 。发展我国现代绿色物流,提倡高效节能,不仅是必要的,也是迫切的。本文的目的通过学习绿色物


3、汽车,多式联运THE GREEN STRATEGY RESEARCH OF LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORT IN CITIES论文代写、论文下载 QQ625880526第 页2ABSTRACTIn the 21st century, we are facing the problems even more seriously among population, natural resources and environment. It is the time for us to work to establish theEconomic Continuing Improveme

4、nt for efficient utilization of the valuable resources our earth provides. And it needs green logistics for supporting. Green Logistics have three cornerstones. The basic principle is to combine the economic approach and the ecological approach and in doing so create a long-term logistics solution.T

5、he aim of this thesis is through studying the relations between green logistics and Economic Continuing Improvement, to reveal the significance of green logistics to Economic Continuing Improvement and the importance of implementing green logistics strategy in our society.Environmental situation is

6、not so sound, and resources are short compared with large population. The contradiction between economic development and environment protection is getting more serious. In order to keep economy going faster, the sense of Economic Continuing Improvement has become more and more important. And the gre

7、en logistics as the key step of Economic Continuing Improvement is worthwhile for our study. Our government should establish policies that will support green logistics, advocate citizens to pay attention to green logistics. And enterprises should combine operation strategy with green logistics to pr

8、otect our environment and utilize natural resources efficiently.Key words: green logistics, reverse logistics,green cars, multi-polarity目录前言 .11. 城市绿色配送运输的现状与问题 .21.1 绿色物流运输现状 .2论文代写、论文下载 QQ625880526第 页31.1.1 国外现状 .21.1.2 国内现状 .41.2 运输环节对城市环境产生的破坏 .41.2.1 空气污染 .41.2.2 噪音污染 .51.2.3 视觉污染 .51.2.4 交通拥挤

9、.61.2.5 其他 .62. 发展绿色运输的意义及评价体系 .72.1 意义 .72.1.1 对环境的保护 .72.1.2 绿色运输对于整个物流运作过程效率的提高 .82.1.3 采取绿色运输对于企业资源资金的节省 .82.2 绿色运输水平的绿色度评价指标体系 .93我国绿色配送运输发展的瓶颈与趋势 .123.1 我国发展绿色运输的瓶颈和问题 .123.1.1 观念问题 .123.1.2 政府政策问题 .123.1.3 技术设施 .133.1.4 管理经营 .143.1.5 缺少专业人才 .143.2 我国物流企业的绿色运输发展趋势 .144. 发展绿色运输的思路和对策 .164.1 发展思路 .


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