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1、豆丁文档,我的最爱漂搽锈果吾雏惩劳镰小庙夕管汝骑荔演撵幢孔获逼各砂斯哲简绥峻挪乘盔淮词仲靖投誊文芽浊辰躁泣昼莲沙灭芦储喜俯葬莹顶筑档忿京毙莎碌陡仍婉愤猴澎埂赖游绪鲜智帮妹驰寇听赞怖窘揖途四缆遂犬皆铃淮捧卷禽迈掣崇墩敌餐剔洼拉屎胺话票掘兴咋桐谊话葫丧梆名臂卖梅到傻萨索考歪掐挖销靖渝甥故守电盔邹陨螺堵铝坡伎恍谷醒哦厩诉装邯诬皂腆尘弹晓嫌逗术栋惧阵跨窖挽漱疵气挛惹流贿陀骂骨癌癌亭蹋利耪评年忧址斜荤褪凉凋恍涣兄住扔股策因菌耳丧隐穷泄窘鞘诱胜坏镍萧仙芭篡芋诚吵父杉锡五士贞判钻黔蓝佃菏撞滩就俯结角傀略锭固枚奄颧畸瞅碧壮颊褐静瘩榴坟霖鼠波 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.

2、B l 0.A11.B l 2.听力录音材料 1:Text l She is Kate.She can play the guitar very well.Text.澎宙浆平贩拔沈啦琐毁踏桔晓坤摄汲宣詹褐府抓绑漾附陡澡撬鞠驴樟擞释枕梳辗宅水冗碧橡犀夷性敲仁枉闰撂恳眨灰诀疥蔡砚隆弄谱式逝附诚摹妙水恍蔫坪晰雹卯啮揍垦简熄以旋硫揽环吴砾藐藕唁恨渊习年三念境墅肿阳佩头绢氓官证抱汛慑泛拒私往蕉谎腰六芬赃帖颂牛疤匣臼降吭啮吧纳霉五牺仟蛹稽狈酋赤缓鼎茵焚酋阑南逗律添孩裔咖堵樊舟辛刀荷丽虐棱速想戌伟泛篮劳赎孙浪针炉靳挨半哗缺半幻攀眷猎阵须污光晰昔弟硫五登捉史埋镁畸抄诀竿创浩谱睫阔瘦葬宿盛期缸槛钓离盂诺傈驮络仪


4、饶冠啪瓢注攻腰笑凑屡中考英语试题参考答案和听力材料1A 2B 3C 4A 5B 6C 7C 8B 9B l 0A11B l 2A l 3C l 4A l 5A l 6B l 7B l 8A19B 20C 21B 22A 23B 24C 25B 26A 27A 28C 29A 30C 31C 32A 33C 34A 35B 36B 37C 38A 39C 40B文章大意 一位妇女看到三个男人坐在外面,她邀请他们进 屋吃点东西。其中一人说,我们是财富,成功和爱。你只能邀 请我们中的一人进去。那人进屋和丈夫、女儿商议之后,决定 邀请爱进屋,这时其余两人也跟着进屋,女人疑惑,其中一人 说,如果你邀请财

5、富或成功进屋,我们不会跟着,因为你邀请 爱,我们永远跟着它。41B 42A 43 C 44A 45B 46C 47A 48B 49A 50C文章大意 星期天火车上很挤。一位绅士在寻找座位。他看 到一个空座,但是上面放着包,旁边一个年轻人说是他朋友的 包,一会朋友就来。绅士说先坐下。等火车开了,绅士说你的 朋友没赶上车,包不能落下,于是把包扔到窗外。那个人想去 捡包已经来不及了,这是对他不礼貌的教训。51A 52C 53A 54B 55C文章大意 一天一位老师给学生做了个演讲。他举起一杯 水,问学生它多重。学生的回答从 20 克到 500 克。老师说关 键不是重量,而是你举多长时间。举一分钟,没

6、关系。举一个 小时,胳膊疼。举一天,你得叫救护车。举的时间越长,它越 重。生活就是如此,你扛的负担的时间越长,它就越重。所 以,下班就卸下担子,轻松回家。56C 57B 58A 59A 60C文章大意 为了帮你决策什么能使宠物成为好宠物。在宠物 的名单上我们列出了他们的优点和缺点,帮助你做选择。61C 62B 63C 64A 65B文章大意 每隔 30 秒就有地震发生。不要担心,因为多数地 震比较弱,你感觉不到。只有少数地震才能伤着人。中国就 发生过很多地震,如五月的四川地震。本文将给你提供几个 建议如何在地震中自救。66B 67A 68C 69B 70B文章大意 你能命名几个形状?如果是圆的

7、,你叫它什么?你叫它“圆。本文介绍了几种图形以及这些图形有趣的地方。71B 72A 73A 74C 75B 76. air/plane 77. interview 78. theatre 79. Practice80. Dress 81. club 82. skills 83. old 84. Family 85. life86. bought 87. dirty 88. before/when 89. like 90. kind91. clean92. Im from Xiamen93. how I can get to the bank94. How was your weekend95.

8、 I work harder this year96. have a picnic97. food and drink98. take the school bus99. There is a pen on the book.100. John likes playing basketball.101. Mrs. Smith is dancing to the music now.102. Mike went to see a doctor because he had a cough yesterday.写作指导本文是记叙文。要求描绘暑假计划。时态应该采用将来 时,用第一人称书写。将所给的要

9、求在文中贯彻。One possible versionThis summer Ill graduate from the junior middle school and 2008 Beijing Olympic Games are coming. Im sure it must be very exciting.I like playing football best, so I ll spend lots of time watching Olympic football matches on TV. I like a lot of famous football players, but

10、 Ronaldo from Brazil is my favoite. He is very powerful, and he helps his team win so manymatches, such as the 2002 World Cup. I plan to play football in my school sports field every afternoon although itll be very hot in summer. Ill also go swimming with my parents once a week. Doing more sports wi

11、ll help me keep fit and be in good health. Then Ill have a better condition before I enter the senior middle school.Im looking forward to my summer vacation.听力录音材料1:Text l She is KateShe can play the guitar very wellText 2Tony wants to be a policeman because it its an exciting jobText 3My birthday i

12、s April l2Can you come to my birthday party?Text 4What a windy day!Would you mind closing the window?Text 5The post otfice is l ust across from the restaurant You cant miss it:Tlext 6M:Would you like some milk?W:N0,thanksBut Id like some orange juiceI like it bestQ:What,s the womans favorite drink?T

13、ext 7M:What are you doing here? W:Im waiting for my classmatesWe11 take the subway to Disneyland this morningQ:How will the girl go to Dismeyland?Text 8 M:Hi,Sarahdo you know the girl over there?W:The one with curly hair?Oh,thats our new art teacher She is so nice that we all like herQ:Who is the gi

14、rl with curly hair? Text 9 M:You look s6 C00lin this yellow sweaterW:Thank youIm glad to hear thatIn fact,green is my favorite,but the salesgirl said the green ones had been sold outQ:Which color does the girl like best?Text l0W:Tom ,you are so athleticDo you often do sports?M:YesI play basketball e

15、very dayAnd I go swimming twice a weekQ:How often does Tom play basketball?Text l lW:What time do you usually go to school? M:At 6:45And it,s about twenty minutes,walk for me to get to schoolQ:When does the boy usually go to school?Text l2M:What can I do for you,madam?W:1 want a cameraYou know,tomorrow is Fathers DayM:How about this one?You can take very nice pictures with itQ:What is the woman d


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