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1、学生关于家庭英语演讲稿My第一篇:学生关于家庭英语演讲稿Mfamilhello, everone, im liu dongdong. im a student. there are three people in M familM father, mother and i. M father is 40 ears old. he is a orker. i think he is a good orker. beause he orks ver hard. he gets up ver earl ever da and he orks for more than 10 hours a da.

2、so he is alas bus, he looks ver tired hen he gets home. he likes reading nespapers. he usuall reads it after supper. so he gets lots of nes. M mother is 38 ears old. she is a orker too. she orks in a ver small fator. she is not tall and she has to big ees. she loves me and she is good for me. she al

3、as bus some books for me. she ants me to be a top student. she also ares for M diet and life. i m 15 ears old. i ear glasses. i like reading. i alas read books after shool. i like singing, too. M favorite singer is ja hou. his musi is ver nie. hat do ou think of him? i also like making friends. if o

4、u ant to meet me, please rite to me. oh, M parents love me and i love them, too. M famil is a happ famil. 各位好,我是刘东懂。我是一名学生。有3 人在我的家人,我的父亲,母亲和我。 我父亲是 40岁。他是一名工人。我认为他是一个很好的工人。因为他的作品很难。他起床很早,他每天工作超过 10小时。所以,他总是很忙,他看上去很疲惫,当他回家。他喜欢阅读报纸。他通常晚饭后读取它。于是,他得到大量的新闻。 我母亲38岁。她是一个工人也。她的作品在一个非常小的工厂。她个子不高,她有两个大眼睛。她爱我

5、,她对我来说是很好的。她总是购买一些书籍对我来说。她希望我是一个顶端的学生。她还关心我的饮食和生活。 我 15岁。我戴眼镜。我喜欢阅读。我一直在学校读书。我喜欢唱歌,也。我最喜爱的歌手是周杰伦。他的音乐是非常好的。你觉得呢?我也喜欢结交朋友。如果你想和我会面,请写信给我。 噢,我的父母爱我,我也很爱他们。我的家庭是一个幸福的家庭。第二篇:英语演讲稿(M dream)students, guests , teahers and honorable judgesgood morning !M great pleasure to share M dream ith ou toda.hen i as

6、a hild, i anted to be a teaher. M father as a teaher, and he taught me a lot. i orshiped him ver muh. on M tenth birthda, he asked me, hat do ou ant to be hen ou gro up? i ansered proudl, i ant to be a teaher like ou! on hearing this, M father as ver happ and said to me, ork hard and our dream ill e

7、 true. not long ago, one of M primar shool teahers as ill. she anted me to take her plae for to eeks. i as glad but nervous. M father said to me, this is a good hane. seize it! i ish ou suess! hen i ame into the lassroom, the hildren ere ver happ. i introdued Mself to them. soon, i got on ell ith th

8、em. the all liked me and i loved them. ith M father and headmaster s help, i did the ork ver ell. no, i often miss those lovel hildren. that experiene had made me even more interested in being a teaher in the future. thank ou ver muh.第三篇:M dream 英语演讲稿 M dreamgood afternoon, everone! im sure everone

9、has a dream of his on. toda id like to share M dream ith ou.dream is a beautiful ord for me. hen i as a hild, i often thought i ould be a heroine to save the orld. as the time goes b, i have knoned the superman and the superoman is just a hilds fair tale. but its unimportant for me. i also ant to sa

10、ve our orld in M on a. at one point, i have onsidered being a dotor. in everones opinion the dotor an save people from death. but im a student ho is not learning anthing about hemistr and biolog. so this dream hardl es true. but i dont lose M heart, i had knon there are man jobs e an do if e ant to

11、save our orld. not onl to be a superman or a dotor, but also to be a volunteer.as e all knon, a peae-loving people ill inserted floers into the gunpoint; an environmentalists ill advise people to protet the environment. the ill tr their best to save our orld b their dail behavior. the are efforts of

12、 people. i env them, i think theare great. i ant to be a member of them; i ant to realize M dream.man people ill sa that i am dreaming a dream. save the orld is too far to ahieve for our senior high shool students. hoever i ant to sa its not far from our realit. einstein has ever said that “i kno no

13、t ith hat eapons orld ar iii ill be fought, but orld ar iv ill be fought ith stiks and stones.” e an see ho peae-loving people important for our life. though this is a fat someone ma sa that is also far from our life. as a student e onl to have lass everda then have some examinations. after man ears

14、 e ill have different jobs and have our families. but have ou ever thought about this: if e an not live till that time e have jobs or families? if 201X is a real future stor, hat an e do that time?no i ant to sa i have a dream that one da, e ill one da live in a orld here e ill not have an ars; i ha

15、ve a dream that one da, e ill live a orld here there is full of the floers and grass. i hope that da i hope is not far.第四篇:英语演讲稿 M dreamthe blue, the green and the fresh潘妹莺in63, martin luther king, jr. gave a speeh i have a dream to the negro,enourage them to fight for their equalit ith hite man. i

16、appreiate his brave, persistent and faith, and dream to be a person like him. toda, i find the distane beteen the realit and dream is a step-70 entimeters. hen i stand the honor plae, i tell a dream that i ill spend M hole life to make it e true.as e all kno, at the beginning of 201X, the fog and the haze la over most ities. most itizens, espeiall hildren, suffer from the respirator disease. the paper, analsis toards environmentall sustainable future state of



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