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1、初二英语上册考点精编Chapter 1考点 1: do sth. a lot / a lot of +可数复数、不可数名词例句:There are a lot of swimmers in the pool. 有许多游泳者在游泳池(L5, P7) 试题:She liked bread very much and she ate _.A. many B. very much C. a lot of D. a lot (D)考点 2:a few 肯定意义 / few 否定意义, 在反义疑问句中注意前否后肯,回答用事实判断法。例句:There are a few swimmers in the po

2、ol. 有一些游泳者在游泳池。(L5, P7)试题:1. There are few mistakes in your homework, _?A. do there B. dont there C. are there D. arent there ( C )回答:Yes, there are. I am a little careless. / No, there arent. Ive checked it twice.There are only _ apples. We should buy some.A. a little B. little C. a few D. few (C)(

3、only a little/few, just a little/few, very little / few )考点 3:a little/ little例句:There is a little water in the pool. 有一点水在游泳池(L5, P7)试题:There is very _water in the bottle.A. a little B. a few C. little D. few ( C )He was thirsty because he drank _ water.A. a little B. little C. few D. a few (C)考点 4

4、:turn off 注意代词 it / them 做宾语要中置例句: Turn that tap off. 关闭水龙头(L3, P7)试题:Turn that tap off. (写同义句)Switch that off.Dont forget to turn off the lights when you go out.Remember to switch off the lights when you go out.-The TV is too loud. Would you please_?A turn it down B turn down it C turn up it D. tur

5、n it up (A)When you leave the room, please _ the light.A. turn on B. turn up C. turn off D. turn down (C)另, sth. be on / off 的用法考点 5:感官动词+形容词, 区别 look happy 与 look at sth. happily例句:The voice sounded angry. 声音听起来很生气(L7, P7)试题: -I dont feel _. Maybe Im a little hungry.-The apple looks _. Do you want

6、to eat?A. good; good B. good; well C. well; well D. well; good (D)考点 6:until 肯定句中主句是 延续性动词例句:I waited here until you called me. 我一直等知道你叫我 (倒数 L11, P7)试题: I _watch TV _ I finished my homework.A. notuntil B. didntuntil C. wasntuntil D. /until (B)否定句的转换 I didnt go to bed until I finished my work. (写同义句

7、)I didnt go to bed before I finished my work.考点 7:freezefroze frozen例句:Daisy froze. 她惊呆了 (倒数 L5, P7)试题: She froze when she saw the car accident.She didnt move when she saw the car accident.考点 8:voice(人的声音), sound(声音), noise(噪音)Say in a low/ loud voice, That sounds good, too much noise/ much too nois

8、y例句:I heard the voices in there.我在那里听到了声音 (倒数 L4, P7)试题: The girl has a beautiful _, and she likes singing.A. sound B. voice C. noise D. face (B)考点 9:clean up=makeclean 注意代词 it / them 做宾语要中置例句:Then people clean me up. 洗干净 (L19, P7)试题: People cleaned the water up in the water treatment works.People m

9、ade the water clean in the water treatment works.考点 10:pollute=makedirty例句:Remember not to pollute me. 记得不要污染我 (倒数 L11, P7)试题:Dont pollute the water. (写同义句)Dont make the water dirty.Chapter 2考点 1:suggest例句:Tony suggested Joyce. Tony 建议 Joyce。 (L3, P17)试题:Joyce suggested that her father _ to see a fi

10、lm while Tom suggest _football match.A. went, watching B. went, to watch C. go, watching D. go, to watch (C)The doctor suggested that he should do more exercise. (写同义句)The doctor advised him to do more exercise.考点 2:take charge of 例句:Joyce took charge of the meeting. 负责会议 ( L6 P17)。试题:Jim took charg

11、e of the company. (写同义句)Jim was in charge of the company.考点 3:情态动词, ought to do = should do, 注意其反义疑问句例句: Ought we to discuss it now? 我们应该现在讨论吗? (L7, P21) 试题:-Ought we to pay the bill right now? -No, you _.A. ought not B. ought not to C. ought to not ( C )考点 4:talk it over 例句:Talk it over among yours

12、elves. 在你们当中展开思考(L14, P17)试题:Lets talk it over carefully.(写同义句)Lets discuss it carefully.Have you decided where to go for your holiday? No, we need to _ this weekend.A. talk it over B. talk it over C. vote it for D. elect for it ( A )考点 5:不可数名词和可数名词区别例句:Because she has experience. 因为她有经验(L3, P17)试题:

13、 She is an _ teacher because she has lots of _ in teaching.A. experiencing, experience B. experienced, experienceC. experiencing, experiences D. experienced, experiences ( B)考点 6:副词例句:We considered the last question briefly .我们简要地考虑最后一个问题 (L18, P17)试题:We considered the last question briefly. (写同义句)W

14、e thought about the last question in a few words.考点 7:decide to do例句:We decided to elect the chief editor. 我们决定选举主编(L2, P17)试题:Jim made a decision to study hard.(写同义句)Jim decided to study hard.考点 8:elect elect / choose / vote for sb. to be.例句:We decided to elect the chief editor. 我们决定选举主编(L2, P17)试题

15、:- Hi why are you so happy? -Because I was _ to be a chief editor.A .taken B. happened C. named D. elected ( D)考点 9:be free to例句:Should it be free to readers?应该对读者免费吗?(L16, P17)试题:The book is free to readers.The readers neednt pay for the book.考点 10:conclude例句:We agreed to conclude the meeting. 我们同意

16、结束会议(倒数 L3, P17)试题:We agreed to conclude the meeting. We agreed to finish the meeting. Chapter 3考点 1: 动词不定式 只能接不定式的动词: want , would like , would prefer , ask , wish, hope , expect agree ,decide, manage , plan, promise , choose , encourage, prepare , make up ones mind , try ones best , apply , offer happen ,learn , fail , refuse , afford.注意:个别动词带不定式和动名



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