2012高中英语一轮复习 Module5 Ethnic Culture课件 外研版选修7

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1、基础 知能 回扣,重点 难点 突破,With his money _, he couldnt go home . A. given out B. using upC. running out of D. running out【解析】选D。句意为:钱花光了,他回不了家了。run out“用光,耗尽”和money之间是主谓关系,因此用它的现在分词形式构成with的复合结构作状语。use up也有“用光、耗尽”的意思,但它是及物动词短语,如果选它应用used up形式。,单句改错Someone has fastened a notice up my door. Dont fasten your e

2、yes to a stranger for a long time. 答案:up to to on,He _ himself very quickly _ the climate of the country. A. adjusted; of B. adjusted; aboutC. adapted; with D. adjusted; to【解析】选D。句意为:他很快就适应了这个国家的气候。adjust oneself to. . . 使自己适应是固定搭配,因此选D。如果选C,则应该把with改为to。,Its wrong for a student to follow _ his teac

3、hers say. Its true. I cant agree _ . A. whatever; more B. no matter what; moreC. no matter what; much D. whatever; much【解析】选A。句意为:对学生来说,老师无论说什么他都听这是不对的。确实如此,我完全同意。B、C部分中的no matter what只引导状语从句,不引导主语或宾语从句,因此先排除,而I cant agree more是固定用法,意思是“我再同意不过了”。因此选A。,备考要点补充,The number of students in our class _ mor

4、e than 50 and the majority of them _ from the countryside. A. are; is B. are; areC. is; are D. is; is【解析】选C。考查主 谓一致。the number of. . . 的数量;的人数,用作主语时,其谓语动词应用单数;the majority of. . . 的大多数,用作主语时,其谓语动词取决于of后面的名词,此时them=students, 是复数可数名词,其后动词显然应用复数,故应选C。,用custom, habit及tradition的适当形式填空It is difficult to g

5、et used to another countrys custom . It is our tradition/custom to send New Years cards to friends. He has a habit of taking a walk after supper .,用furnish/furniture填空It will cost us a lot to furnish our new flat. We wanted some furniture to furnish this empty house. Judging from the poorly furnishe

6、d house, we can tell he must be leading a plain life.,完成句子有一个答录机你可以用。There is an answering machine for you to make use of . 和他谈话没一点用处,你只是在白费口舌。Its no use talking to him ; youll only waste your breath. 把这个拿走吧它对我没有用了。Take thisits of no use to me any more.,. 根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空run through; firm; furni

7、sh; in use; go on; custom; set off; come across; put up; vary1. They agreed to put two foreigners up over the weekend. 2. Opinions on this matter vary from person to person. 3. The small river runs through the whole city. 4. She was stopped at customs and questioned. 5. I have always been quite firm

8、 with my children. 6. He set off down the path towards the river.,7. I need a furnished flat . 8. The television set is still in use . 9. He has never come across a person like Tom. 10. She said nothing but just went on writing.,. 句型转换1. This is the most beautiful lake Ive ever seen in my life. I ha

9、ve never seen a more beautiful lake in my life. 2. His money used up, he had to ask his friends for help. His money running out , he had to ask his friends for help. 3. Its no use crying over the spilt milk. There is no point in crying over the spilt milk.,4. He has been away from his hometown for f

10、ive years. It is five years since he left his hometown. 5. However clever you are, you should study hard. No matter how clever you are, you should study hard.,. 单项填空1. I _ in the house which _ books and magazines. A. am used to live; used to keepingB. used to live; has been used to keepingC. have be

11、en used to living; was used to keepD. was used to live; is used to keep【解析】选C。考查use的用法。句意为:目前我已习惯于住在这所房子里,这所房子过去被用来放书和杂志。be used to doing sth. 表示习惯于做某事;be used to do sth. 某物被用来做某事;sb. /sth. used to do sth. . . . 过去常常,根据句意可知选C。,2. Its the _ of giving presents at Christmas in the Western countries. A.

12、 custom B. habitC. hobby D. tradition【解析】选A。句意为:在西方国家圣诞节时有给人送礼物的习俗。the custom of doing sth. 是固定用法,意思是“有做某事的习俗”。,3. Have we _ food? Yes,_ , wed better buy some. A. run out of; we have run it outB. run out of; our food has run outC. run out of; our food has been run outD. run out; our food has run out

13、,【解析】选B。句意为:我们的食品用完了吗?是的,已经用完了,我们最好买一些。run out of“用光,耗尽”,主语是人,用完的东西作它的宾语。而run out则需要用物作主语。因此选B。,4. Dont worry about the result of the election; _ of people are in favor of you. A. the most B. the minorityC. the majority D. the number【解析】选C。句意为:别为选举结果担忧,大多数人都支持你。如用most则说most people或most of the people; the minority少数,与句意不符;D项the number是的数量。故选C。,5. We shall be landing at Hongqiao Airport shortly, please _ your seat belts. A. fasten B. sharpenC. weaken D. strengthen【解析】选A。考查词义辨析。句意为:我们马上要在虹桥机场着陆,请系牢你们的安全带。A. 系紧,扎牢; B. 使锋利; C. 使变弱; D. 加强,使力量增大。由句意可知选A。,


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