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1、1Distinguishing Synonyms &Words Similar in Pronunciation and SpellingTable of ContentsA.2B .8C.10D .16E.20F.22G.23H.24I .25L.26M.27N .30O .30P.31Q .34R .34S.352T.38U.38V.38W.39Y.40Aarrogant adj. 傲慢的,自大的 arrogate v. 妄取,擅取 e.g. to arrogate to oneself sth: I do not arrogate to myself the right to decid

2、e. 我不擅自决定。arid adj.干燥的,少雨的 e.g. The arid desert landscape 干燥的沙漠地区 acrid adj.刺激的,苛刻的,严格的 e.g. stinging, acrid petrol fumes 刺鼻辛辣的汽油味acid adj.酸的 e.g. Add more sugar if it tastes too acid. 如果味道太酸就多加些糖。acme: n.顶点, 极致 e.g. reach the acme of perfection 十全十美 , 尽善尽美acne: n.痤疮, 粉刺 e.g. acne rosacea 酒糟鼻adversi

3、ty n.逆境,不幸 e.g. We struggle on in the face of adversity. 面对逆境我们继续努力。 adverse adj. 不利的, 有害的 e.g. The drug has so far had no adverse effect on patients.这种药物迄今还没有对病人产生不良反应。averse adj. 不愿意的,反对的 e.g. My parents are adverse to our picnic plans; they dont approve it.advert v.注意 advent n 出现 e.g. The advent

4、of the Euro will redefine Europe.欧元的出现将重新定义欧洲。adore: v.崇拜, 爱慕, ( 口语)喜爱 e.g. She adores mink coats.爱好貂皮大衣adorn 装饰 The walls were adorned with paintings. 墙上装饰了绘画 .decorate:使美观:为增添美;装饰 e.g. Virtue adorned his mind(John Ford)为他思想增添光彩的美德 (约翰 福特 )adapt: vt.使适应, 改编 e.g. a species that has adapted well to w

5、inter climes.很适应冬天气候的物种adopt: vt.采用, 收养 e.g. adopt a new technique.采用新技术 ; adopt a child 收为养子affectation n.做作,虚假 e.g. The new secretary is sincere and without affectation.affection n.爱 e.g. His gentleness and kind ways increased his colleagues affection for him.3alternate: adj.交替的 , 轮流的, 预备的;v. 交替, 轮流, 改变 e.g. showers alternating with sunshine.时晴时雨 ; alternated between happiness and depression.时而快乐,时而沮丧alternation: n. 改变, 变化 They


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