PEP Book 5 Unit 2 B Read and wri教案 说课稿 教学反思 课件

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1、61PEP Book5Unit2 My Days of the Week Part(B) Read and write教学目标与要求1.能够听、说、读、写两组四会掌握句子,What do you do on Saturdays? I watch TV on SaturdaysWhat about you? I do my homework并理解篇章意义。2.能读懂 Read and write 部分的对话。3.能读懂对话,并能根据实际情况替换句型熟练运用。4.懂得珍惜时间的重要性,合理利用周末,做到有张有弛、劳逸结合。重点 需要求学生重点掌握其中两组四会句型的认读和书写,并完成填充句子的练习。

2、难点 要求学生能结合所给句型替换关键词,在实际情景中熟练运用。教具 录音机及录音带,单词卡片和人物形象图片。教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Preparation准备活动1. Lets sing.【设计意图】音乐节奏感强,学生乐于接受,并能训练学生的乐感及听说技能。感觉与欣赏并存;放松与紧张并重。2. Lets read together.(齐读)I like school days, because I can study many things at school. There are seven days in a week. I go to school from Monday

3、to Friday. We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. On Mondays we have math, Chinese and music. On Tuesdays we have English and science. I like Wednesdays and Fridays, because we have computer class. I like computer class. I like my computer teacher. He is tall and cool. He is v

4、ery smart!【设计意图】学生在低年级学习语文时最常用的课前活动就是齐读一些内容,英语亦是如此,齐读可以锻炼学生合理地组织语言及运用语言的能力。3. Report .(做报告)学生作品:I love Saturdays and Sundays. I often do my homework, read books and watch TV on Saturdays. I often play computer games and play ping-pong on Sundays.【设计意图】学生作的报告是学生自我学习力的体现。62教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Pre-readi

5、ng阅读前活动1.Brainstorm:(头脑风暴)Its time to get up. Its time for homework.动词短语 名词短语当学生不时说出一些短语时,我们用“Yes, and?”来鼓劲他们继续。当学生说出类似“Its time to do homework”时,老师应作惊讶状,说“What? Its time to do homework.”【设计意图】 “头脑卷起风暴,在智力激励中开展创造!”头脑风暴法则攻无不克的威力让学生取得“倘若你有一种思想,我也有一种思想,而我们彼此交换这种思想,那么,我们每个人将各有两种思想”(萧伯纳语 )的双赢效果。同时,它也给学生

6、“学会合作”提供了良机。2.Game:Thats right or Thats wrong.(那就对了,那就错了的游戏 )身份:男名:女名:Rules:Thats right. Aunt Cathy Uncle BillThats wrong. Aunt Bill Uncle Cathy【设计意图】合理的情景创设为下一步的学习扫清了语言障碍。A: go to schoolgo to BeijingB: watch TVwatch flowers.C: read booksread English books.D: play computer gamesplay ping-pong.lunchb

7、reakfastEnglish classbedhouseworkmath classmusicsportsAunt UncleBill Mike Yifan Tantan Jack JohnCathy Sarah Hellen Young Shelley63教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案In-reading阅读中活动1.General reading 略读简单判断:Its 7:30. Its time to get up. ( )I watch TV on Saturdays. ( )2.Detailed reading 细读2.细读文章,并选择中下列问题的正确答案: What da

8、y is it today?A: Its Saturday. B: Its Friday. What do you do on Saturdays?A: I watch TV ,play computer games and do my homework. B: I play ping-pong, read books and listen to music.3.Read and write 读写填空Today is . I , ,and on Saturdays. My Aunt Cathy does homework ,too. She does housework.连词成句A: you

9、do do on Saturdays what (?)B: What you about (?)C: my I do too homework(.)4.Listen to the tape 听音看录像,听出主句型。模仿。5.Read aloud 朗读个人自由朗读小组合作朗读全体学生齐读64教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Post-reding阅读后活动1.表演【设计意图】在阅读后的扩展活动环节,要求学生全体参与,在真实自然的任务型活动中扩展运用阅读信息。2.Step by step (步步为营)I watch TV .(原级)I often watch TV .(加入副词 often)I

10、 often watch TV on Saturdays .( 加入时间状语)I often watch TV on Saturdays at home .(加入地点状语)I often watch TV on Saturdays at home with my best friend .(加入补语)I often watch TV on Saturdays at home with my best friend John.(加入同位语)【设计意图】整理成语言,形成一定的语言系统。这正如我们在低年级的时间练习的扩句一样。板书设计Book5 Unit2 My days of the week.

11、Part (B) Read and write.主句型:What do you do on Saturdays?I watch TV on Saturdays.What about you?I do my homework, too.思维拓展:Its time to get up.动词短语Its time for homework.名词短语65教学反思66家长签字: 组长评价: 教师抽查情况:能 力 测 试课堂达标一.Listen and judge.(听音判断)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二.Listen and choose. (听音选择 )( ) 1. A. Tuesday B

12、. Thursday ( ) 2. A. do housework . B. do homework ( ) 3. A. watch TV B. do sports ( ) 4. A. I play computer games on Sundays B. I often read books. ( ) 5. A. What do you do on Saturdays? B. What do you have on Saturdays?三.Read and choose.(读一读,选一选)( )1. I _TV on Sundays.A. watch B. see( )2.We often

13、_homework at home on Sundays.A .does B .do( )3.-What do you do on Sundays?-I often read books. What _you?A. are B. about( )4._day is it today?A. What B .Which( )5.Its time _get up.A. on B .to四.Read and judge(读文判断正误)On Sundays Wang Hua doesnt go to school. He often plays at home. He often helps mom d

14、o housework in the morning. In the afternoon he reads books and does his homework at home. Then he goes out to play football. In the evening after dinner, he watches TV with his parents. He loves Sundays. ( )1.Wanghua often plays at home.( )2.On Sundays he does his homework in the evening.( )3.On Sundays he reads books in the morning.( )4.He watches TV with his father and mother. ( )5.He doesnt help his mother do housework.家庭作业:1基础训练:第 14 页第题;第 16 页第,题; 第 17 页第 ,题2配套练习:第 12 页第九题;第 14 页第四,五,六,七题3拓展部分:上网,生活中的英语,收集预习内容:五.Previe



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