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1、第 1 页 共 9 页高考书面表达应试指导一 书面表达应试注意:(1)、仔细审题,看清题目要求与注意事项。(2)、确定文章类型,如是记叙文,一般用过去时,如是说明文,主要用现在时。(3)、看全内容要点,主要内容缺一不可。(4)、尽量写草稿,实在没时间也要写一个简略题纲。(5)、用你见过的句型来写,不生造中国式的英文。(6)、写好首句尾句,注意关联词语的使用。(7)、记叙文注意 who,what,where,when,which,why,how(8)、议论文注意论点论据(9)、可适当使用复杂结构和新颖词汇,但应以准确传达意思为第一原则。(10)、书写规范,卷面整洁也要重视。(11)一般十句话即可

2、达到字数要求(12)写完后要以短文改错的精神复核全文二 如何写出好的作文写作是高考试题中对学生相对较难的部分,它考查考生观察理解能力及运用语言能力。由于写作评分标准的改变,强调了词汇和句式的多样性,各地各校都很重视,学生们从各种渠道,特别是各种培训班学会了许多套话和程式化的写作套路。写文章时不管三七二十一,拿来就用。经常会看到有些同学的文章里除了几个背下来的句子或者连接词支撑着框架以外,填补空缺的是驴唇不对马嘴的从中文搬过来的词或词组,根本谈不上通顺的句子。而语言素质好些的同学则乱用套话,千人一面,千篇一律,不考虑场景是否合适。更顾不上准确连贯、逻辑合理地组织句子了。比如在一篇叙事的练习中,题

3、目要求写全家人去芭堤雅玩儿,现在海滨旅馆住下,然后第二天在海滩游泳,晚上在城里散步、吃饭;周末回去后拜访了祖父母。有同学就写到:firstly, we stayed at a seaside hotel. Secondly, we went to the beach to swim. Thirdly, we had a walk in town. 应该注意的是高考写作除了新提出的词汇和句式的多样性的要求,同时还一如既往地注意内容要点齐全,上下文的连贯,及语言使用的准确性。语言表达手段丰富,而且得体的文章才是漂亮文章。研究一下高考范文,看上去似乎平淡无奇,但细读下来无不语言精炼,结构紧凑,表第

4、2 页 共 9 页达方式多样,不愧是学生们学习的典范。另一方面,高考的范文中从来没有出现过夸张的吓人的冗长的套句,或是类似公司文件,法律文书似的套话,而是充分利用了学生们熟悉的日常生活中常用的,交际功能强大的各种基本句型及其相应的多变的表达方式。其结果是文章不仅达意、流畅,而且得体、生动。因此我们在进行高考写作训练时首先要求学生做到达意,包括两方面的含义,一要审清题目,把要点写全;二要理清思路,把要点之间的逻辑关系和内在联系,以及文章交流的对象弄明白,再表达清楚。从实践来看学生容易出错的地方是:在看图作文中注意不到图中重要细节,或看不出图与图之间的关系;在读数据,写分析评论的文章中不擅于分析数


6、对文字把握能力很强的学生才能写出有特色的漂亮文章。做到这点除了帮助学生熟悉高考大纲中常用的各类连接词(各校已经很重视,这里就不一一列举了)及其适用场合,更重要的是训练学生熟练掌握各种基本句型。句子是表达一个完整意思的最基本单位,是表达思想的灵魂所在。好的英语句子能够生动,形象,准确的表达内容。多变的句式,语法的活用,可以帮助作者灵活地穿越时空;自如地上下驰骋。 所以要想写出漂亮的书面表达,必须从写好句子开始。研究各地高考范例,我们不难发现以下基础句型往往频繁出现。学生们不妨多加练习,定可在考试时助大家一臂之力。1 功能强大,表现力丰富的 with 短语如:It is a small flat

7、of 25 square meters, with a bedroom, a bath room, and a kitchen.With the prices of cars going down, more and more families have bought cars of their own.With the development of Internet, more and more people tend to send electronic cards instead of paper ones at the festivals time.With a knife in hi

8、s hand, the man forced me to give him my bag.可以用于写物,写人,写地点,以及简单议论。2 倒装句第 3 页 共 9 页如:Such is Yu Wei, a diligent and successful man.So attractive were the games that we couldnt tear ourselves away from them.Only in this way can we avoid suffering from the pressure of exams.既可以突出重点,又可以配以定语从句或同位语,巧妙地进行时

9、空转换。是用来描写对比变化的绝佳句式。如:On the other side, where the playground used to be now stands another new building - our library.3 while 句型如:What the boys like to do most is to become businessmen and scientists. While the girls favourite work is to be teachers.既可在议论中介绍不同观点,又可在叙事中描述不同动作。4 too to 句型如:They believ

10、e its too early to include an oral part in NMET now when the spoken English of most students is not good enough.Im too frightened to speak.用于描述,生动形象。5 not onlybut also 句型如:She not only studied hard but also was ready to help others.They argue that setting off firecrackers may not only cause air and

11、noise pollution, but also do damage to human health and property.6 省略句如:Now the poor houses have been replaced by green trees and the brick yard by tall buildings.They needed the wood for its walls and branches and leaves for its roof.是使文章简洁、紧凑,跌宕起伏的重要法宝。第 4 页 共 9 页7 名词性从句如:Fortunately, in time of d

12、anger, what the teacher said in a lecture on how escape when a fire breaks out ran through my mind.适用面广,涵盖内容丰富。是表达思想内容的绝对必要手段。8 比较级如:The number of cars keep increasing very fast, but we have not as many new roads as are need.In 1990, college students spent less than two hours in a week on computers.

13、 是不得不会的基础句式。9 复合结构如:I think it necessary for the young to learn how to use computer in the age of knowledge.The decrease of the car prices makes it possible for ordinary people to own their own cars.同样是使文章简洁、紧凑的重要法宝。10 强调句如:It was not until the government officials and the policemen came that such w

14、rong doings were stopped.给人以泰山压顶般的隆重感觉,让人不得不重视你表达的重点。11 when如:At a stand, a woman was buying an ice-cream, when a young man behind her snatched her bag away.I was walking along Park Road towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street.刻画人物活动栩栩如生,仿佛亲临其境。12 附加

15、成分On the lake, now clean and clear, the villagers often spend their spare time boating and fishing.第 5 页 共 9 页More importantly, with the popularity of electronic cards, less paper is used for making paper cards, which contributes to the environment protection.以插入语,定语从句,同位语或从句为主;看似不经意间把许多重要信息如行云流水般揉进

16、主句,娓娓道来,不留人工痕迹。13 分词短语如:Well mostly stay at home in the evening watching TV, playing games, and meeting people.既体现学生语言能力又好掌握的高级表达方式。14 there be 句型如:There are many web sites on line where different varieties of cards are available.句型简单,但蕴藏丰富变化,如还可以变为:there is sure to be; there happen to be; there seems to be; there used to beetc. 另外还可以与非谓语动词或定语从句配合使用,将更多内容整合在一起。15 before 句型如:Before we knew it, we had to say goodbye to the workers.



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