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1、摘要部分的语言特点,1. 摘要中动词语态与人称代词的应用2. 摘要各部分时态的应用3. 摘要中平行结构的应用4. 摘要中倒装的应用5. 摘要中省略形式的应用6. 关键词,1. 摘要中动词语态与人称代词的应用,国际ISO214-1976(E)文献工作-供出版及文献处理的文摘中指出:“尽量采用主动语态,因为主动语态有助于文字清晰、简洁及有力的表达。然而,在指示性以及报道性摘要中,为强调动作承受者,也需被动态动词。” 标准强调:“除非采用第一人称可避免语句结构繁琐累赘而更易于理解,一般采用第三人称。” 在人称代词与动词语态方面,医学论文摘要常见以下表达方式:,(1)在英文摘要中,编者、著作者,无论单

2、、复数,常用复数第一人称we,以避免文字冗长及动词与动作执行者之间的关系表达不清。谓语用主动语态。,我们报道了一例肾盂淀粉样变性与两例膀胱淀粉样变性,并讨论了淀粉样蛋白形成的免疫学及淀粉样变性的治疗问题。We describe a patient with amyloidosis of renal pelvis and two patients with urinary bladder amyloidosis, and discuss immunology of amyloid formation and treatment of amyloidosis.,(2)主语用the author 或

3、 the authors, 谓语用主动语态。我们(作者)介绍了264例继发性肾血管性高血压的治疗经验。The author presents the experience with 264 patients with secondary renovascular hypertension.,(3)主语用this report, this paper, this study, this article, 谓语用主动语态。本文报道了一种评价睡眠性呼吸暂停的方法,并介绍了用该方法对两例患者详细研究的结果。This paper reports a method of evaluating sleep

4、apnea, and presents two cases fully studied by this method.,(4)表达论文主要内容、方法和结论,常用第一人称主动语态。我们报道两例心脏血管肉瘤。We describe two cases of angiosarcoma of the heart.我们用氨苄青霉素治疗这位病人,剂量为每天4克。We treated the patient with Penbritin in a dosage of 4g/day.我们的结论是内镜超声对食管癌术前 TN病理诊断颇有帮助。We conclude that endoscopic US (ultr

5、asonography) is useful in preoperative TN staging of esophageal tumors.,(5) 英文摘要中使用第一人称主动语态比较常见,但为了强调动作承受着,突出行为对象,着重客观事实的叙述,主语常用第三人称,句中谓语动词常用被动语态。 对35例早期胃癌的治疗结果进行了分析。 The results of treatment of early gastric carcinoma were analysed in 35 patients.,2. 摘要各部分时态的应用,2.1 背景部分的时态要求(1)在报道性摘要中,介绍研究背景常用一般现在时

6、,表明作者写论文或论文发表时的情况。eg.1.The Legionnaires disease (LD) bacterium can now be readily cultured on artificial media. Studies were done to define the growth and survival of the LD bacterium in these media and ascertain its susceptibility to disinfecting agents. 军团病菌(LD)现已能通过人工培养获得。本研究的目的是查明LD菌在这种培养基中的生长情况

7、及存活时间,并弄清它对各种消毒剂的敏感性。,eg. 2. About 50 cases of leptospirosis are diagnosed each year in the United Kingdom,with an overall mortality of 5%. Renal failure,in association with jaundice,is commonly held responsible for this figure. Over a period of 18 years,6 cases of leptospirosis complicated by renal

8、 failure were treated at the Royal Air Force Renal Unit; there were 4 survivors. 英国每年确诊为螺旋体病约50例,总死亡率达5%。造成这些死亡的原因一般认为是肾功能衰竭合并黄疸。18年来,有6例合并肾功能衰竭的患者在皇家空军肾病科进行治疗,有4例存活。,(2)在报道性摘要和文献综述摘要中,介绍本文的主题或内容一般用现在时。这类动词常用的有: report, describe, present(提出,介绍), discuss, study, review(综述,评),outline(概述), focus, empha

9、size, stress(强调)等。 eg.1. In this paper, we report the effect of plasma exchange in a patient with this syndrome. 本文报道一例这种综合征患者血浆置换疗法的效果。 eg.2. A case of a 27 -year old man who developed anemia after fracture of sella turcica is reported. 本文报道一例27岁患者在蝶鞍骨折后发生贫血。,eg.3.The authors present 7 cases of dis

10、seminated intravascular coagulation. 本文报道了7例弥漫性血管内凝血病。 eg.4.A series of 16 patients with small cell undifferentiated bronchogenic carcinoma is also presented. 本文还报道了16例小细胞未分化支气管癌。 eg. 5. The role of colonoscope in the management of 100 cases of suspected large bowel tumour is described. 本文报道结肠镜检查对10

11、0例拟诊为大肠肿瘤的诊断价值。,eg 8.The problem of diagnose hyperthyroidism in the presence of thyroxine-binding globulin excess is discussed. 本文讨论了甲状腺结合球蛋白过多时的甲状腺机能亢进的诊断问题。 eg 9. This article reviews the pertinent(相关的) biology of these viruses and recent studies of their possible role in SLE (systemic lupus eryth

12、ematosus) . 本文综述了有关这些病毒的生物学及其对系统性红斑狼疮 潜在作用的最近研究。,eg 10. The importance of recognizing pseudomyocardial infarction in hyperkalemia is emphasized to distinguish from true myocardial infarction. 本文着重谈了识别高钾血症患者假性心肌梗塞的重要性, 以便与真性心肌梗塞相鉴别。 eg 11. The diagnostic importance of the isolation of Sponrothrix sch

13、enckii from cerebrospinal fluid, even if only from a single specimen,is stressed. 本文特别强调了从脑脊液分离出申克氏子包子丝菌在诊断上的重要意义,即使只有一个标本也是如此。,介绍本文的内容,除用上述动词外,还可用系动词be。 如本文是一篇报道,或本文是一篇分析等句式中的是均要用现在时。 eg 12. This study is a description of a patient who exhibited diabetic ketosis associated with an alkalosis(碱中毒) ra

14、ther than acidosis(酸中毒) and a review of eight previously reported cases. 本文报道一例有碱中毒而不伴有酸中毒的糖尿病酮症患者,并对既往报道的8例作了综述。,eg 13. The present study is a prospective analysis of 78 consecutive patients undergoing coronary operation without venting of the left ventricle. 我们对78例施行冠状动脉手术而不做左心室开孔的患者进行了前瞻性研究。,(3)

15、介绍研究背景有时用现在完成时表达,表示持续到撰写论文时的行为和状态。 eg 1. The toxic effects of acute or chronic use of alcohol on cerebral and hepatic function have long been recognized, but it has been thought that the heart was not similarly affected. 暴饮或长期饮酒对脑和肝脏的毒性作用久已为人们所知,但人们一直认为对心脏并无类似影响。 eg 2. The patients have been followe

16、d for 15 to 32 years since the beginning of their disease.这些病人发病以来已随访了15-32年。,背景部分的常用表达:已有报道 .have/has been reported.有记载 has been recorded.已证明 There is evidence that It has been proved that我们报道 We report/describe In this paper we report本文报道了is/are resented/reported/described.本文讨论/综述了 is/are discussed/reviewed.报告了的现状 The present situation of is reported/presented.,


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