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1、 华侨大学 硕士学位论文 陆游诗歌的思想内涵及艺术成就 姓名:陈文质 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:中国古代文学 指导教师:许总 20100601 摘 要 陆游是中国伟大的爱国诗人,南宋诗坛爱国主义诗派的一个光辉代表,在中 国文学史上有崇高的地位,有“小李白”之称。他的诗歌抒写了抗金杀敌的豪情 壮志,对敌人、卖国贼的仇恨,诗歌慷慨激昂、雄奇奔放、沉郁悲壮,在思想上 和艺术上有很高的成就,其诗被人们称为“诗史” 。 陆游诗歌洋溢着爱国主义激情,爱国情怀,心系祖国、忧国忧民融化到诗篇 中,反映当时的社会现状,战乱频繁,争权夺利,权奸当道,帝王无能,人民处 于贫困交加之中,广大有识之士被排斥到社会下层。

2、 祖国的大好河山被分裂,北方广大人民遭受民族压迫,而南宋小朝廷却屈膝 事敌,不思恢复,这种奇耻大辱,是广大人民和爱国志士所不能容忍的。雪耻御 侮,恢复失地,是爱国志士的抱负。 诗歌中或直抒胸怀或含蓄寄意的爱国情怀,也体现在关注劳动人民的疾苦。 他深入到人民生活中去,曾先后在农村度过了三十多年的时间,与人民朝夕相处, 对人民的愁苦酸辛有深切的了解。 在对人民苦难与不幸深切同情的同时,也热爱人民的生活,歌颂他们的好事 物。陆游一生仕途坎坷,命运多舛,冷酷的现实在其笔下多有体现。诗歌也以幻 想梦境,寄托报国理想,寻找实现自我理想的人生价值。 诗人看到的是苦难,体会的是悲愁,引发而为诗,当然悲苦有加。

3、中国诗人 最懂得“美在伤感”引人怜悯的情怀,在自己首先被感动的艺术良知的激发下, 他们写下了自己的忧虑,以图打动读者,唤起共鸣! 关键词:陆游诗歌;爱国思想;艺术成就 ABSTRACT Lu you, the greatest Chinese Patriotic poet, is one of the glorious representative of patriotism poetry in Nansong Dynasty. Called “ Junior Libai ” by people, he is in a noble position in Chinese literature

4、history. His poem is impassioned, ebullient and full of solemnes, which reflects the high aspiration of fighting with offenders from Jin Country and great hatred of the enemy and traitor. Regarded as the “ poem history ”, his poem gain pretty high achievement in ideological and art realm. Lu Yous po

5、em is full of patriotism, where you could find his great emotion and big worry of his motherland and people. His work is the mirror of that society: frequent wars, power maneuver struggle for benefit, treachous court officials in power and incompetent king. People were in straitened circumstances an

6、d the intellectuals were pushed to the lowest elass. Facing country secession and people oppression, Nansong court bent their back znd lowered their heads to the invader. Great people and patriots could not bear this burning shame .They were full of ambitions to take the avenge and recover the lost

7、land. The plain or implicit emotion of the poem shows his great concern with the sullering of working people. He went deep into their lives . From time to time , he spent over thirty years of his life in countryside and lived with the peasants from morning till evening. So he got a deep understandin

8、g of the worry and suffering of the working people. While showing his sympathy for their misery, he adored their life and praised their good deeds. Lu Yous whole life is full of frustration and unpredictable change . He used an illusion or a dream in his poem to express his patriotism idea and seek

9、the value of life about self-ideal under the cruel reality. What the poet saw is the misery; What the poet felt is sadness. What the poet created is the poem. Chinese poets fully understand the most pitiful thing is that “ Beauty exists in the sentimental ”. Under self-encouragement by artistic insp

10、iration, they write down their concerns to fire up their readers and share the feelings! Key Words: Lu yous poem ,Patriotic thinking ,Artistic achievement 原创性声明 本人声明兹呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下完成的研究成 果。论文写作中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究内容,如参考 他人或集体的科研成果,均在论文中以明确的方式说明。本人依法享 有和承担由此论文所产生的权利和责任。 学位论文作者签名: 日期: 学位论文版权使用授权声明 本人同意授权华侨大学有权保留并向国家机关或机构送交学 位论文和磁盘,允许学位论文被查阅和借阅。 论文作者签名: 指导教师签名: 签 名 日期: 签 名 日期: 引 言 引 言 中国在历史上是一个“诗的国度” 。古典诗歌是中国传统文化的一朵奇 葩,古典诗歌顾名思义应有时代典范的意思,也就是指古代作家文档加载中.广告还剩秒


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