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1、1、我们去攀岩、滑雪,骑马,蹦极,近距离观察本土动物,了解到一种濒临灭绝的“狂欢”青蛙,还欣赏了古老的原住民岩石艺术。We went rock climbing,skiing,horse riding,bungee jumping and looked local animals closely and knew about a kind of endangeredrevelryfrog and appreciated the old rock art of indigenous people.2、我们还在马兰比季河走廊(Murrumbidgee River Corridor)中游泳、钓鱼和野

2、营。We also went swimming,fishing and camping in the Murrumbidgee River Corrdor. 3 我们还游览了在堪培拉的国会山和首都山之间有一个人工湖,它叫做“格里芬”湖,是以建造首都坎培拉的一位设计师华特.格里芬的名字命名的。We visited a artificial lake as well between Parliament Hill and Capital Hill in Canberra called LakeGriffinand it named by the designers name who is call

3、ed Walter Griffin .4、在格里芬湖,我们租船在湖水中荡浆,之后又在湖四周的沿岸上在散步,自由自在。In lake Griffin,we rent a boat rowing in the lake ,then we walk alone the coast around the lake at ease.5、我们去的时候恰逢澳大利亚最大的花卉节,百万朵小花让整个堪培拉充满活力。When (we )go there coinciding with the biggest Flower Festival in Australia,millions of flowers make

4、Canberra be fulled with energy.6、花卉节每年呈现不同的主题,也可参与展览会和现场音乐会。The Flower Festival theme varies from year to yera ,we also can attend the exhibition and the living concert.7、那时也正是堪培拉热气球节(Canberra Balloon Fiesta) ,五彩缤纷的热气球布满堪培拉的天空。It is also Canberra Balloon Fiesta at hat time,colorful hot air balloons

5、are filled the sky in Canberra.8、我们还坐热气球从高空欣赏其震撼全貌和完美的艺术感。We also fly a hot air balloon to appreciate its Stunning and perfect sense of art.9当地特色菜是用一种坚果、水果、香料及梅子上加肉类及海鲜做成的烩饭。The local special dish is risotto made with a kind of nut,fruit,spices,plum plus meat and seafood.10、在这里,午餐是本地传统制作,各种美味会让你食欲大增

6、。品尝新鲜的美食,喝着醇香咖啡,欣赏街头艺人的表演。悠闲自在At here,lunch maked by the Local tradition way and a variety of delicious food can make your appetite improved dramatically.Tasting the fresh and delicious food,drinking the mellow coffee and enjoying the show of buskers are leisure and carefree.11、另外,在堪培拉可以品尝到世界各地的菜肴,如

7、当地土著菜肴、阿拉伯菜、英国菜、意大利菜和中国菜等。其中,中国餐馆占有主导地位。In addition,you can taste dishes around the world in Canberra,such as local native dish,Arab cuisine,British cuisine,Italian cuisine,Chinese food and so on.Among ththe Chinese restaurant occupied the dominant position.12、由于中国有着悠久的美食文化,所以中餐在世界上享有盛名,当然澳洲也不例外,许多的

8、澳洲居民都喜欢在周末邀上朋友和家人一起去中餐馆享用世界级的烹饪美食。Due to China has a long history of food culture,Chinese food enjoy the high reputation in the world,of course, there is no exception to Austrilia ,many Australia residents like to invite friends and family members to enjoy the world-class culinary food in Chinese Re

9、staurant at weekend.13、在堪培拉的餐厅,我们有机会品尝到名产,纯牛奶喂饲的小羊、纯谷物喂养的牛和彩虹鳟鱼。In the Canberra restaurant,we have chances to taste the famous specialty,like pure milk-fed lamb,grain-fed cattle and rainbow trout.14、堪培拉的酒店不多,但都比较高档,普通的旅馆每晚住宿在100-150澳元左右。The number of the hotel in Canberra is not much,but all of them

10、 are upscale,ordinary hotels accommodation about 100-150 AUD one night.15、热闹非凡的本土土产购物地点完全盖过了大型商场和国际品牌的风头。A bustling local indigenous shopping place completely covers the limelight of large shopping malls and international brands.16、我们在附近的朗斯代尔街继续闲逛,发现一些好玩古怪的贺卡,特别的花瓶,或是选购堪培拉时尚设计师们的衣服和配饰。We still wande

11、ring around the Lonsdale Street and find some interesting and eccentric cards,special vases,or chooseto buy clothes and ornaments designed by Canberra fashion .17、堪培拉人气很高的旧公车站集市拥有非常鲜明的社区特色,这里有超过200个摊位,出售家居用品、手工制作的珠宝首饰、艺术品、服装、家具和玩具以及本地土特产和葡萄酒。There is an old bus station High popularityin Canberra hav

12、e a very bright community characteristics,more than 200 booths here,sell fitting,handmade jewelry,artwork,clothes,furnitures,toys,local specialty and wine.18、首都地区农夫市场(Capital Regional Farmers Market)也在每个星期六早上开放,出售水果、蔬菜、植物、鲜花、海鲜、肉类和奶酪。Capital Regional Farmers Market also opens in every Sat morning se

13、lling fruit,vegetable,planes,flowers,seafood,meat and cheese.19、这两个星期,我在堪培拉像本地人那样购物,这里集中了本地出产的食物和美酒以及手工艺品,你能在这找到一切东西,我十分满足。This two week,we go shopping in Canberra like native ,there togethered the local produce food,wine and handicraft subjects,everything you can find here,Im very satisfied.20、还了解到园艺知识,还很特别的在花丛中观看电影, 听导游说花卉节每年迎接 400,000多名本地、各州及各国的参观者。 好酷We also learned about some gardening kownlege,watching movies in the special flowers ,listening the guide sayed that the Flower Festival meeting more than 400,000 visitors come form local,states and International every year.So cool.


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