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1、期中复习题型,一、听力二、单项选择三、完形填空四、阅读理解 五、改错六、配对七、句型转换八、首字母填空九、作文,听力部分25%,单项选择,( ) 1. These are my _. A. parent B. father and mother C. father D. mother( ) 2. Look! This is a photo _ my family. A. at B. for C. on D. of( ) 3. Here _ a nice watch. A. are B. is C. am D it,完形填空,A: Excuse _36_, whats _ 37_ name, p

2、lease?B: My name is Kate Green. And _38_ your name?A: Wang Hong. Nice _39_meet you.B: Nice to meet you, too.A: Whats this _40_ English ?B: Its a photo.A: _41_ do you spell it?B: P-H-O-T-O.A: _42_ this your father?B: Yes, _43_ is.A: Is this your _44_?B: No, she isnt. _45_ is my aunt.,( ) 36. A. my B.

3、 me C.I D. you( ) 37. A. my B. his C. your D. you( ) 38 A. how B. what C. is D. whats( ) 39.A. too B .to C. two D. tow( ) 40 A. is B. it C. in D. on( ) 41.A. how B. What C. How D. what( ) 42. A. Is B. Are C. It D. is( ) 43.A. her B. his C .he D. she( ) 44. A. brother B. grandfather C. uncle D. mothe

4、r( ) 45 A. She B. He C. His D. Her,阅读理解,A:Good afternoon , Cindy!B:Good afternoon , Bill !A:Is this your jacket , Cindy ?B:No , it isnt . Its my sisters. My jacket is red . Oh , my sister is Alice .A:Oh ,is this green pen Alices ?B:Yes , it is . My pen is blue .A:Whats that , Cindy ?B:Its a book . I

5、ts Miss Browns. Oh, Miss Brown is my biology(生物) teacher . ( )46.这两人的对话发生在_。A. evening B. afternoon C. morning,改错,Whats you name? ( )_,A,B,C,配对,( ) 56. How are you? A. No, she isnt. ( ) 57. Good morning! B. Fine, thanks.( ) 58 Do you have a ball? C. Its a pen.( ) 59. Whats her name? D. Amy.( ) 60. W

6、hat color are the pens? E. Nice to meet you!( ) 61. Nice to meet you! F. Good morning!( ) 62. Is this a green pen? G. Yes, I do.( ) 63. Whats this in English? H. Yes, it is.( ) 64. Wheres the pen? I. Theyre green.( )65. Is she your mother? J. Its in the bag.,句型转换,71Her phone number is 386782 .(对画线部分

7、提问) _ _ her phone number ?72.I am Jack Miller .(改为同义句) _ _ Jack Miller .73. That is his cell phone .(变为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) _ that his cell phone ? _ , it is .74.Is this your mothers watch ?(作否定回答) _ , it _ .75.These are my friends .(变为否定句)_ _ my friend,首字母填空,16. Jeff and Helen are Jims p_. Jim is their so

8、n.17. The boy is not my brother. He is my good f_.18. Lily and Lucy are my c_. Their mother is my aunt.19. Thats a photo of my f_. Look, these are my father and mother.20. Mr Green is Kates father and Kate is his d_.21. Whats your t_ number? Its 620-3569. 22. Do you know the answer to this q_?23. L_! Thats my English book.24. This is a boy. H_ name is Alan.25. T_ for your help.,作文一,假设你是Mike,在路上见到了你的同学Jack和他的朋友Jim, Jack把Jim 介绍给你。 你们见面后相互问好。请你把你们的对话写下来。,作文二,介绍自己的大家庭,


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