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1、 专注于收集历年试题试卷和答案1浙江省 2002 年 4 月高等教育自学考试旅游英语试题课程代码:06010.Fill in the spaceA. Insert the word or phrase in the blank that will make each sentence correct:(5%)1.When a person makes a _at a hotel, the hotel holds a room for him. 2.It is important for the hotel management to know which and how many rooms

2、are _each day so they can be available for arriving guests.3.A coffee shop serves _meals or snacks.4._are groups or totals of numbers telling about things. In tourism, they are important tools for planning.5.A(n)_advertisement about a region may show the scenery and some of the customs of the countr

3、y, but it does not tell about accommodations or tours.B. Select the correct word or phrase from the list below to complete each of the following sentences:(5%)A. notify B. warn C. represent D. push E. range1.Before the guests left for the resort, the concierge would _the resort manager that they wer

4、e coming by train.2.Passenger service agents_ _their countrys airline and serve passengers.3.If someone is wearing or carrying something made of metal, a signal bell or buzzer goes off to _the officers.4.Hotels_from very small, sometimes with no more than 10 to 20 rooms to extremely large, luxury ho

5、tels with hundreds of rooms.5.If you need the stewardess for anything, just_the call button.C.Choose the word or phrase to complete each sentence:(10%)1.When a flight attendant needs to speak privately to the pilot, he or she uses the( ).A. public address system B. intercomC. radio D. telephone2.Peo

6、ple( )products when they bring them in from other countries for resale within the country.A. import B. exportC. complete for D. inspect3.People on vacation often go to( )to rest or play or to meet other people.A. major cities B. airportsC. resorts D. ground transportation4.A hotels( )comes from paym

7、ents made for the use of its rooms and other facilities.A reservations B. fileC. income D. responsibility5.All of the following are located in Mt. Huangshan except( ).A. Lotus Flower Peak B. Bright SummitC. Heavenly Capital Peak D. Yuan Touzhu6.The airlines advertise the( )of their flights.A. regula

8、r B. regularlyC. regulate D. 专注于收集历年试题试卷和答案27.Most tourists are not rich and come( ) vacation from their jobs.A. for B. atC. on D. of8.The( )of the people of a country can be affected badly if tourism is not planned properly.A. well-being B. staplesC. hospitality D. attractions9.( )examine the trav

9、el and identification documents of all people entering a country.A. Customs officials B. First officersC. Customs inspectors D. Immigration officers10.To be( ), a company must make more money than it needs for expenses.A. profitable B. accommodatingC. hospitable D. properly run.Match each word or ph

10、rase in the column on the left with its meaning in the column on the right:(10%)1.keyed up( ) A. beginning2.scold ( ) B. a short, familiar way of saying someones full name3.dresser ( ) C. accompany, or go with, someone4.nickname( ) D. a piece of furniture with drawers for clothing5.formal ( ) E. to

11、take things off a table after people finish eating6.clear ( ) F. to be very excited, tense, and restless7.entry-level( ) G. people are expected to dress and behave according to certain rules8.diorama ( ) H.to come into a country with the intention of settling there9.escort ( ) I.to speak to someone

12、in anger or disappointment10.immigrate( ) J.a small-sized model of the entire city and the countryside around it.Indicate whether each of the statements is true(T) or false(F):(15%)( )1.The most important job of the flight attendants is the safety and comfort of the passengers.( )2.The place where t

13、he pilot sits to fly the plane is called the cockpit.( )3.At the end of the flight, passengers use their airline tickets to locate and identify their luggage.( )4.A validated ticket means that the passenger has paid for it and that the airline must provide transportation.( )5.A reservation card is p

14、roof that a reservation was made.( )6.Beijing Opera-developed from local operas in Anhui and Hebei provinces-has now become the most influential and popular opera in China.( )7.Mt. Lushan, situated in the north of Jiangsu Province, is one of Chinas famous scenic spots.( )8.CIT uses schedules airlines that operate according to demand or need for service.( )9.Cruises are intended for quick travel rather than for pleasure.( )10.The advantage“accessibility” of the package tou



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